Table of Contents:
Strength Building Yoga: High Plank to Low Plank to Chaturanga Dandasana with Kino
Video taken from the channel: KinoYoga
How to do a perfect Chaturanga Dandasana in yoga (4 limbed staff pose / low plank)
Video taken from the channel: Dutch Smiling Yogi
Chaturanga Dandasana (Low Plank)
Video taken from the channel: Savannah Power Yoga
Chaturanga Dandasana for Beginners | Four Limbed Staff Yoga Pose
Video taken from the channel: Lizette Pompa Yoga
Plank Pose and Chaturanga for Beginners
Video taken from the channel: Viru Yoga
Chaturanga Dandasana| The Low Plank Yoga Pose | Steps | Benefits | Yogic Fitness
Video taken from the channel: The Art of Living
How to Do Chaturanga (Low Plank Yoga Pose) Properly (Part 3 Vinyasa Essentials Tutorial Series)
Video taken from the channel: YOGA UPLOAD with Maris Aylward
Start in plank position with the arms and legs very straight. Feet are hip-distance apart and shoulders are over your wrists. Heels press back while the crown of the head reaches forward. You could draw a line from your heels to the crown of your head because the hips are neither drooping down nor sticking up.
The upper arms should be brought parallel to the ground while keeping the shoulders above the wrists. Continue to hold the shoulders away from the ears. Hold for a few moments here in Low Plank before transitioning into Upward Facing Dog.
Gently lower the knees, chest, and chin towards the mat.Low plank pose, or chaturanga dandasana in Sanskrit, is most commonly practiced in Vinyasa yoga as a transition between plank and upward-facing dog pose. From plank, the yogi bends their elbows and lowers their body toward the ground, using the strength of their core and arms to hold the pose.From Plank Pose, bend your elbows straight backwardand lower your body halfway down or less. As you lower, keep your elbows tucked against your side bodies.
Sounds simple, it’s not Here’s the alignment you need to keep in mind for Chaturanga-time: It’s quite normal for elbows to wing out as you lower.5. Bring your gaze to the floor, about 6 inches in front of you, and continue to lower until your shoulders are at the same height as your elbows. 6. Continue to reach through the heels, sternum, and crown of the head as you breathe. 7. To come out of the pose, exhale and lower down to your belly or push back up to Plank.The completed form of Chaturanga Dandasana is quite difficult to perform at first, until your arms, back, and legs are strong enough to support you.
From Plank Pose, begin by lowering your knees to the floor and then, with an exhalation, lower your sternum to within an inch or two above the floor.Perform Chaturanga Dandasana (using a blanket support under your thighs if needed). Have your partner straddle your waist, pigeon-toe his/her feet, and squeeze the top rim of your pelvis with his/her lower legs. Your partner can drag your pelvis back slightly, toward the feet, while you lift the top of your sternum in the opposite direction.Chaturanga DO’s: 90 degree angle in the upper arms and forearms.
Elbows and forearms are parallel to the floor. Tuck your tailbone to lengthen your low back. Utilize the back muscles of your body (back torso, shoulder blades, triceps, hamstrings, and calves) with equal effort as the front.
How to Do Chaturanga (Low Plank Yoga Pose) Properly (Part 3 Vinyasa Essentials Tutorial Series) Duration: 8:37. YOGA UPLOAD with Maris Aylward 22,535 views 8:37.Chaturanga Dandasana (Sanskrit:?????; Sanskrit pronunciation: Ã, [c? t? ur?? g? d?????: s? n??]; IAST: Catura or 4-Limbed Staff Pose, also known as Low Plank, is the Yoga asana, where the parallel body is straight to the ground supported by the toes and palms, with the elbows at right angles.
Video Chaturanga Dandasana.From the high plank pose lower the knees to the ground and bend the elbows bringing the torso closer to the floor. At this point the two hands are on the sides, elbows bend and the chest above the ground. Raise your knees above the floor, so that the body is in a straight line, horizontal to the ground.How to Do a High Plank to Low Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana) Learn high plank to low plank from certified yoga instructor Chelsey Korus in this Howcast video.
