Table of Contents:
Hyper Extensions
Video taken from the channel: Bodylastics
Video taken from the channel: Criticalbench
Video taken from the channel: Fit Gent
How to Get a Strong Low Back | DO THIS EVERY DAY!
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
The OFFICIAL GHD Back & Hip Extension Tutorial
Video taken from the channel: Squat University
How to Do Back Extensions
Video taken from the channel: LIVESTRONG.COM
How to Do Back Extensions
Video taken from the channel: LIVESTRONG.COM
The back extension machine or Roman chair is used for an isolation exercise that targets the lower-back muscles, mostly the erector spinae. You lock your heels under a pad or roller, with another pad to support your lower body as you recline face-down. This facilitates flexing at the waist.If you’re a beginner, start with a basic back extension. This version will place the least pressure on your back.
Lie on a mat on your stomach and.Cross your arms in front of you or hands behind your neck. Bend at the waist and slowly lower your body towards the ground until you reach about 65-75 degrees. Pause briefly at the bottom and then raise yourself back up to the starting position where your back is in a straight line with your lower body.
Repeat.Single Leg Back Extension. Horizontal vs. 45 Degree Back Extension. Of course, the 45 degree back extension is not the only machine available.
Many gyms have a horizontal bench (the gym we shot the above pictures at did not) which I’ve shown below. Many gyms have a true glute-ham raise which can also be used to do straight back extensions.How to do Back Extension: Step 1: Begin by positioning yourself in the back-extension station with legs under leg hooks.
Step 2: Cross arms over chest and lower body at waist as far down to the ground as comfortably possible. Make sure to keep back naturally arched, do not bend over too far and curve back. Step 3: Begin exercise by raising upper body at the waist in a smooth controlled manner.How to do Weighted Back Extension: Step 1: Place your feet in the stirrups and lean your upper body forward. Step 2: Take a weighted plate and hold it against your chest with your arms.
Step 3: Bending at the waist lower your upper body down to the floor. Step 4: Raise your upper body back up until your chest is parallel with the floor. Step 5: Hold for 1 second and then lower yourself back down.
Take a seat on the machine and bring your feet up to the footpad in front, with your knees bent. If the machine at your gym doesn’t have a footpad, simply keep your feet grounded. 2. Extend your arms and hold the handle, keep your shoulders back and keep your core tight, make sure your back doesn’t curl or.If you want to target the gluteals during a back extension, first flare the feet outward at a 45-degree angle or more (hip external rotation). Next, round the upper back and keep it rounded throughout the duration of the set.
This is more conducive to posterior pelvic tilt and it takes the erectors out of the equation.Another way to make back extensions more challenging is to vary the leverage throughout the exercise so it is greater at the top of the movement. This is accomplished by holding a dumbbell, weight plate or medicine ball close to your chest, proceeding to the top position of the exercise in the normal fashion, then extending the dumbbell or.Most gyms have some type of back extension equipment, be it a Roman chair or a larger machine with attached weight stack. Whether this is a good or bad exercise for you depends on how you do the exercise and the status of your back.
If you have current back pain or a recent injury, skip the back extension machine until you’re healed.If they hurt your back, I do not recommend doing Barbell Back Squats, but you can try some great Squat variations to reap the same benefits with few drawbacks. 4 Tips.
Less low back strain– when you do exercises like Romanian deadlifts, 45-degree back extensions, and regular deadlifts, your lower back is completely unsupported. This can put a lot of strain on your spine. While this isn’t always a problem, if you have a sore, tired, or injured lower back, you may not want to do.
PRONE BACK EXTENSION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Lie on your stomach with your legs fully extended and your arms extended back. 2.Get in shape with back extension exercises.
Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.Discover the best back exercises to build a back so big that it’ll need its own area code! On this page, I’ll discuss my top 5 exercises choices for back training.
To give you an overview, here’s my top 5 pick for the best back exercises: 1. Deadlift 2. Pull Up.
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The hyper extension stand was something I herniated a disc on because my trainer literally made me hyper extend with weight. I was absolutely damaged for years and now I use that same exercise to strengthen my lower back but as Jeff shows I got right to a neutral position not a hyper extension. Amazing what happens when you do a simple exercise wrong
Thoughts the reverse hypertension machine or the alternative exercises?
