Table of Contents:
Indoor Allergens Part 1: Dust Mites and Pets
Video taken from the channel: 4AI4YOU
Do’s and Don’t for Allergies
Video taken from the channel: Beauty Within
Tips to ease your seasonal allergies
Video taken from the channel: Sunnybrook Hospital
Video taken from the channel: Emerson Nails
How To Survive Spring Allergies — And Prevent Them Before Symptoms Start | TODAY
Video taken from the channel: TODAY
What Are Pollen Allergies and How Can You Manage Them?
Video taken from the channel: National Jewish Health
What Causes Food Allergies?
Video taken from the channel: Seeker
Can you be allergic to your shoes? You can have a reaction to a wide variety of adhesives, rubber chemicals, and leather treatments used in shoes and insoles. Often, the allergy produces contact dermatitis or contact urticaria. This is itchy, painful, and distressing to those who experience it.
Glues and Resins Butylphenol formaldehyde resin is a common cause of shoe allergy caused by glues and resins. This resin is used to glue together various parts of shoes, particularly leather and rubber parts shoes.Shoe contact dermatitis, or what is also known as shoe allergies, can affect those who sweat in their feet and is treated by foot creams.
Shoe Allergies and How to Avoid Them.The chemical often used as an adhesive that can trigger your allergy is butylphenol formaldehyde resin. The chemical that attaches all the parts of a shoe together could be the harmful substance to your skin. So if you’re developing an allergic reaction to this adhesive, avoid it as much as possible.
The most common substances that trigger shoe allergy are found in leather, in leather glues, and in rubber glues. Other triggers may be metals, dyes in the socks or shoes, the chemicals in soaps and moisturizers, and even medications used on the rash [such as antibiotic creams or antifungal creams].Try to find out which type of material is causing you allergy and then avoid those type of shoes. If you cannot stop wearing shoes then do wear thick socks to avoid allergy. Limit time period of wearing shoes.
Do not wear shoes when doing sports activities. Note. Don’t try to treat shoe allergy at home.
You must first take doctor’s prescription.Allergy may be due to the chemicals found in the material that the footwear is made from, e.g. leather or rubber, from glues used to hold the shoe together, or from decorations applied to the shoe.Several research studies confirm that people have allergies to a wide variety of adhesives, rubber chemicals, and leather treatments used in shoes and insoles. Often, the allergy produces contact dermatitis or contact urticaria. This is itchy, painful and distressing to sufferers.
Shoe allergies are a form of dermatitis caused skin contacting allergens (irritants) in shoes and socks. Symptoms include inflammation, burning sensation, blisters, itching, fissuring (cracks in the skin) and sometimes secondary infection. Long term exposure to an allergen may result in the skin becoming thick, red and scaly.In order to add more shoe manufacturers to the existing lists and to create new lists for people suffering from different types of shoe allergies I need your help!
If you’re willing to email a few shoe manufacturers to ask them whether a particular allergen is used in their shoes, please let me know.Seasonal allergy signs and symptoms can flare up when there’s a lot of pollen in the air. These steps can help you reduce your exposure: Check your local TV or radio station, your local newspaper, or the Internet for pollen forecasts and current pollen levels.Shoe allergy is a common form of contact dermatitis of the feet. However, it must be distinguished from other forms of foot allergy and inflammation that also occur frequently. It is a very common occurrence among children who need to be well educated about personal care in order to prevent this condition.
The best way to prevent the contact dermatitis is to avoid the reaction-inducing shoes. Often times, this simply means trying the new shoes for a few hours and returning them if they cause issues. If you happen to be one of those who suffers with an uncomfortable and inconvenient allergy to your shoes, know that there are treatments to relieve.Mite bites are often hard to identify.
You might not feel the bite until after it happens or notice the mite when it bites. Not knowing what’s biting you can be frustrating and a little unnerving.Animal dander, mold, and dust may all be irritating culprits. Pollen and other pollutants can also come in on the bottoms of shoes and through open windows.
Carpet fiber, padding, and the glue.
List of related literature:
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from Andrews’ Diseases of the Skin E-Book: Clinical Dermatology | |
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from Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology | |
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from Fisher’s Contact Dermatitis | |
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from Primary Care of the Child With a Chronic Condition E-Book | |
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from Contact Dermatitis | |
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from Handbook of Occupational Dermatology | |
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from Asthma For Dummies | |
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from Dermatology DDX Deck E-Book | |
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from Andrew’s Diseases of the Skin E-Book: Clinical Dermatology | |
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from Neale’s Disorders of the Foot |
it’s that time. if you have alergies, runny nose, eyes stinging/watering, what ever the signs try some weed/marijuana. a few puffs and then wait a minute, two or three and What? it’s gone. at least for me this has worked for over 45 years. surprised no one has made some real money on this fact.
I wonder why westerns people have a lot of food allergic, in asia i never meet someone with Allergies
I strongly disagree with your statement regarding the bathing of pets, not being helpful to cut down with allergens. I grew up in a generational family veterinary practice. I believe it was In the 90’s, Harvard medical research on bathing cats proved to significantly decrease the amount of saliva and dander on their fur. This protocol alleviated allergic reactions in susceptible people. I don’t have time to look up the study but every client who followed the protocol reported less problems living with cat allergies and were able to keep their cat as long as they kept up with the protocol. Please try to find the study so it can be posted.
I used Sina Uv Gel and I got a reaction, now I bought this Mia secret formagel do you think I’ll get a reaction again?