Transcript. The next thing we’re going to work is Chaturanga Dandasana. Or, you might hear it in your classes, high plank to low plank. And there’s a lot of different variations.Many students actually come into chaturanga dandasana this way, descending straight down from plank pose (or even jumping back from uttanasana, the standing forward bend) with.
So as you lower down elbows back, shoulders forward, belly in, belly in, belly in. And then as straight spine as you can. Keep that belly in.
You’ll lower yourself all the way down to the floor.D. Inhale, lifting chest, hovering hips, and straightening arms to move into upward facing dog. Chaturanga Form Tips. While in plank, imagine rotating palms externally to fire up muscles between and on back of shoulder blades.
Turn the inner crease of elbows forward and point elbows back.
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This is great… Been doing different yoga for sooo many years and no one has ever explained chaturanga to me like this… thank you!
Thank you, that was very well explained, will definitely practice the diagonal
Thank you so much for this tutorial! I realize now that I sag my hips while doing this. Gonna start this from tomorrow morning. Since I’m new to yoga, is there anything else I can use apart from blocks?
Thank U for this incredible explanation and demonstration. I’m sure with your help I’ll now be able to work my way into doing this pose. Namasté!!
wow thank you so much, I been having a bit of shoulder pain.. really hit home when you said let the ego go lol I’m going to do with my knees down I’m not strong enough at the moment. thank you☺
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I’m fairly new to yoga-been practicing at home every day for 18 months, and this sequence has been the bane of my existence. Sometimes I’ll nail it, and I know I’ve nailed it. You can feel when it’s right. Most of the time, though, I know I’m doing something wrong. I’ve pored through countless videos and articles on the topic, and while all were helpful, this right here is one of the best. Huge a-ha! moment for me. Saving to my favorites because I know I’ll come back to it many times!!
This is very helpful, thank you! Now I also understand how to transition between the two poses.
Thank you. Much help. I was having tuff time understanding the correct form of this pose.
This was soooo useful. I’ve just recently become strong enough to work with this posture, so working with blocks to master proper technique is awesome. I really need to develop more upper body strength!! Thank you, Lizette!
It’s amazingly great! Now, I’m clear with my problem of not getting this pose. Really appreciate your helpful demonstration. I’ll try to get this in a systematic way for sure. Thanks and luv
Thank you, Kino! This is an excellent practice to build my strength. I didn’t know the high plank you mentioned here, and this is a nice challenge for me!
Great breakdown of this pose! Chaturanga Dandasana is definitely not as easy as it looks! Thank you for class, Namaste
The best explanation on youtube I started doing it correctly after watching your video before I was doing waves lol and now day by day I’m mastering it on knees Thank you very much I grateful!!!
That was amazing explanation! Thank you
Question: when you lower down to 90 degree at your elbow, your neck is slightly tilted up and gaze is up, is it how it should be? I have been practicing with gaze down and neck face parallel to the ground. Please clarify
Thank you very much, it helps a lot! But isn’t it way too strong on the wrist?
Thank you!!! Simple, friendly and great instruction! I’m going to try this and hope I can do my Chaturanga properly.
I usually avoid this one because I have rather severe upper trap issues.i will try your video to see if it will help me. Thanks so much.
Thank you so much, great how to start and strengthen with blocks and and flow
excellent tips and demo, I m a teacher over 15 years, thank you for the world community
Such a generous and thoughtful, detailed instruction. As a female, this is a very defeating pose and you have invigorated me with steps to increase my strength. Not fall on my nose. Thank you so much
Finally! Do you how mamy years I have been working on this posture?! I NOW know why I have been injuring myself. Thank you!
This is an amazing tutorial! You have such a gift for explaining proper technique and a creative way to demonstrate it. I could feel all the muscles engaging and now I have a clear understanding of the best form. Thanks Lizette!
This was really helpful! Thank you for the explanation. I am going to practice with this video as I feel like I don’t pay attention to this pose. Glad I found this video thank you!