I used to use the back machine for back and laying on your side can do deep side bends. The pads on his machine need to be flatter. Excellent machine
This guy is good. I’m pretty sure he farted on third row. Lol. I would’ve also.
All I was paying attention to was his arms, oops, gotta re-watch
Wrong form for the lower back. She’s training glutes and hamstrings.
Hyper extension is probably something you need some one to spot you for. Or a PT should help you do the exercise. A lot of people do a bit of a bounce at the bottom and then swing in an uncotrolled movement back to the top, which is where the caution to cause for injury is, her advice is sound, it’s not something you should do unless you know what you are doing and have good form. Better off to master that first technique she showed. There are much better exercises than this for lower back.
My lower back started to feel weak after doing this exercise even when I didn’t all the way up. Anyone has some suggestions?
I did do some exercises that you showed on your videos and it’s helped the back pain so far is helped it out really well I just don’t know how long it’ll last and that’s what I get afraid of not knowing how long it’s going to last and when it’s going to strike up again thank you.
Perfect explained perfect demonstrated! Now I’m gonna buy this machine
Soooo basically did all of the NOs last night lol awesome. Glad I watched!
My pαrtnεr sυffεr frοm discοmfοrt in his lεg, nεck αnd bαck. Thαnks tο this pαrticulαr bαck discοmfοrt guidεbοοk knοwn αs “Bαkοnοz Kοnο” (ɢooɢlε it), hε bεεn αblε tο hαndlε αll thοsε issυεs. Hε stαtεd it prοvidεs thε cοmfοrt hε wαnts whilε αslεεp, εspεciαlly in stαying αwαy frοm bαck pαin..
@Cheezn420 That’s what it’s called man.. Repeated hyperextension can give you scartissue on your muscles giving you chronic backpain.
My goal is to be a gentle man with a hard body God willingly… so I can find a nice wife and firmly handle the situation
Hi coach. Can I do these having ankylosing spondylitis? Thank you
So ive got a bit of anterior pelvic tilt so should i stop doing these before can fix my hips/posture?
Isnt this a hyperextension bench seeing as its at 45 degrees? A roman chair has a horizontal starting position
Love, love, love your demos…truly professional and easy to follow
What are the biomechanical differences of lumbar extension under compressive load (like deadlift) and under decompressive (like GHD)? I thought back (lumbar) extensions on the GHD were safer, because there’s no compressive force on the intervertebral discs.
Would you share the make and model of this chair used in this video please?
What exactly is the problem that we are fixing in that thumbnail?
i just started doing these and they help me so much with my low back pain and squat form, loving your videos
very good video, but you should also talk about the not rounding of the back when alot of PT’s talk about some sort of curl the upper body up again. The “bord” yopu talked about is really what you whould do all the way not just on the top. no?
If you’re ever in Hilo, Hawaii or boulder, Colorado go see alicia valley she is an awesome massage therapist and you will know whT an expert she is when she lays her hands on you. Call 808-987-8672
Wtf is that guy doing on that machine in the far left at 0:38?? lmao
Did anybody noticed the cushion paddings are assembled the wrong way?
“Why would you want to do an exercise that creates movement at the spine?” to make the muscles stronger over a dynamic range… gymnasts do this with the Jefferson Curl strongmen i believe train their backs to be strong in rounded positions. Just because keeping the spine rigid has carryover to the lifting movements, is not an argument for why rounding it during this exercise would not benefit the lifting movements as much.
Notice how he is bending at the hip. Not back. He is working his glutes and hamstrings more than his back here. All his Spinal erectors are doing is static hold.
Many thanks for your demo. Very clear information and easy to digest. This is a great exercise for lower back indeed. Once this basic exercise is comfortable I like to hold a disc to increase the resistance
Get to the fucking point. Where is the exercises you just talk so much man fuck off
I like guides from Unflexal. I learned a lot of new workouts practices there
What the heck I thought these are for them glutes and have always done them with rounded upper back.
Comment “CHOO-CHOO” if you love training your caboose!!!! This is amazing for your glutes and even though it looks dangerous, it’s really safe and SUPER effective for building your glutes!! You gotta be doing this for those glutes!!!
I have just started to work out at home, and don’t have one of them. Is there an alternate exercise that you would recomend?
