Table of Contents:
IAAF Introduction To Race Walking
Video taken from the channel: Graham Chapman
2018 Vic Open Champs: Men 5km Walk
Video taken from the channel: athsvicTV
Race Walk
Video taken from the channel: ShawTVEdmonton
Hadrian Hundred Marshals’ Walk
Video taken from the channel: Morgs 4Mountains
Will Walking Make You A Faster Runner
Video taken from the channel: Running Raw
IMF 10 Steps to Organize a 5K Walk Run Fundraiser
Video taken from the channel: International Myeloma Foundation
How to Organize a Charity Walk or Run
Video taken from the channel: Howcast
A volksmarch is a walking event hosted by a local club, put on by walkers for the public to come and enjoy. Everyone is welcome and the events are either free or have a very small fee. These walks are designed by walkers for walkers.
They often.You can incentivize your walking program with stamps, stickers, pins, and badges; You can set small goals (5km) or massive goals (100,000+ miles) Add a little or a lot to your regular walking.The tradition — which has the simple anglicization of “volksmarch,” and translates to “people’s march” — is an organized, yet decidedly non-competitive walking event, usually done over a route of 10 kilometers.
Families show up to walk 6.2 miles; at the end, kids get a trinket and adults get a beer.Hikers follow dirt trails and gravel work roads up to the Crazy Horse Mountain Carving. The turn-around point is on the Arm of Crazy Horse directly in front of the nine-story-high face, which was completed June 3, 1998.
Hikers get an up-close view of the mountain.A volksmarch is a non-competitive event and usually a walk through a scenic and/or historic area over a predetermined route. It’s not a pledge walk, it’s not a race, it is a fun activity you can do with a club, with your family, with your pet, or all by yourself at your own pace.
Walk with your friends for a 5K and 10K German-Style Walk(Volksmarch). A Volksmarch (people’s march) is a non-competitive leisurely walk along a marked trail. The goal of a Volksmarch is to develop physical fitness and good health and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow walkers.Walk with local walking clubs around the world at IVV volkssport walking events.
Every walker is a winner and the walks are open to the public. Parks Walking Lifestyle.Find Volkssport Walking Events and Walking Routes to Enjoy. These walks are hosted by local walking clubs, with everyone welcome to join in. They include walking events held for one or more days, group walks, and designated walking routes you can do at any time.The C-19 Activities Program is a special version of the Virtual Online Program, The Appalachian Trail, based solely on activities converted to steps.
Now you can spring clean, do some gardening, yoga or dance around the house and convert your movements into steps from the safety of your home.By becoming a member and attending the monthly meetings, you can have a say in picking locations for future walks, planning the trail, designing the award and meeting people with similar interests. Do you have a favorite spot which you think is perfect for a walk?
Join the Rovers and turn your ideas into reality! Come walk with us!The Volksmarch A Sport Anyone Can Enjoy Leave it to the Europeans to take a simple activity, like walking, and turn it into something incredibly organized.
But then, you would be amazed at just how much fun walking can be, and how many thousands of people make it their main social activity.However, latecomers may need to park in distant event parking lots and take a free shuttle to the hiker registration area. Typically, there is a $22 to $28 vehicle entrance fee for the monument that supports the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation.
However, on the day of the Volksmarch, the fee is waived for hikers and entrance is free.Dairyland Walkers walk because we enjoy walking! We walk for fun, fitness and friendship. Our walking is a non-competitive sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and levels of physical fitness.
We walk at our own pace, on our own, or with friends or family. We walk, we talk, and we enjoy the scenery.The Virginia Volkssport Association and its member clubs and walkers ask everyone to continue walking within the guidelines given by local health and government officials in your area.
Be sure to practice “social distancing” of six (6) feet or more while walking in your local parks and communities.Though walking is the primary activity, the volkssporting movement also includes bicycling, swimming, cross-country skiing or snow-shoeing, and other approved activities. Special provisions also allow for people with disabilities to participate in most events.
Participants typically walk 5 kilometers (3.1 mi), 10 kilometers (6.2 mi), 20 kilometers (12 mi) or longer, on a pre-determined outdoor path or trail, with the.
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I started training by walking on a machine, at a rythm of 7:36ish and its legit making my runs faster. I usually walk around 20 minutes and if I cant endure that much time I at least try to reach the 2.5 KM mark
Sorry for my bad english, Im spanish
Why run? Fitness and Race Walking is by far better helpful and not harmful to legs, knees and feet. You get a total body work out not just your legs and arms. My orthopedic doctor said the only benefit is good cardio and you get there quicker in running or jogging. It takes good training and practice to obtain the correct technique.
My old friend. Please come to Switzerland and do the Sierre Zinal race. Would be great to see you again and maybe have a beer. Bring the team. felly.
Can all contributors please note, that comments containing obscenities will be deleted, whether or not I agree with the sentiment.