So basically a food allergy is just like a kid giving a valid point and moms taking it as disrespect?
I have clogged nose, runny nose, and I sneeze a lot. Thank you for this video! I needed this soooo bad. I can’t sleep at night and throughout the day, I use so much tissues.
Oh my god. I can’t lose my hair color!! What is your opinion on SNS?
This happens to me every time.. It was so bad that the skin on my fingers use to change color.. I miss getting them done. Any suggestions for good press ins??
I tried to give a friend peanuts(trailmix) and he freaked out, I laughed not knowing why he was reacting like that until I realized he must be allergic. He then yelled ” you have no idea what its like!! get that away from me!!”. I laughed and said “I do know what you’re going through,I’m deathly allergic to shellfish”. I literally almost lost my life to eating shrimp.Why my body gotta do me like that?
I have weird allergies to different foods. I sometimes feel alone.
Thank you so much for this Tutorial!
I have to wear gloves to avoid blisters and I also wear a mask because I get the sniffles while applying Acrylics.
Woaw. Celeries can cause allergies? I wonder what i ate last night. I ate celery! My allergy just came out!
Another Dr that’s not a US born citizen. MY god the brain drain the US are doing
I can’t eat fruits with seeds in them. I get irration on my throat and around my mouth.
Hi, I don’t use gel or acrylic. I used regular nail products to do my nails for about 9-10 years. I didn’t have any allergy before until these 2 years. I started with itching then blisters and peeling. Should I stop doing my nails permanently or can I still do my nails after my allergy goes away? Pls reply thx
this is really helpful but you talked so slow it drove me crazy. sorry:/
My mom has alot of flowers outside our yard back and front yard do I just pick any flower and heat it up with water to make it into a tea?
I started to do nails part time 7 years ago, did the whole nail tech course I had developed an allergy to the point my whole face and eyes swell and red rashes and terrible itchy fingers, couldn’t work out what part of the products were causing it, and I’ve tried all different brands and now I can’t even wear gel polish, it’s horrible not having nice nails as normal polish keeps chipping, I persisted hoping I would become immune to it but i didn’t, I even had problems when doing my course but I don’t remember learning about allergies then. So thanks for explaining it, which sounds like now I’m a fully fledged nail allengerian,,
Unfortunately I’m watching this video too late. Feel like an amputee without my nails:(…
Hi Mia. I wondered if you had any natural remedies for food poisoning
Can you do topical allergy? Id like to hear how my skin reacts to latex
I don’t know there’s a shrimp powder that gives me a reaction but not shrimp itself…
What type of rose water is consumable.. how do we make it? Also please share which lip color are you wearing in this video.. you look lovely as always..
The hygiene hypothesis has mirrors in Classicism to the parable of Achilles: expose your children to everything, and they become all the stronger for it.
How do you make rose water? Do you mean tea or do you literally put rose petals in water? Thanks in advance!
Dang I really wish I could use this information but I’m not a Jew and this is for Jewish health only.:(
Allergies makes me hate life. My window is broken so I can’t close it.
Well if I were to stab my self with crab shell
It’d be super itchy
I’ve had this for 2 years now. It’s horrendous, my nails are ruined and I am now allergic to all things nails, can’t even wear nail polish….this is permanent!!!!!!
I developed an allergy to acrylic & gel about two years ago now, for a while I was scared & only used nail polish but it doesn’t last long ofc so I started experimenting & I discovered SNS, it works for me but I miss having long nails. Do you think I can try acrylic again?? ;( or does anyone know of any other alternatives or ways to get the long nails with designs etc. I miss being extra hahaha. I’ve done so much research and can’t find anything pls help!!!
But I love pickle…
I get nose bleeds during allergy season..and it’s not fun.
Hi everyone, some of you have noticed that earlier in the video we refer to IgE antibodies as immune cells, and that isn’t correct. Immunoglobulin E is produced by the immune system and attaches to mast cells, but is itself not a cell.
Why is it possible to develop allergies to foods you’ve eaten before?
the honey tip… if you get honey from a local farm it works better. something about it being pollen you’re more exposed to or something x
If u r washing your pet often maybe get rid of it for the pets sake as well as your own.
Fuck! I’m suffering so much I wish I could go somewhere else
yes i have alergy i have it now and i had to go to the doctor because my finger tips where bleeding its so bad. love to have my nails done:(. and when am doing somebody else whit my globes i still get reaction
So, should we start feeding babies with every food protein possible so that their immune systems can get use to it? Like a food allergy vaccine?
When I eat too much hot sauce My nose turns red. Is it a allergic reaction?
“Get a dog. Roll around in dirt. Don’t wash your clothes. Um, and play in the sun.”… But DON’T apply peanut butter to toddlers’ wounds!
i was never allergic to shrimp or shellfish. id always eat sushi with shrimp and crab with no problem. then one random day i had an allergic reaction to the sushi id always get.
Sooo, we just need to ignore those baby guidelines of not introducing peanut butter, honey, etc. before age of 1 and just introduce it as early as possible? I never followed those rules anyways and my 3 kids have no food allergies.
When I step outside my eyes start to water and my throat is beginning to get scratchy.
Really annoying when I’m trying not to touch my face and not cough to be polite and avoiding illness.