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Jeff Cavalier
After doing exactly what you demonstrated, I experienced lower back pain. What did I do wrong?
I love doing this exercise with a 45 lb plate. I think it played a major role in reducing my lower back pain.
Want to win an ATHLEAN-X program for free, no strings attached? Click the link below to find out how!
Are you tonedeaf? His voice is nowhere near DiCaprio’s. For starters, he has a very obvious southern accent overtone of some sort.
What if you do then with like 12 lb dumbbells in each hand out in front
Does anyone know if this type of back extension is good or bad for a lower back herniated disc? Also, what’s the difference between this back extension and the kind u do on the floor like planks?
I swear by the Back Extension. Usually starting at 4×15. The reps I use are 1 second up, then 3 seconds to relax.
I make it a point to always do this exercise next to an ab-bench or something, to maximize my recovery time and stretching your lower back, while strengthening the front of your core.
Great video on the need to focus on the hips when deadlifting!
This exercice is so painful in the lower back, and yet my back is very straight… I still don’t really understand.
And when she goes down it feels like her back is not straight but bent… Weird
I do a bit different, I do not let the athlete bending so deep, the spine should not curve when bending….. not so much, anyway……
this video saved my back. It got really hurt before and I didn’t knew what caused it.
I don’t know why I expected to feel it way more in the back, don’t get me wrong, I do, but this exercise hits your butt muscles hard lol. I’m kinda addicted to it though lol.
its no problem at all if you hyper extend, after all its called hyper extensions you stupid bitch ♂️
I seriously agree with the deadlifts. I had disc pain for 6 months which was somehow lowered through physio but It fully vanished after doing deadlifts. I even gained a little height after posture improvements
i hold two 45lb plates when i do this. since you sort of round your back inevitably on the way down is it not safe to do?
quick questioneverytime i try to do that glute exercise on this machine, i find my legs straining, is that normal? thanks!
Yeah we know how to do the damn motion. How about explaining which muscles should be firing.
exercise helped my lower back injury. I bought the machine can I do this 7 days a week? And how many it’s reccomended?
Id like to let you know ‘‘ that you lost my interest and sub! Simply because of the advert at the beginning, well done!!
thank you, very helpful. I think ive been hyper extending so ill have to watch that. it would be nice if i had a gym buddy to help me watch my form as there arent always mirrors (but all my friends are like f**k no im not going to the gym with you lol).
hi mam i just love your exercise s. please show something for abs. and diet. especially at night. after workout.
You tell us not to hyperextend but you don’t tell us why. What, am I supposed to just take your word for it?
LOVE this!! Love these exercises for the lower back. Thank you!
I watched the entire video on mute. I came here to see what else I can do on this back extension machine and couldn’t focus! ♀️♀️ Are these shorts equivalent to the gray sweatpants? Ok now let me watch the video for educational purposes….
This is one of the most effective back exercises you can incorporate into your program for your back, if you have access to GHD machine.
I haven’t seen a Hyper-extension fixture in the gym for a long time (too scary/sissy for most folks)….love dat Jeff always gives options/alternatives.
He gives and gives and then he gives some more. He’s a giver….
Luv ya bro. Thanks.
Why is it called back hyperextension if we are not supposed to hxt. Our back?
while doing this exercise, do you feel your back muscles being targeted right away such as soreness? I’m not sure if I’m doing this exercise right or wrong
My fuckin’ thighs hurt like hell when doing this exercise even with the pads. It seems all the pressure is put on your legs.
Good to see that the Unflexal includes new training instructions to build my body perfectly.
How do you prevent knees being locked when doing the standard hyper extension
@Rotatez Yes. It mainly targets the erector spinae, gluteals, hamstrings; and to a lessor extent, the quadratus lumborum.
Your erector spinae is supposed to stablize you while you do this exercise but you’re supposed to use your glutes to extend through this exercise. Using your back to extend through this exercise will promote hyperextension long term and create a strong possibility of anterior pelvic tilt as well
Great emphasis on form! No one else on youtube demonstrates the proper form. I may have to subscribe to this channel! Thanks for posting!
does anyone else get cracking and pulling at the back of your knee joints doing this? i feel like towards the end of big sets my ligaments in the knee could snap at any moment
Hey, @Athlean-X I’ve written many times, thru the correct chanel thru the Athlean Xero program with no response. I bought the Athlean Xero program 1 week ago a lot of the workout are too advance for me to perform. There’s no alternate beginner workouts shown in the videos for the program. Is there anyone that can help?
does anyone else get cracking and pulling at the back of your knee joints doing this? i feel like towards the end of big sets my ligaments in the knee could snap at any moment
It makes perfect sense that in a machine/exercise CALLED hyperextensions that you would be totally forbidden to hyperextend your back!