I’m starting out again and I run until I can’t anymore, then walk for 1 minute. Then run again
Walking is the foundation of my exercise routine without it I wouldn’t be in the shape I’m in today at all
Funny how if you just go slow enough and easy enough over the course of months (or years eventually), you just magically find yourself to be very good at what you’re doing. Unfortunate that it doesn’t “feel” like we’re making progress in the moment. I suspect it’s largely a cultural thing. Gotta chill out!
The typical white woman walking in the morning at 5:30AM in a suburb.
yay the ostrich is winning the race thumbs up if you know its a flamingo
totally agree with walking as equal part of running. I do about one third of my training ( about 60 miles per week in total training) as walking, mainly with the dog, and i am at age 65 fitter than 20 years ago, and even more important injury free the whole time.
Ian Sharman is always emphasizing the value of walking too. And he posts his own to Strava. There is probably something to it:)
The guy in the slow motion intro is cheating. There are a few steps where he has BOTH feet off the ground and this would get him disqualified.
Thank you for your contribution George. The question of slow-motion analysis is discussed below.
Thanks for the video! Do you ever see bears in your area? I live in Anchorage Ak, and we have been getting a lot of them in our trails. Kinda freaking me out!!!
I agree. Quite a few of them are not in a ‘double contact phase.’ They are clearly (in video-both slow motion and not) lifting. A problem with the newer race walking technique and the rules. Also, do the rules really require straightening from the moment of contact? Only as it passes under the body, as I recall (maybe erroneously, though).
It’s so true, when I had an extremely demanding job and I stopped running, I was actually faster when I started again.
Good for your knees? Are you kidding? Race walking is one of the hardest sports on your knees.
I have watched this episode 10s of times and will continue to do so. There are lots of moments and skills that I have picked up and incorporated in “my race walk.” It is fun-sport for me; improving my health in all aspects. It has been exactly two year in Jan-17. I can rotate my waist and hips. What a difference speed and movement and most of all stress buster. Thank you for posting.
Really strange watching this after competing in the main event. The weather is so calm here with clear views! It’s almost like a different walk!
I am pretty sure it has to be straight once it is under the body. Surprisingly, I don’t know for certain even though I do this as a sport. I never really think about how to do it, I just do.
If you watch her walking from 3:00 at.25 speed, you can see she’s actually running. Both her feet come off the ground with EVERY step.
Change you heart
Change your life
Change the planet…
Interesting vid! Any chance of a demo of your extended step?
Goosh, it’s so ugly to look at. The Olympic Games should ban this “sport” for this alone.
GeorgeAmsterdam, thank you for all your contributions. As they are all pretty much the same, I have retained one, and appended to it a link to the actual rules of race walking for the 2017 season, for yourself or anyone else interested.
I am the current vice champion of Brazil Racewalking either help me even TRUTH is only al SHARE this video to be giving me a great strength q my father that I am world champion, but I got the title of CHAMPION, Brazilian climbs 23 and I am the second to several years in Brazil, in the university category was tmb vice Brazil, I wanted THAT OLHA SE TMB. Racewalking elianay campea.muito required.( i am ELIANAY PEREIRA vice champion of Brasil )
I love RaceWalking and recommend it to my run/walk groups.
Because it can cause injury going to fast for only a short distance.
Step 1: Point a gun at the people who you want to run. Step 2: As they run, pick up their ‘donations’ as they fall out of their pockets.
Thanks for another great video Tim! Walking is so underrated! And its something I can can sustain for many hours non stop. Great to know now how it’s even more beneficial than what I thought it was initially
It seems someone has decided to try to monetise this video, i.e. to benefit from advertising revenue, by virtue of a claim that some of the music included is not original. If this person is you, you are invited to email me at the address given above, in the video description, to discuss the matter.
the hands should be in loose fist, not relaxing like that. And the coach DO RUN, not really race walking with both of foot up in seconds
Great video.. great information… good visuals to improve technique.. thank you so much for the effor and for sharing.
Outstanding video. Another benefit of walking is it’s easier to enjoy nature when outdoors.
Thanks for the video 6:37 is going to be my starting point each time
Everything goes on Strava!!! Haha I might be a little obsessed!
I am new to this, but my eyes are very good. The blonde in blue shorts is constantly out of compliance. She is in flight with every step. I am 99% certain.
This sport was actually created in 1907 after a school headmaster scolded a group of young rabble rousers for running in the halls.
I tried this technique and its as rigorous as running just without the impact. So anyone who wants to get really fit without wrecking their knees and hips should try it-its much harder than it looks!
What is the point of this? Just jog or run when you get to a certain speed.
How is deliberately straightening and locking your legs on every stride good for your knees?
Mr Day, the definition is given in the IAAF Competition Rules, Rule 230. Judgement of contact ‘by the human eye’ is taken to mean that flight times of up to 20 milliseconds per pace are permissible, as the human eye is not capable of seeing loss of contact for a shorter period than this.
By the way, to add to my previous post about the obsurdity of the straight knee supporting leg, why bother since they ALL are lifting off the ground and that is the cardinal rule that tells the difference between walking and running. Check all high level films, including the world records, they ALL are lifting.