This has been happening to me for a while now I do my nails at home my fiance got me a gel nail set by Gelish from Sally’s everything was fine until about 6 months in so I changed from the Gelish brand got a new lamp and changed from having HEMA as the 1st ingredient to a lower concentrate my question is sometimes is does it sometimes it doesn’t so do I have the permanent allergy or should I switch to HEMA free all together? I’ve been doing my nails for about 12 years I’m not a licensed nail tech by any means but I’m good at it and enjoy it and would love to keep doing it your feedback would be most appreciated
I can’t breathe or swallow.. and I’m panicking about it.. Just eating makes mucus and everything worse. I can’t even drink and I’m so thirsty.. I feel like I’m gonna pass out..
So you are saying due to the facts that I spread peanut butter on my skin as a baby is the reason I’m allergic
I’m going camping and I have allergies and don’t know what to do
we’re too clean? LOL, is that a joke?
I work in a office and I can tell how snub people is dirty as F!!! Yes, snub people are 1000 more dirty than normal people.
I found a way to dela with it when it starts up in the spring. Shave your beard and shave all your hair off.
04:30: “We’re too clean.”
This is why I flat out REFUSE to use anti-bacterial soap! The fact that it (and hand sanitisers) are now common if not required in daycares and elementary s is ridiculous!
Hey I wanted to say thanks for that video! I am not a nail tech, but I have been educating myself a lot and just got out of university, so took a lot of biology/medecine classes. I knew there were reasons to be careful ans your video is helping right now. Just decided afeter 2 year of searching to get my first soak off gel nails home done by myself.:D Actually I only have my pinky finger done with only a base and top coat and I will be wearing it for a couple of days:P Being extra careful about thickness and curing time etc. Anyways thanks for you video 😉
Im starting to think I may have become allergic to pollen. As soon as spring hit I have had a sore throat and one side of my nose always pretty clogged up and I have never been like that before. This has been going on for about 3 months now.
Hi, I saw your video on how to remove acne scars. You mentioned the silk whitia whitening mask and I was wondering where I can get it to buy? HELP PLEASE
My mom: Eh, eggs are good for you, have some milk it will make you grow
Me, in pain: D:
(I had no immune system for the first 8 years of my life, which likely caused my allergy with eggs, gluten intolerance, and Lactose intolerance. There was no precedent in my family for any of these issues, and I don’t even get seasonal allergies, unlike my mother. My immune system built itself wrong:) )
I’m allergic to yeast…. not gluten. Just Brewer’s Yeast.
wtf immune system.
Thank you for making this video, it was very informative to a DIY’er like myself.
I play so much basketball outside and ride my bike and I wake up wit a sore throat and itchy eyes
yeah dairy & refined sugars are the worse for allergies, btw what about antioxidants Mia, they cured my Ezcema & Rosacea xo
Ooohhhh that would explain why I’m allergic to random plants.
Edit: I can’t have most cold medications.
0:25 “caused by immune cells called IgE antibodies” that sentence could not be more wrong. The immune cells that mediate the inflammatory response that we call allergies are called mast cells. Mast cells use IgE antibodies to recognize the antigen, in this case the shrimp or peanut etc..
Thank you so much for this video! I’m not a nail tech, I’m just a novice nail enthusiast, just now getting into doing my nails with gel products, and sometimes my friends. Years ago, I used to get acrylics done, and I developed a sensitivity to the acrylics. The “step one”. No one was honest with me, and I just went years without nails. This is the first in depth explanation I’ve heard! TFS!
“They are foreign…. and in a wrong place”
There are so many ways to interpret that sentence ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Am allergic to shrimp put like not a big reaction i just get painful headache and stomachache for at least 3days and i hate it. Edit: also if i drank pepsi or cola i get a big heartache for a min
allergies are weird.. used to be lactose intolerant, but since i started eating hot peppers constantly, i can suddenly eat dairy.
no idea how that worked for me
I have a pollen allergy and my eyes burn and my throat gets itchy
Maybe it’s vaccines. They put food proteins in the vaccines as stabilizers.
Watching this because my freaking eyes feel like they are on fire due to this pollen season! Dear pollen, roses are red, violets are blue, I have 5 fingers, the middle one is for you!
Came at the right time. Those spring allergies are kicking in! Thanks so much for sharing in always learn something new
Hi, I was here last summer. At that time I could barely breath because of birch pollen. This year I am completely cured. Not one symptom. I used something called “The Allergy Kit”. I just wanted to give people more tools to your tool box. Allergies can be cured through many avenues. I am also doing intermittent fasting and having great success with that as well. Good luck, you can be healed from allergies. Don’t give up.
Hey Mia!! You are my favorite Youtuber, I love all of your Asian tips and tricks, especially your videos like how to detox your liver, or the pressure point ones! I pretty much watch them every night, haha. Hey are you going to be at VidCon this year? My digital optimization platform company called Incline is going to be there, and I’d love to get you set up with a $300/month package for free:) because I really love your content!! Let me know if you’d like to get in before VidCon because we’re expecting a huge flux after that, which would help you if you want to get in on it now. (It’s invite only, and just so ya know we have customers that are more than happy to pay up to $1500/month for this optimization for their website or channel, but your content is the type we want to promote, and we’d love to help you get found by more people by putting you on at no cost. Especially since you’re my favorite!)
We can also offer you more potential revenue streams which we’ll be happy to tell you about, like Google Ads on your Incline videos, product placement, etc. But I promise, there’s no catchI just love your channel and would love for you to succeed even further!!
Anyway, keep up the great work, and I look forward to talking more with you about this opportunity if you want more subscribers and ad money and whatnot!