I feel this exercise more in my hamstrings. So much so, I can only do like 12 until I have to stop because my hamstrings are on fire. Am I doing something wrong here?
Are supermans supposed to feel like my lower back is about to break in half? Serious question frfr
The #SquatUclub is now on YouTube! As soon as I upload a new video, “like” it and comment with the hashtag #SquatUclub ASAP. I’ll pick amongst those who do so within 1 hour of the video going live and pick one winner to start working on whatever you need help with (squat technique, an achy hip, help with back pain during deadlifts, etc). You must be SUBSCRIBED to my YouTube channel for a chance to win. Turning on notifications by clicking the little bell next to the SUBSCRIBE button on my channel will make sure you can be first in line to win every time!
I’ll reply under the winners comment so make sure you keep up on your notifications!
Thank god for this explanation I used to call these backsnappers as it fuck my shit up, precisely to having the pad to far forward
Hi Aeron, as I have herniated disc(l5-s1 RIGHT SIDE) with sciatica, which exercies are better for me to work my legs and back?
Is it alright/safe to perform this on a parallel bar? Lying horizontal, feet and waist locked, facing the ground performing this same exercise
Why you are doing this exercise wrong? There is no need to go that tight to the ground on the negative movement!
Hi, everytime I do this I am hurting my knees, why is that? Thank u
I did all the No No this morning. glad I watched this. Thanks for the insights
Hey Brian, I have been using this exercise to bring pain relief to my lower back. I found that at the bottom of the exercise, at full flexion, my lower back feels stretched. Many trainers I have noticed on the web caution against back rounding on the roman chair. You, Jeff Cavalier and Bret Contreras show this back rounding as a mean of isolating the glutes which incidentally feels like a great lower back stretch. Strangely, I feel that maintaining a neutral position through out the exercise may isolate the erectors better, but I find that it could also overstrain them especially for someone like me who is 4 weeks out from a back spasm that happened after doing a extended superman hold. I was wondering what your thoughts were on this. Thanks in advance!
I can feel it only by watching you,Bryan…
Great instructions,as usual….
I will eventually try it…
Great video. I was hoping you’d show the extension in the Roman chair as well, but I appreciate the video. Will definitely try it out on the ghr. Nice background beat btw!!
awesome explained for someone like me to understand good job keep going
whats funny is that if you look for these machines online, many of the models have the back of their heads touching their asses.
Can you explain the grip on deadlifts? I’ve not done them. Why is one hand flipped around?
Thanks, for a great video in maintaining a healthy back. Your physique looks awesome. Please don’t get any more muscular. Don’t cross the line and look the female freaks in the muscle mags.
@hellario2 I don’t think it’s necessarily bad. However, you are increasing the chances of injury when you hyper extend in this exercise. I also avoid hyperextension. If it works ok for you then don’t bother. But be careful if you go up in weight.
I stared doing exercises first came came collar bone problem next back problem now lower back problem time to see what is next but thank to Athlean x for great helping videos
when she talk she remember me of Sylvester stallone… press like if u r agree
ahh… those are not erector spinae those are your lats dude. the erector spinae frame both sides of the length of your spine. good hack of multi use of the hyper though.
Isnt this like a good morning and as the load is very far away from the lower back so creates a ton of tension at the lower back to lift?
Nice I was wondering what more to do on this machine beside side bends and hyperextension, thank you a lot dude!
I have always lower back problem plz tell me how I can fix that
Best video for this exercise!! Thumbs up always for Squat University!
This is the best exercise to strengthen lower back and to get proper posture and to get rid of back pain. Anyway, I think, there is no need to go down so deep.
what is so bad about hyperextension? and also isn’t this working the glutes too
It also is a major glute activator. most people don’t know that. that’s why I end leg day with this and focus on squeezing the glutes
Probably the most fundamental cue for this exercise is contracting the glutes as you approach the top part of the movement. This firstly stops lumbar extension (or hyper extension) which causes the back pain and teachs you to recruit glutes whilst using muscles in your posterior chain. Remember erector spinae will work in conjunction with glutes and hamstrings.
any benefits on using the barbell on your back instead of using a dumbell/weight plate at chest level?