Thank you for your kind clarification, Mr. Chapman, and for the wonderful, instructive, and inspiring video. I very much appreciate your response and clarification and also the time that you put into this video.
this video is beautiful, but Unbereable harp Background music,
Why doesn’t the judge show the yellow pad (warning) after a caution before writing their number on the disqualification board?
Eugene, thank you for your thoughts. Try a little experiment: walk normally, and then try to get faster and faster and faster. You will reach a phase where you are going quite fast, but you are using the calf muscles (a small muscle) and small contractions of your quadriceps (a large muscle) to power yourself along. To go even faster, you need large contractions of large muscles. You have a choice: either to keep bent knees and use larger contractions of the quadriceps, in which case you lose control of the smoothness of your gait and bounce up and down this is called running. Or, you straighten the legs to create a rigid lever, and use large contractions of the gluteals and hamstrings. With correct control, as explained in the video, the smoothness of the gait is maintained and high speeds can be reached before contact with the ground is broken. This is called race walking. Try it. I don’t know anyone who feels this is terrible for the knees, and if you try it and take the time to get used to it, I don’t think you will either. Your observations on lifting, are answered by other comments below.
Can I ask how many steps in a second considered as average in race walk; and what about Olympic? Anyone know? Thanks in advance.
2:21 use 0.25 speed and pause after every frame. She is not touching the floor at all times, leaving the ground at least two times when her right leg is in front!:O It is terrifying!
I can’t run at all anymore, my knees don’t tolerate it. So I can’t really compare the two. Though I can regularly walk up to 5-10k in a workout and even 20k every once and a while. I’ve definitely become fitter from it. If it wasn’t for walking, I wouldn’t be able to exercise on a daily/weekly basis either. It’s a great way to stay fit and healthy.
I am the current vice champion of Brazil Racewalking either help me even TRUTH is only al SHARE this video to be giving me a great strength q my father that I am world champion, but I got the title of CHAMPION, Brazilian climbs 23 and I am the second to several years in Brazil, in the university category was tmb vice Brazil, I wanted THAT OLHA SE TMB. Racewalking elianay campea.muito required.( i am ELIANAY PEREIRA vice champion of Brasil )
And how does this stay in the Olympics when Wrestling was taken out?
in addition to walking, i also like high knee raise marching in place (sometimes w/ a resistence band just above the knees) while concentrating on how my feet land.
I need to get fit walking after 7 weeks off work and getting lazy, I now need to recover my fitness and body shape, I will be more of a runner close to my races my main race at the end of October.the beachy head marathon in England, When I was working I was walking 10 miles a day going to work and back and big walks at the weekend at least 2 walks a month over 26 miles I walked 250 miles on Strava in April 207 in March in February 97 miles running on a treadmill for zwift running on top of working 40 hours a weeks, it’s amazing how fast down hill you can go fitness and weight gain when you stop being active for 7 weeks, I am back at work this week and walking again, I will walk without Strava until July then start daily recording my efforts, I will probably do a Strava walk on Saturday. Would you wild camp? The benefits of walking you can take more things with you
Wow, suddenly a ray of hope for me lol. Was a highly competitive runner for years, it was my life. Had to stop running a few years ago from a crippling condition in my sinus tarsi canals in both feet. Felt like i lost a part of my soul. Funny though, i can walk forever with no issues lol. Never considered trying this train and to compete again. Looks like i have purpose again, ha lol. Now if i can juuust get mentally past the awkward looking hip swaying lol.
Great video. I get a lot of people stopping me in the mornings when I am racewalking. They want to know what I am doing, or other various comments (LOL). One question is “why” I do this everyday… Easy, I am 61 years old, over the years in various other sports have broken both knees, one hip and un-measurable muscular injuries. Racewalking strengthens me like no other sport and continually increases my flexibility and ability to participate in other sports. I LOVE IT. Recommend for all.
Bruh she was lifting half of the time and the soles of her shoe was too thick
She needs to learn to keep her hands in fists, a great way to do this is gold coins whilst you walk
“Top level competition” is correct. I see MANY portions with the great Ecuadorean race-walker, Jefferson Perez. If you’ve got him…you’ve got THE BEST!
Have to say mate great achievement as ever and for you to video it as well that is fabulous.I am sure all those competitors who will be following you in the next few weeks will look upon this for inspiration. Good luck to all them and big up to you for putting this out there prior to the event.
If she was a real race walker she would have minus 15 kilograms on her
Her arms are too relaxed, they should be closer to her body forming 90 degrees aprox. Also, she bends her legs when racewalking what means she’s actually running. I shouldn’t take this coach as a trainer at all.
I know you can’t use video as evidence of rule breaking, but at 00:15, there was horrible contact.
It would get him disqualified IF it was visible to the unaided human eye, as well as in slow motion. See IAAF Competition Rules, Rule 230.
Great introduction to race walking. You can learn more at There are thousands of pages of free information related to race walking including how to race walk and extensive race photo stories.