Thanks! Keep up the awesome videos, seriously. You’re awesome:)
Emmy Davis, cofounder at Incline
[email protected]
If i eat crab.I feel something itchy in my mouth.My throat feels theres something stuck in it.My mouth kinda itchy.I dont know if its an allergy.Please help meh
Personally, I lean toward “the hygiene hypothesis.” I’m in my mid sixties and when we were kids we played in the dirt, picked and ate berries, other fruits and vegetables and I honestly can’t remember anyone who ever had food allergies.
I can’t ear red meat…and i am proud of my allergy because no mammals are killed because of me
And here I am.
Allergic to plants, dust, dogs and cats, and some vegetables. What do I do?
Im a cosmetology student with highly sensitive skin, and this is honestly the best thing thank you because they said i would never be able to have nails because of the reactions just like im not allowed to do anything with chemicals. personally i think they just didnt want to supply there salon with sensitive safe products. this is why schools need to be looked into deeply before you choose one
Never had a problem with acrylics. I believe I have an allergy to UV/LED. It’s almost like when I get sunburned and get water blisters.
I wish there was a cure for allergies. I can’t eat fish, shellfish, or even molluscs. I guess its a rarity to not be able to eat any of it? I wish I could know what lobster tastes like without facing immanent death. #CureFoodAllergies
If u have an actual cream prescribed to u can u still get them done and put the cream right after… would that be a good idea??
Suffering allergy for extended periods, cause irreversible damage to body/brain.
Allergic to dust mites I’m allergic to my bed anyone else know the struggle
For Hippies:
Manuka Honey
Local Honey
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
My immune system rn: Oiiiiii is that APPLES I SEE sO yOu hAvE cHoSeN dEaTh
When people who don’t have allergy to pollen ask me why are u always sick..
I was just about to say, you have a quite recognisable Australian accent. I’m Australian as well.
I always get them during this time of year and it really sucks. I really hate Spring! I can’t wait for it to be over. Worst season ever!
I ate shrimp and I didn’t feel anything when I was 5. But now when I eat shrimp it makes me wanna throw up
I’m Allergic to Every Type of Nut, Shellfish, Salmon, Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Carrots, Lettuce, Basically every type of Fruit or Vegetable, Trust me I’ve tried them all in Hope of finding something else to eat….I haven’t. Also Chocolate, Latex, I’m Lactose intolerant, Seeds are a No…like Sunflower seeds, can’t eat wheat either. Also allergic to Alcohol, so that sucks. Can’t have Eggs.
If I eat any of the listed above I run the risk of Dying from Asphyxiation. So basically no Plant Matter, period.
So I basically live off Meat, Water, Milk and White Bread, White bread and Milk only make me really really sick but doesn’t kill me, and I take a bunch of pills to keep myself from collapsing from Deficiencies in Vitamins and Minerals.
I might as well mention my other Medical problems like how I have Asthma, and Klinefelter’s Syndrome so I have to take Testosterone shots every 2 weeks and that I’m Sterile, basically can’t have kids.
Not sure if I’m missing anything, oh! Pollen, Dogs, Cats, other Seasonal Allergies, wool and I think that’s it.
So now I have to find out who rubbed my body in Everything and then play in the Dirt.
OMG THANK YOU!! I’ve never looked into it but I’ve always wanted to know what causes me to be allergic to shrimp:,(
I developed an allergy even going to a qualified certified tech…just because they have a license means nothing if they are careless. Early on I asked her about some itchyness and she said it was just a reaction to overfiling . Went to a new recommended certified tech (I checked their certification) and she sloped monomer all over my cuticles during service and that was it…I was allergic and done. So, people must also study themselves before going to a nail tech…sorry…but they are few and far between. When I confronted the second tech about not sterylizing her files from the prior client to me she got defensive and went and got some clean ones…I walked out. Good luck finding a competent service. These videos are needed for people wantig enhancements so they know what to ask and look for. In my area there are very few salons…they all look suspicious so I am unfortunetely done. One was in Wal Mart…lol…good greif. The one I went to was certified…clean etc, but it comes down to the tech I think. I paid $80 for a pink and white. Got home twice and the top coat smeared off…on one of the occasions I could not get anyone to fix it as it was a 3day weekend…all I can say is…what a mess. I am now allergic (after never bei g allergic to anything) and very sad. So…good luck girls. Take heed. Be careful.
If I have allergies and hay fever is it really safe to drink honey water? How long will it take for my body to get used to the pollen?
Going to try your tips! Thank you!
I really suffer from allergies, I have to cough all the time and that causes sleepless nights! Plus I can’t breath (and so I can’t really have a good and long workout).
I have Invisalign braces and they used acrylic powder and monomer to create tabs on my teeth to assist in moving them mercifully I’m not allergic but this is certainly food for thought if you’re on the road for an allergy!!
This was really helpful. Thanks so much. I won’t be red and itchy anymore.
For fewer allergies maybe: Get a dog, roll around in dirt, don’t wash your clothes, play in the sun, eat your own poop
So what I got from that was that the allergy “stick test” they do to check kids for allergies may actually be causing them?! That’s messed up!
That may explain the surge in peanut allergies as parents have been told to delay giving their kids any peanut products. The odds are then greater their first exposure will be through the skin and not the mouth.
I love your videos:)!! They are always useful and i gain alot of knowledge of it!!! (Sorry for my bad english, lol ^_^)
An allergist told me that even though I got itchy, uncomfortable, and wheezed after eating certain foods, they weren’t allergies. Yeah… I have a new allergist!