45* bench would take some loading off the low back and reduce the incidence of injury to the low back… especially for novice, and those prone to spinal deficit. This exercise is not for everyone!
Hi Jeff, for someone that currently does not train and lift any sort of weights, what weight would you say, is a good starting point, for the kettlebells, for strengthening lower back.
Thanks for this video I’ve been doing the second last exercise wrong for a year
Can someone give me an idea of reps? I’m a beginner and 5 lbs overweight.
How would you get the barbell + extra weight on your back easily when you’re alone?
I always like to set up my deadlift with my back tight like in the end range of back extension exercise with my back erectors firing like crazy and to do that I set my hips lower then most people do them because I have short arms and longs legs so it resembles clean weightlifting pull, that way I put the same tension on my back and my quads to lift the barbell and end up with less back pain but I’ve notice people get very dogmatic about the execution of the deadlift and only rely on their back strenght to lift the bar with hips higher even if they can’t maintain neutral spine position, it’s like high bar vs low bar, different strokes for different folks
Latin is a dead language, and pronunciation is not enforced.
Yeah I find you exercises very useful a long time ago I hurt my lower back I’ve been trying to find something to strengthen it because I can give 110% one day at work then the next two days I’ve got to recuperate because of my back my lower back hurt me so bad if I bend over I’ll almost fall over frontwards
Why not do both isometric and isotonic back extension training? Isotonic movement also has benefits to prevent spinal flexion under load, by definition.
Hey Aaron. could you make a video about imbalances in the quadriceps (causes and symptoms) and ways to fix, specifically inactive VMs during a squat. You may have already posted about this on instagram but a bit more indepth would be great
I love that this channel is active once more. Thank you for your informative content!
Also, I do back extensions almost always, but they are always followed by a hamstring raise. It’s a great accessory workout for keeping tight during the deadlift.
Klokov does these with hyperextension. I wonder if this maybe fixes/counteracts other issues? I know one potential issue (at least, for most people if they imitate it…) is his stances being so narrow, feet pointed out (and big toes down hard, i would imagine)
This is a hip extension exercise there is a difference.
looks like im going to get a membership at golds and request her as my trainer 😉
Thanks for making these vids mate. Can’t believe all this free advise. Been watching you for a few years. Don’t know what allot of us would do without you ❤️
Do everything everyday, and then I’ll tell you what you’re leaving out.
According to my pt I have plica syndrome in my right knee, is there something I can do about it, except surgery?
Can you do a video on program recommendations for the different levels of weightlifters? Love your content and your book. definitely saved me a lot of trouble in the long run.
I get very dizzy when doing back extensions, sometimes almost feel like throwing up or passing out. Any idea what might be the cause?
you wouldnt hyper extend the knee in a leg extension why would you hyper extend the back? When the lumbar spine is hyper extended it makes it super vulnerable, and “pinches” the disc out of place just as flexion of the lumbar does.
There are 2 ways of doing this, 1 like she has shown and that will work more hamstring and glutes. The second one is where the bench comes more above hip level, that is when you actually are working your lower back and you can hyperextend.
I get the sense behind that but/so what ur opinion on athlean x opinion? Which is that u get a complete development of the back if u perform this exercise too (the version where u round ur back and train it dynamically) #squatUclub
Thanks for the video.What happens if we do not keep the claf muscles against the pad, and keep the toes touching the bottom of the sliver/black thing, the thing pn which the feet are placed.
Deadlifting, squatting and whole load of other exercises involve isometric contraction of the erectors/core so you don’t really get anything more from keeping your erectors isometrically contracted here (with regards to lower back strength). Besides, the spine was designed to flex too so having exercises that include flexion under a much lighter load than a deadlift and squat would benefit athletes more than continuous isometric exercises.
I do it both ways but for different reasons. Isometric hold in spine for maximum glute activation and concentric/eccentric movement for targetting my erectors.