The first time I tried chaturanga my shoulders were sore for 2 days! I was a bit scared cause I though I might have injured myself. Your tutorial is very precise. Can’t wait to apply these techniques on my next practice! ❤️
Thank you for the video I really like the way you explained the C pubic bone to navel.
I have been doing Yoga since three years at home and always winged the Chaturanga. Now I look forward to doing it right. Thank you!
this was amazing. Using the blocks was genius! thank you so much.
hi thanks so much for this <3 what workout routine would you recommend to get such a toned strong body (with six pack hopefully haha)? is yoga alone enough?
Very good tutorial. Thank you so much. I did always chaturanga somehow but not like this. I did’nt know it is done that way. For me it was just a transition movement to the next asana.
Well, this is gonna take me weeks to have the arm and core muscles to properly do this, but now I at least theoretically know the right way and I’ll try to remind myself of the right way to do this haha
ki,i start yoga in P90X(yoga x) i hope your program take me to the haven too like tony horton and his crew did before.Namaste
Very nice intelligible, easy to understand tutorial of Chaturanga Dandasana, it helps really. I love this also, for sure I’l practice it everyday. Thanks Lizette.
Thank you, it’s important to know, after a years practicing yoga I realized that I did it wrong and I have pain in my elbow and wrist
very nice. love the modification with the knees and especially liked the addition of the sequencing for the flow of the pose!
Very well explained. Been trying to get it right for months and here it is.
thank you for yours tuturials i love them.. I m yoga teacher but for some years i was out of some more difficults asanas for problems in my knees but now i m studying and practcing and yours tutorials help a lot.. I am very gratefull. Namaste
Hi Maris, thank you for your videos. I am 56 years old and just started on yoga. Your instructions are so clear and much better my personal yoga teacher! Keep up the good work
Thank you so much. You have broken it down wonderfully so that we get it right. Helps immensely to avoid injury.
You have NO IDEA how helpful this is! I’ve been having some elbow issues in my yoga practice. I dislocated my shoulder about 6 months ago and I thought the strength difference in my shoulders was causing me to lower uneven (which I’m prone to do) and it was causing my elbows to pop lowering into Chaturanga! Turns out, with proper technique my elbows don’t pop. Bless the YouTube algorithm for bringing this video to me!
Wow that was amazing…thank you so much for explaining it so well
This is so helpful, Maris. I love the wave trick too sa plank.:) But if I still struggle with chaturanga, will I miss out on a lot if I skip to upward dog instead? Or maybe do knees-chest-and-chin nalang?
Very nice explanation with the block, I will do it and let you know! Thank you!!!
This was the clearest explanation I have had of Chaturanga. I can see exactly what I am doing wrong now and how to work on it. Great teaching technique!
I’ve been practicing yoga on and off for at least two years but can never do chaturanga although I have watched a lot of videos. I think j u explained really well. I’m gonna try your way to practice this pose.
It helped me a lot. thank u so much. Do you have an Instagram account?
PART 3 of the VINYASA ESSENTIALS Tutorial Series Chaturanga Dandasana! As Vinyasa lovers, we need to practice our chaturanga properly to minimize injury and ensure longevity in our yoga life. Share your feedback below. Thanks everyone!:) Maris
I’ve been a bit undecided how to teach this properly to my students and never thought about blocks at the shoulder, Lovely tutorial thank you x
Hi there. I just started yoga. Today will be my 14th day. I’ve just been following videos online eventually I will join a club or something. Once I feel more confident. I’m struggling with getting my arms to bend like that. I think there’s something wrong with them. Am I doing something wrong. or is it. I’m just too weak at the moment and it will take time. I struggle to do a normal push up soooo. Any advice you could give me would be great. thanks
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you! Such a clear and concise tutorial. My shoulders don’t clunk anymore:)
wow this is a game changer been practicing for years and doing this wrong the movement forwards is the key now i need to build the strength on my knees to do it correctly with straight leg thank you so much xx
Kino! Ur videos are amazing! Keep up the good work! I’m still a newbie but yoga has really helped me with my fitness routine!:)
A really clearly explained and staged instruction for this pose. Thank you. Namaste
Very good explanation. I’ve been trying to do it wrong for years and thought I was helpless or too weak. This explains a lot. Thank you!