Yesterday I went outside & suddenly started having allergic reaction to dust which I never had before. Now my whole body skin is swollen. I don’t understand what to do
Honey water and just honey does help i have been drinking that
I hate spring, this is the second time I’ve had allergies in a month
Did anyone else thought at 0:39 she was the actor for kelly from the office
I have SUPER sensitive skin as it is. I got into doing my own nails, just regular nail polish manicures and nail art. I kept getting told I should go to nail school. So I did, and right off the bat I had a really bad allergy to acrylic and gel. I can’t even do nails while wearing gloves.
It’s so bad that even my eyes swell up when I used to do nails. I tried lots of different brands and I am allergic to everything. I went to dermatologists and tried everything.
It’s such a waste that I went to school for nails and I can’t even do them. But I still do my own manicures at home with regular nail polish.
I can’t go outside in summer but just on rainy days when’s nobody is around
How awkward, I legit thought I was allergic to fish all these years, but it’s just an intolerance
This is just how allergies work in general, Food or not. Glad my body knows what a real threat is and what’s not. Allergy free is the way to be
I don’t know if I liked or disliked im crying and I have red eyes so I can’t see if I clicked the like or dislike button. Sorry if I disliked
New to your channel found out about our channel on Facebook. So far I am loving it. I also have a youtube channel. Would love you to sub me too. I have subscribed to your channel and will be looking at more of your videos. Tfs
I’ve been doing my nails for years. I’m just watching now because I have a severe allergy to latex… and currently in and out of hospital with reactions.. believed to be from using my cricut. No contact with vinyl for 24 hours. Severe reaction. I’ve never had reaction near my nail beds though. But I’ve been using acrylics for about 6-8 weeks. And reaction on my face, legs, chest and arms.
Just found you today & subbed thanks to this video. I’m also allergic to something bc never fails that I start itching when I get my nails done with any nail technician or even diy at home. Very important information videoTysmfs & caring!!!❤
Questions???? This is by far the BEST informational video on YouTube regarding nail allergies. I wanted to know how do you know if you are allergic to the nail glue or the acrylic? Looking forward to your response.
Wtf why now,never had allergies in my life,feel like shit ha
Hello, I’ve developed the allergy after trying a lot from amazon (coscelia gel polish) after about 3 times of doing my nails with it, they got itchy, got blisters and open skin. It was painful and just horrible. I stopped doing my nails after that. I’d love to be able to do something to them. Is there any product you would recommend? That’s long lasting and adds length and strength to the nail? I’ve read about polygel, dip powders,silk wraps and fibre glass nailsI but I’m afraid to even try anything. I work at a lab so I was my hands very often. Thank you for the video.
this is going to sound weird but when i was younger i lived in Indonesia and loved eating seafood. I started getting redness and like lots of little bumps in between my fingers. Later i moved to Australia and literally ate Fish & chips everyday… but they never came back. and now I’m back in Indonesia and its happens all the time. And I enjoy washing the dishes lol but my hands can not touch detergent or washing soap.
I’m 32 and I never got my nails done till last year, starting with just gel polish from a salon. I was instantly obsessed and started doing my own. Then I got a Modelones polygel set. First few times/months using it I was fine. Even started doing my mom’s. No issues. Then it started itching really bad around the edges. Like intense itching. i couldnt sleep it itched so bad. Sucks cuz I loved doing them and spent lots of money buying all kinds of stuff from decorations to an e-drill. I thought I was allergic to the dehydrater. It was so sudden and intense. I’ve given my nails a break for a couple months. Hoping I can try again and be more careful with getting it on my skin. Think i was over-drilling and going too hard on the cuticles also. probably didn’t help. I also have extremely sensitive skin and have to use fragrance-free everything from soap to laundry detergent. So wasn’t really surprised I’m allergic, but it still sucks. Was hoping there was some other product I could use instead.
i can’t fins anywhere where to buy that cream? can anyone help? i’m in the UK
I’m a client. I only get my nails done once maybe twice a year Max. I’ve started having the itchy nails reaction but nothing beyond that… Is there a way that I can reverse getting that reaction so I can still get them done?
I started doing my own nails and experimenting with acrylic, press ons, glue ons, and gel polish when i was around 12. I started getting blisters on my fingers around age age 19. I never did my nails very consistently and I really believe thats what kind of saved me. At around age 19 when i began to love longer nails, I started regularly, after overexposue, getting blisters for a few days, and then peeling skin. Its extremely painful and hard to do anything with your fingers. Now at 22 I finally understand that the reason I have been getting these reactions is not because of some magical reaction that only happens to me, IT HAPPENED BECAUSE I WAS UNEDUCATED. I did everything you weren’t supposed to do, I was careless with gel and acrylic and would constantly get it on my cuticles and usually not wash my hands after. This last reaction I had was the worst. I even got hives on my legs because of the dust that would fall on my legs and the fact that i sometimes wiped my brush on my pants.
Luckily I can still use glue on nails if i use one specific kind of glue AND AM CAREFUL, but I really dont trust myself with gel or acrylic anymore. I hope if I let my nails grow and be natural for awhile that the reaction might subside, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t and I’m left with only stubs forever as my punishment:(
2019 I’m allergic to all types of grass and trees and more I have the worst allergies in my house so as my older brother my other older brother dosent have any allergies.
Great Video! Forgive me for chiming in, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you researched Trentvorty Urticaria Victory Theorem (do a search on google)? It is a great exclusive guide for curing hives without the normal expense. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my BF after a lifetime of fighting got great success with it.