Side bends are one baaaad excercise for your body. It’s not a natural movement for your body. Also your hyperextension is baaaad! Don’t you feel any pain in your lower back? Your spine should be neutral. NEVER EVER that hyperextended…
So thats why my lower back would be screaming after doing these, I just assumed like some exercises such as the back squat and etc. that going past parallel would give me a better ROM and better gains, boy was I wrong.
not sure why these machines are called “hyper” as hyperextension is poor form. come up to straight.
But isn’t the point of the a back “extension” to go into (albeit slight) flexion and then then extend to work the range of motion? If the back is stiff throughout the motion then it isn’t actively extending, just staying contracted isometrically.
#squatuclub Aaron I really need your help with an injury I’ve had for a while
Watched to see if there was anything I could add to my routine. Thanks, got it covered!
Guys I thought loading your spine while rounded was a bad thing?
Ok to do this w hands hanging down lifting weighted bar? Instead of behind neck?
Mine does 1 thing, and one thing really well;. Collects dust
I’ll keep the slowness in mind. I got back pain doing it too fast
I tweaked my back recently, and those “alternating side back extensions” are doing the trick. Your body lets you know when you are ignoring a muscle group, lol…. with lots of pain.
Hi Aaron, helpful video thanks. Just wondering why not just do a standing good morning instead of using a glute-ham machine or roman chair?
I would not, to have a sexy trainer makes me not focus and hit it hard.
I’ve been struggling with low back pain for 2-3 years now, but with every set it feels stronger! Seriously, who needs a doctor, when you can have Jeff
I’m confused. The other video said to not keep your back straight otherwise you’re working your glutes not your lower back.
If you’re going to emphasize hyperextension so much, you might as well explain why you think it’s so bad. Never gave me any issues and actually feels like a better workout.
The bench used in this video appears to be one of quality and possibly commercial grade to be used in gyms. However, could you let us know the brand and where one identical to this can be purchased?
What do you think about the hyper-extension you showed vs a reverse hyper?
Jeff, can you please do a reaction on these funny/ stupid comments?
I have my 3 last disc bulged, first it was my back hurting and then my left buttock, back of left thigh even going down to my calf and toes. At first I was upset cause I’m so active, still young and suffering from this, but I guess I have been sitting too long and the wrong way my whole life. The most shocking thing was that my doctor told me this was something I had to deal with for the rest of my life and that I had to just manage. I followed instructions that with PT and stretches this will get better. I learned stretches from this video, bought me 2 yogas mat, one for home and for work to do my stretching during my lunch, it was so bad I couldn’t sit for more than a few minutes. Sadly PT doesn’t work, I did it for 6 weeks and spent a fortune That I couldn’t afford cause I had to pay a 30 dollars copay every time I went, PT is only good to go 1 time to learn all the exercises. Desperate I kept researching on social media and read someone talking about Hot Yoga working for bulge discs, I desperately had to try it and let me tell you that within 5 days of doing hot yoga my pain was gone and I’m back to normal, now I will help it up to prevent of getting into this horrifying situation as less as possible. Most shocking is that my doctor, PT, or nobody discussed hot yoga as a method. Do hot Yoga, do your stretches, sit properly and try to get up every 30 mins or so(now I time myself at work to keep getting up and not stay sitting down for hrs like I used to), and sleep on a firm mattress and trust me you will be healed.(flip your mistress like I had to since I couldn’t buy a new one in order to get the firmness). Sorry for the length of my message but I hope this help the someone dealing with this. We will get thru this.
Why is it bad to hyperextend, does it damage the back? I had a personal trainer who told me to do it hyper -extended. Is he wrong then?
Can I do this when having buldging disc? Will it help by strengthening it?
My lower back doesn’t hurt when I do this exercise but after most sets I get light headed. I need to find out why that happens to me.
from another source: The key to low back training, especially with hyperextensions is to move slowly and to only return to a straight back position or SLIGHTLY hyperextended. When you move slowly you’ll be much less likely to injure yourself and it’ll allow you to feel the exercise more effectively. I also suggest squeezing your glutes and hamstrings throughout the entire movement to really engage them. The low back erectors, like the upper back muscles, are usually very de-conditioned from day to day life. They certainly could use regular conditioning to help ensure spinal stability and postural alignment.
buy a workout bench with such equipment for example york 13in1 or just do supermans
I did 4 sets of 12 reps with a 35lb plate. I’m only 16 and lower back is probably my weakest area compared to the rest of my muscles. My lower-back killed me for like 30 minutes and then the pain disappeared completely. Should i continue doing this or am i gonna get injured?