So I don’t have enough strength in my shoulders or arms to do what you are doing. How do I build up to this?
Thank you! this was so helpful! I only have one block at the moment, I suppose I should put it in front? Which one do you think is the most important? Maybe I should alternate?
You are very good. Very good instructions. and you are very handsome.. blessings
Great tutorial Maris!!!:D I can really see this helping a lot of people
where will i get the book you mentioned? could you please share the link?
This is a great video!! you should do more poses tutorial: you are really great at explaining!!
vow for an entire year I have been doing it wrong:o. thanks!
I appreciate your knowledge of yoga and fitness, I would like to take more of your videos, but I can’t because you say so terribly quickly that it unbearable for me, sorry! but everything else is great, well done!! and good luck!
Maam your abs are like bricks, cant remove my eyes from there
I have been doing Yoga for more than 5 years and have never been instructed by my teachers that I was doing it completely wrong. I was lowering “push-up” style. Now it is very clear. Thank you very much mate!
I’m a Vinyasa person, but the Chaturanga kills me. Thank you for this
Thank you very much! This is the one position I couldn’t get right. After watching your video, it is all clearer. Really helpful!
Thanks for v useful tips ⚘I was trying since long but all I vain
Wow! Great tutorial ☺️ this so helpful, I’ve been doing this wrong all along, I thought the chest was supposed to touch the floor. Thanks for sharing this explanation!!
By the way, I’m pretty sure I’ve already hurt my left shoulder by doing this posture incorrectly… Is there any tip you can recommend to protect my shoulders and build strength while continuing to practice? It is not terribly painful, but I’ve been feeling a mild ache in my left shoulder for a couple of months now it is slowly getting better though:)
Oh Kino how is it possible you still dont have a proper alignment in chaturanga after all those years of yoga?? Elbows bend in 90 degree angle girl.
thank you! Not only did it help with my chaturanga but also my transition to upward dog
Wow, now I understand the pose. They never explained it in class. Thank you.
thank you so much for this video! i have had front shoulder pain for sometime now. I have been lowering much to far in chatarunga to upward dog.
Thank you for this video. I always rush through this pose and I realised I never had this Asana correct. Thank you for explaining this and I will start in my knees and practice watching this video. Thank you thank you!
this is awesome!! i guess i was doing wrong chaturanga and injured my wrist. Maybe the weight much on the outer wrist when elbow and wrist are not inline.
after i tried with this method! Dang!!! my wrist dont feel anything. thanks, Lizette!
Perfeito, usarei suas explicações p melhorar minha chaturanga, gratidão, namastê
didn’t notice I have been doing this all wrong all the while! Thanks for the tutorial for the breakdown of the pose
thank you just what i needed. Ive been ‘cheating’ in asanas… just doing cobra (i thnk thats the name) I shall practice this now!
Hi. Thanks for your video . But my wrist hurm me when l do it several times. What’s wrong with my plz?
How often do I need to do planks each day? I had a back injury a year ago and have suffered every day, I have been told low and high planks will help loads but I dont know how many or how often to do them, please help, Thanks.
Thanks for this tutorial. This pose is so difficult and tough on my wrists. Are the shoulders opened with the elbow crease shining forward.
Oh my gosh, I was doing this position sooooo wrong! Thank you for the tutorial!
In the beginning it’s really difficult, specially when you’re not strong enough. I’m struggling with chaturanga, but I’m getting better taking soft steps. Thanks for the explanation
I’ve been doing yoga for a while, and this has never been explained in this way!!!! I’ve been doing it wrong the whole time! Thank you so much for clarifying the movement
Thank you for the tip! I will use blocks to practice my chaturanga very helpful
Interesting your index fingers aren’t down. My teacher always says to gave them pushing down
Brilliant, this has helped me build up so much more strength