I can’t even believe this. Why is this topic so sparse and not talked about?? What you said at 16:16 is what EVERY SINGLE NAIL SCHOOL should say, word for word!!!! My school absolutely did NOT mention or teach potential allergies and I’m suffering from the permanent allergies because of their neglect. I went to school because I wanted to be a qualified nail tech that did things right, keeping my clients safe, but I wasn’t taught how to keep MYSELF safe. It’s completely insane. I wish so much that I didn’t ignore the signs. This video is so important, I’m glad to see it was posted a year ago, hopefully some of those who decided to start doing nails themselves during the pandemic saw this and actually learned or were convinced get education first. Once it’s there you’re just living your life trying to avoid or cope.
thanks for these tips! i always have rashes in this season, and I will try to drink honey water too.
Shout out to all the homies who’s going through this with me.
Wow this 13 year old child bride really regurgitated that information well.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to mention the importance of changing the gloves that you are wearing when they get dirty. The gloves you wear to protect your hands are made of a material that is non-polar. So they protect well against liquids that are polar (like water). So when working with chemicals that are non-polar (acetone for example) they have the ability to be able to pass through your protective glove if left on for a period of time. So even when wearing gloves you still must use them responsibly, stay safe guys!:)
When I was i the womb of my mom, she ate a lot of fish and I mean A LOT. When I was born the doctors tested me and injected me, their usual things.. I was completely healthy but was lucky to be alive since my mom had a disease when she gave birth to me. But when I turned 4 yrs, my mom gave me a piece of fish. I started developing pimples on my skin and my whole body turned red. My mom rushed me to the hospital and I wast told I was allergic to fish. So what your saying is its interacting with the immune system by the way its not supposed to? Please help me out?
My sister is 34never had an allergy to anything. 2 weeks ago ate a nut bar and had to go to the emergency room. Now she has to carry around an epi-pen. Randomly developed a nut allergy…
So mind boggling
I have a question hopefully u will get back to me when I love doing nails and im starting classes well have started but I keep forgetting this question since I have to go class with bare nails it doesn’t come up in my mind but when I get nails done after maybe a few hours I always get like a sensation off heat coming from two of my fingers its never them all just the two can you maybe explain why this would happen just found your Chanel and im loving it thnx sooo much
Mia you need to go vegan and start promoting a cruelty free, ethical lifestyle which comes with so many amazing health benefits! Please look into it. #ForksOverKnifes
My cough is not going.. but when I pop a citrezine I feel good its allergie but from what I dont know
my skin absorb peanut so now I allergic nice theory but easy to disprove.
yes. red wine is terrible. the more darker the wine, the more poisonous it is.
As always, brilliant advice Tita, love your videos & it’s great to see that you’re passionate about the industry too for not only our clients but us techs too. I’m with you on this one on how important the fundamentals are. I constantly educate & advise my clients of the dangers & risks regarding nail services, and of proper care after their nail services. At the same time, I do my utmost to maintain a safe working environment not only for them but for myself too, being very mindful of the products I use & how I use them, ensuring a safe & pleasant experience for both. Cheers lovely:) Tina Norton, GC, Qld
Very interesting video thank you! I have spent the last 25 years with one thing or another on my nails with no difficulties. I wore acrylics for a few years and they started to lift so I switched to UV gel’s. I got tired of all of the filing required with UV gels so then switch to dip powder. I wore the dip powder for about a year and started to have a little red bumps that itch like crazy. After four months I stop that and have nothing on my nails now. I even tried gel polish but that did not work. Even though once in a while I will still get itching on some of my fingers with totally bare nails. I have no clue if it was something in the SNS powder that’s sparked the problem or the acetone that you have to use to soak them off every two weeks
When I was a kid everybody in class ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Now, peanut butter is banned from schools. WTF happened?
i take six zyrtecs and six nasal sprays a day during spring. i also use tissue and nosk filters frequently. california’s pollen levels are too high.
2:02– 2:15 I thought the seesaw had Th1 and Th2 on both ends, not T reg cells.
can anyone please share the links to the products mentioned in the video?
Thank you for this!!! I was in cosmetology school last year and developed a severe allergy to 5 chemicals. My hands were raw and open wounds every single finger for 4 months it was absolute torture!! I had to drop out my allergy is so bad. Now that I can’t even use regular nail polish anymore it still hurts my skin.. do you have any suggestions???
PS: I have pictures of what happened and I’d be happy to share.
But actually your tips did actually work axcept the alcohol. Thank you!!
I am allergic to it also, but I am allergic to latex so be careful and wear no latex gloves!!!
My alarm clock.. i snezze(pun) 10 times and start choaking on fluids that are pouring from my nose into my throat
I went to the best school in my country and they didn’t even talk about allergies. I am very glad that I found this video. I am trying to self educate on some topics they didn’t go over.
This is what happend to me and I love doing my nails amd now I cant.. Im so happy that im not alone
It sucks having a allergy to milk because everyone thinks you’re just lactose intolerant. I get a rash on my neck and jaw along with cramps. I carry two epi pens everywhere I go as a precaution. Thankfully I haven’t had to use them yet. I’m hoping that I will outgrow my allergy one day.
Thanks for this video, you are so great, i really was so sad because of not able to do Gel or Acryl nails again, i will try HEMA FREE products.
I had to subscribe today, you really helped me out with that video you made on acrylic vs “gel powder”.
I found a way to dela with it when it starts up in the spring. Shave your beard and shave all your hair off.
2:02– 2:15 I thought the seesaw had Th1 and Th2 on both ends, not T reg cells.
Runny nose and sore throat/coughing is the worst. A deadly combination together…. ♥ Thanks for the info.