Found it…
Good tips. My dick and nuts are always smashed when I do these
Hi, I’ve never seen a hyper-extension machine like yours. Looks fantastic, lots of pelvic support. My gym has and old one, not bio friendly. Do you still recommend using it? Thumbs up on your videos. Wish I had them 35 yrs ago
Where can I buy an inexpensive chair like yours? My height is 5 4. Thks
I do like the hyperextending apparatus. Rare that gyms have em. Awkward to set up at home
Can u do a video on foot placementplacement. My right foot always seems farther forward then my left and it’s caused a lot of problems for me. Thank u and love the videos
0:37 left side machine, what the hell, that old dude got his leg stuck in the machine lol
I love your content !! Hey what about some information of Facet joint syndrome and training just got diagnosed!
I thought you’re suppose to keep a neutral back posture (slight arch in lower back) and pivot at hip only.
Jeff, do you talk in your sleep? Just kidding as I love all the info. you give.
As an EMT I sit a lot waiting on calls and my back has suffered due to this. some of this I can do while waiting on a call. Thank you!
This is my go to as a cyclist. Helps me ride hard on 15% plus climbd
U r the besttt, how can i say!! U r like a free sports school! THANK YOU
What machines would you recommend for a home use.. love your info… thanks for posting
I love your videos.. I just started lifting, and they’ve really helped me out!! Thank you
Question Jeff: why do you not have the hamstring flexibility you say you need, to do the ‘goodmornings’???
Jeff… Lower back muscle arent even. My right side is bigger than the left. Is there any exercise isolating the left side?
The corrective one seems like something that could aid me for where I’m at. Thanks.
Has back to be flat or it it might flexin’ when performing hyperextension?
this is great i love this machine but now i like this variation
Should you pull back your shoulder blades when doing that hyper extension exercise
I use my flat bench with my feet under a belt, I will see if I can get more glute activation using your tips, thanks.
You’re hyperextending your back, that can cause serious problems with your spine
do you have all your videos on a dvd? i would love to have them all on a dvd.
is this good for posture? the one at my gym isnt slanted but its straight
You can do just a few, very slowly, and get excellent results. (For every exercise)
Do you want to keep a slight bend at the knees when using the back extension? Notice a lot of people like to lock their legs out and to me, that feels really uncomfortable
what about REVERSE HYPEREXTENSIONS? you get to lift your lower body instead of the upper body so it’s a little bit different exercise
Explain the “the big no no no no” otherwise you have no knowledge of the exercise you are coaching.
Great tips! thanks for sharing your insight into the source of the pain not just symptom relief.
You have the best advice for this exercise, these a lot of bad vids on this.
“You’ve been throwing away the opportunity to concentrically shorten your lumbar perispinals!” It’s dialog like this that gets nerds to exercise.
Ìf I wasnt watching this video I would swear it was Leonardo DiCaprio speaking…
thats hip extensions not back extensions with all respect!!
Please talk less and do more. It is a reason makes your videos boring
Nice. I’ve always seen it and had never known how to use it.
I have always tried keeping a straight back while doing the back extension (the whole exercise). But i see that Jeff is actually rounding his back the way down and then afterwards he extends his back the way up. So i guess I am doing this exercise wrong?
what exercise works the abs? the lower abs more specifically?
Jeff i love you i love you jeff thank you so much i didnt know i could do this
Great advises i have been doing those for sometime it works immediately
This is the first time i already do an exercise that jeff is recommending with the same aim as he has. I have achieved enlightenment guys
wouldn’t “hyperextending” result in similar benefits to doing the “superman” on the ground, but now with gravity as resistance?
what are some options for hyper extensions in everyday life. outside of doing them on a bed or gym i feel like its not alot of options to do these efficiently
make sure that you adjust the bench if you can, cause if you have nuts, the bench can easily crush them.
Thanks so much for this vid! I’m not going to lie, I’ve always wanted to use this particular bench but I was quite intimidated AND in addition to that, based on what other people have been doing, I would have been doing it wrong!
When I do this exercise it feels like me knees are locked pretty hard to keep my foot against the foot rests. Is there a better way to do this for the knees?