This happend to me twice. So I am obviously allergic to some part of acrylic nails. Is there some other way how to do my nails so they will be stronger and last more than a week? (Have two big dogs and manual work so normal polish will chip in 24 hours)
cut down 30 percent of the forest every spring and summer and burn 50% of the grass to control pollen.
This is a life saver I’ve had a rash on my face and I thought it was acne yet it’s really itchy!!! Yes
I’ve been having allergies for over 2 months daily. Is that normal? Everyday my nose is running like Niagara Falls
Eh… I kept my window open for too long. By that I mean the entire night and I totally forgot
I just started developing these seasonal allergies last year and they suck
In the course I am currently doing, we have done so much on health, safety and allergies. But never have they mentioned about the TECHNICIAN suffering any of this. They still might as I’m only half way. But this was great! Thank you! (great intro cartoon too )
If i have all the symptoms except watery eyes, can that also be a pollen allergy???
I have developed an allergic reaction to acetone. It get so bad that I can’t work for like 2 or 3 days.
Buy locally produced honey, look for small producers, the pollen in this honey matches the pollen you encounter daily. Eat the honey before allergy season starts. This will be honey from last years production, which will build natural defences to the pollen which you will come into contact with, when allergy season starts. Bees travel up to 1.5 miles looking for pollen, so look at your local environment and select honey to suit.
Am I the only one who doesn’t get allergy reactions from pollen?
Pollen: literally nothing
If anyone have dust allergy plz tell me
I help u to cure from allergy
100% it work
She is smart and gives good advice and she isn’t like those other guys that suggests pills and drugs.
can you make a video about how to treat acne scars?? because my face have a lot of acne scars and i tried some of the products and remedies from home.. but it doesnt really work and sometimes it doesnt work at all..
Is possible to be allergic to allergies
Cause my son will not breath when he gets allergies
I have never had blisters but ive been itchy and stoped after realizing it was a reaction. From my understanding i havent had them on for a long time a few years would i now beable to get them done?
My allergy is so strong I have all the symptoms and my medisine isn’t working. I felt like I was dying at school today.
😮 this will be so useful tho! Sad to say bye to my almonds but yeah.. Which hydrating mask do you use? XO
My nose is so blocked right now. T_T You are amazing. You know what to say at the right time.
I stopped getting acrylic nails a little over 3 years ago because 2 times I developed an allergic reaction to them. The first time wasn’t that bad so I just thought the nail place I went to wasn’t sanitary. The second time I waited and did research, I went to a highly rated nail salon and this time, it was 100xs worse, I even had to goto the E.R. to get treatment because over the counter wasn’t helping my symptoms. The blistering was soo severe that my fingers never looked the same ever again. They look cracked and darker than my fingers. I was soo sad because I really loved getting my nails done but hey, shit happens. I’ve adapted to press on and polygel (which I’m recieving my first poly gel kit soon, so I’m excited)
I don’t eat any of those things anyway and I still have allergies
I have a deadly reaction on mangos when consumed, but just holding them does nothing to me, so what’s up with that? In fact I did research and it says that the allergic reaction is to the proteins found on the outside of the mango. Again though, touching it does nothing, and I react once I actually ingest mango.
Just took a small break (2-3weeks) from doing my gelnails at home because my nails and skin got damaged. Partly due to the first stage allergy. Just did another set but now it was really clear it was stage one. How long do you advice to wait for the allergy to subside? I know it might already be permanent but i love doing this so much and making other people happy with their sets. I have been using gloves and been carefull for the past months now and was always very hygenic on clients.
From my childhood till now I have allergies with pollen. From 5years I fell like asthma when rain happen around my area. I m avoiding roaming out door in rain but it’s not working.what to do
So I have always used to do things on my own and education was expensive so I started and after a year I started to develop an allergy. I noticed that but it took a while to understand the reason. Now I have stopped but I want to believe that I am at stage 2 and I have a dermatologist that recommended allergy tests. The test is going to take a while to get done but my question is if there are any products that are non allergic? Because I love my nails and more so doing them on my own. Thanks
lmao quite a few of healthy foods also can cause allergies too, kind of ironic
I have no problem avoiding alcohol, but almonds, sad times… Thank you for all the great tips!
great video. came in at a good time cause thats what im suffering right now.
I developed allergies after many years of being a client. Would it help if I put a thick barrier cream like Vaseline around my nails?
Amazing!! Thank you so much for your tips and tricks about beauty and health. It’s really useful. Just keep going, please!! xD
I don’t drink or eat those stuff… and stl got allergic.. help?
Does anybody else have a hard time sleeping because your nose is so stuffy? Then you wakeup the next morning and your eyes are all crusty? No? Just me, okay…lmao
I want to know why my body has decided to be allergic to sweat tbh. Like why does the human body just decide to be allergic to something THE BODY NATURALLY MAKES? Like I’m literally not allergic to any food or meds (knock on wood):V Frustrating lol.
I’ve had Peanut Butter, Pollen, Shellfish, Eczema, Cats, Rabbits, etc. Who else here has gone to one of those allergy doctors and had those plastic things with all those spikes into your back to see what you are allergic to?
I have an allergy to something in the acrylic nails process AND Gel nail polish. My hyponychium will fill with fluid like a blister. It will drain eventually, dry out and then peel. Guess I will have to stick with regular polish.
Thank you, such a useful video! This month and June is exam season but my allergies are getting in my way so this video will help me =)
I’ve had my allergies for three years nonstop and I latterly die everyday especially when I’m in school
YESSS!!! This video came at the right time for sure. I AM SUFFERING. Thank you!!!