G’Morning Aaron. If you’ll consider it, here’s a tip I’ve got for you: either remove, or greatly reduce the volume of the background music; at times it was a fair amount louder than you were.
Every gym Ive been to had this equipment.NOT. “make sure you adjust it” risk/ratio..U lost most viewers earlier Joe.Good try tho✌
That’s 3 exercises. Adding weight doesn’t make it a different exercise. Kneeling preacher curls? Really bro. You can do dips if your under 5’2″ and 125 lbs. Lol
I’ve tried it both ways and hyperextending seems to work better. I know it’s a big ‘no-no’ for some reason but I can feel the muscles all the way from my mid back to my lower thighs the next day
Jeff can’t do Good Mornings!!! He is human after all but come on. Train and master em for the perks. I hate when people say they simply “can’t” with the exception of Jeff because I am sure he knows he can’t rather than just assuming.
You don’t trust a pt when she is wearing a shocks…. The worst shoes ever made even for running or walking….
Thank you!!! Really excellent technique and I didn’t think about doing dips with this unit! Thanks!
Great video. Just started using this machine today and its a lot of fun. Gonna give some of these a go
There’s a lot of conflicting advice on the hyperextension. Many are saying that you shouldn’t load your spine while rounded and going through the range of motion. Yet here Jeff is saying that it is okay as long as only go to neutral. What is correct?
Hey Coach Brian! Great video! I’m an aspiring personal trainer whose still early in my education can you explain to me why the rounding of the back and neck is acceptable in this case as this posture tends to be typically be looked down upon in most cases?
Is that the lowest this hyper goes? I was looking at this exact one because I love doing Nordic Curls on the hyper. I’m 6’ and I like my knees on the pad for doing Nordics. Thanks.
I dont have that in my gim. Give us ideas how to make that without it. I have tried but no results…
I try to round my back but it’s almost impossible caz I have been doing squats and practicing form so it’s almost impossible
Started doing these last week and so much easier to get done than a hip thrusts. 10 reps with bodyweight had my glutes shaking. With hip thrusts, you’re tired by the time you load the weight
So I saw this guy doing deadlift everyday. So I been doing 4 days straight now. Pretty damn sore but I am going keep going
I had a feeling that my back extensions were causing some flare-ups with my sciatic nerve. I asked my Chiropractors and they said it was all right what I was doing, but I just intuitively knew this was the cause. Thank you so much for giving me an alternative to do, I’m going to try it out and see how it compares. Wish me luck!
I bought a $350 bodycraft last year. Wish I knew how much I can do with it. I’ll be on it tomorrow
This is easily 1 of my favorite exercises. Idk why nobody uses it. It’s better than hip thrusts.
This exercise is too easy for me. Is it possible to add weights to this exercise?
Why do i feel this exercise in my hamstrings like crazy? Maybe because they shortened? Or why?
Next episode on athleanX is gonna be like
Extensions are killing your gainz
It really should be called “back contraction”, your lower back contracts on the way up, and bends (extends the lower back) on the way down
no way poor technique u r overextending low back this is dangerous
Love it have been training glutes but how do u do that at home?
Thanks for this. I was doing daily kettlebell swings, and TGU with a 40kg, & 32kg bell. I wasn’t doing much calisthenics, and when I started lifting I almost immediately had issues with my lowback, and deadlifting over #300. I am hoping that reducing my midsection circumfrence while strengthening my core, and especially my low back will allow me to start working on heavier deadlifts as I was really wanting to be at #405 with my newbie gains by years end with me being 5’10”, 200#, & 42 yo.
Starting Strength 3rd edition by Mark Rippetoe; page 279. “It is important to lead up with the chest, making it draw the back into extension a full arch at the top of the movement”. The equipment in the book is different than the one in the video. At the top of the movement, the body is parallel with the floor.
Feedback: Stop the background music.
You have so much knowledge but it is very frustrating because of the effort to filter the music from what you are saying. Thanks.
My gym doesn’t have one of those. It has a “Hoist” where the feet rests can’t be moved and it’s constantly in that first position. How can I strengthen my low back without that? (Other then deadlifts)
How do i get a barbell on my back with 135 lbs when i’m in this position?
Go to Unflexal webpage if you’d like to learn about workouts.