I’ve been an allergy sufferer for my whole life (>27 years, against egg, nuts, fish, animal’s saliva/spittle) and still didn’t know some of these things!
not even joking my allergies are soo bad right now thanks to the nz weather
It’s best to get local honey, so you can get more resistance for the pollen in your close environment:D
Regular honey works, but i find local honey to work even better ^^
i was born and raised in mexico for a part of of my childhood, straight up playing in the dirt and with dogs
glad to report that i rarely get sick, not immune but its rare when i get sick and its very quick too.
summarising your entire university course in under 5 minutes
I would really like to thank you and I have to tell you how much I appreciate your honesty with this topic.. I’ve been talking to three different doctors and no one could tell me the exact core of the problem, just like you did in what, 20 min. However, I just wanted to let you know that you did so great in finally getting to the point of this huge problem of allergies and chemical reactions.
i have suffered 14 years with allergies nothing hurts anymore
you see these battle scars right!
It helps if you use honey that’s from the area you live so look to see where the honey is produced. If you eat honey from three states away it won’t help.
Ohh I get hay fever in spring and summer, but I didn’t know about celery and almonds increasing symptoms! Good to know!
Thank you so much for this video. I’m currently suffering from allergies. I’m going to try the honey water in a bit!
Im miserable i missed 1 dose of my medicine and now im miserable i have to sit up to sleep i cant lay down or i practically suffocate
thanks love this video I think it will help
I love you videos
I’m going to start makeup in a year and I wish you were
like my sister so you can help me get started ☺
When I was small i told my friends I was allergic to pollen and then they just push a flower in my nose srly
I’m allergic to pea protein I throw up when I have any amount of it and my throat closes and itches
Well kinda late cuz I ate some of those food will been sick, but I would try to not eat then good video
Digestive tract is lined with a variety of types of skin. If something happens to this lining particles of food can enter the bloodstream.
Mia, what kind of facial steamer is that? I’ve been looking for a good one… I’ll probably get a different one, but I’m just curious. It looks interesting, a lot different than the other steamers I’ve seen online. Love your videos btw, very informative! Thanks so much:)
Okay so when I was a kid I used to a lot of shellfish, crabs, shrimps, lobsters etc. Once I turned 17 I started noticing that my throat keeps getting itchy and I’m getting mosquito bite looking bumps around my lips, that’s when I realized I was allergic to crabs shrimps lobsters crawfish and sea urchins. It just don’t make sense why I used to eat all of these shellfishes and be perfectly normal but when I hit my teen age years I developed an allergy to it?
If you have an allergic reaction or irritation on the skin, eat more berries and drink more tea because they are very antioxidant rich and combat free radicals.
omg i have this dry peeling spots on my body and i was wondering what they are…
i always experience puffy, dried eyes during allergy season. does anyone have any ideas how can I cure it?:(
Thank you so much for sharing. I was doing my own nails and had a reaction. Luckily, I looked it up and saw that it was an allergy. I no longer do my own nails.
Pretty much have no choice with food 3 I’m allergic to tree nuts
I’m allergic to bees, and used to drink hot honey and lemon water when I was sick, but as I got older it began to make my throat tighter and itchier and eventually almost brought me to anaphylaxis. For that matter I’d suggest for those who are allergic to bees to be careful with honey.
Thank you so much I have really bad allergies. I have the blocked nose, dry nose, runny nose, sneezing, and rashes. This helped so much. I hate blowing my nose at school so thank you!!!!!
if I am intolerant to clams and quail eggs what other things can I be intolerant to?? is there any way to treat it??
Or….HAARP, CERN and co. can stop manipulating the weather.
Misleading title, which suggests that the content has an answer for us to the posed question, or at least is devoted to possible theories.
A possible theory is touted at the very last sentence, but really this should be titled something like “How do allergic reactions work?”
It’s quite hard to watch this with your head half out of the shot most of the time. ♀️
I recently did have an allergic reaction to acrylic is was so painful. But I waited a few months and then I tried it again so then I took my nails off. But then I tried dip powder and it worked and I wanna try a Polly gel
I get allergies in October and it’s October now and I really want to get rid of my allergies before Halloween
Story of my life!!!! I need to get my nails done tomorrow and I’ve been waiting for this video
So I watched this! Im defo in the first stage, since Ive started doing my own nails (trained).
Defo taking mine off and leaving them off!
Thanks for a great video ❤️
May I ask is their any case even you don’t have allergies to any foods in your younger years but suddenly in adulthood your body reacted to a food you know you don’t allergies on it?
me: has bad allergies
also me: wants to scratch my eyeballs out
Also me: * wants to take allergy relief pills knowing it will put me to sleep for the whole day♀️*
also me:* wants to cry because there’s no way out*
So when I was 8 I was allergic to nickel and fast forward 6 years later it just disappeared but then I developed an allergy for horses and dust ✌
eventually we shouldnt be eating any of those allergants anyways
Get rid of the pet. Men use toilet, woman are not allergic to men.
If you “reverse” or prevent the allergy from becoming permanent can you ever go back to gel manicures or is it just safe to stay away?
Hey mia can you make an informative video on people who have discolouration =( like me. My neck and forehead is darker comparitively please help MIAAAAAAAAAAA (love your videos)
I am allergic to dust mites but since I have protected my mattress with a good dust mites ProTech allergies cover, I have no more symptoms. They can be ordered on