Table of Contents:
How Does ALCOHOL Impact Fat Loss, Muscle & Testosterone? (What The Science Says)
Video taken from the channel: Jeff Nippard
ALCOHOL & FAT LOSS | Why Booze Makes Us Fat
Video taken from the channel: Healthy Emmie
NIC: Why do we GAIN WEIGHT from Alcohol if it is NOT STORED?
Video taken from the channel: Physionic
EP 89: Alcohol Can Make You Fat
Video taken from the channel: This Naked Mind
How Alcohol Affects the Liver & Body to limit your Weight Loss! (+STOPS FAT LOSS!)
Video taken from the channel: Marc Dressen Personal Training
Does Alcohol Make You Gain Weight? (The 4 Biggest Problems)
Video taken from the channel: Fit Father Project Fitness For Busy Fathers
Alcohol and Weight Gain
Video taken from the channel: All Health TV
Although some studies have found that drinking light-to-moderate amounts of alcohol is not necessarily linked to weight gain, researchers suggest that drinking alcohol can sometimes be a.Summary. Alcohol can cause weight gain in four ways: it stops your body from burning fat, it’s high in kilojoules, it can make you feel hungry, and it can lead to poor food choices.
Whether or not you will gain weight from alcohol depends on what you drink, how much you drink, how often you drink, what you eat when you drink, and your unique body and lifestyle.Additionally, alcohol stimulates appetite, increases the calorie content of the body, is converted to fat, and leads to considerable weight gain. Cutting back or abstaining from alcohol is great for overall health, especially weight loss.
There are a few reasons why alcohol and weight gain are linked, some of which are direct and others are indirect. First, alcohol can cause weight gain simply because it has calories. Not only does the actual alcohol have calories, but additives and mixers that are included with many alcoholic beverages can be packed with calories as well as sugar.
Bottom line: Yes, alcohol can cause weight gain, but probably in more ways than you’d think. It’s not just the calories in what you’re drinking that can cause weight gain. What you eat around the time you’re including alcohol in your diet, and the health of one very important organ play a big role in weight gain.Based on the evidence from these 3 studies, alcohol can cause weight gain if you drink large quantities of it. The study stated greater than or equal to 30g/day.
A standard drink (12 oz 4% alcohol beer, 1 oz of hard liquor, or about 4oz 12% alcohol wine) will provide about 10 grams of alcohol.Excess alcohol can also turn to fat in your liver and can raise the amount of fat in your blood, says Sonya Angelone, R.D., a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.Depending on what you order or pour, just one drink might contain anywhere from fifty to several hundred calories. Besides weight gain, alcohol can also lead to irritation of your gastrointestinal.There are several direct and indirect ways that heavy drinking can make you gain weight or, more specifically, gain body fat.
Direct effect: excess energy When people discuss alcohol’s effect on weight, they typically refer to the calories in alcohol as the leading cause of weight gain.In theory, there are several reasons why drinking alcohol should lead to weight gain: It is calorie dense – 1 gram of alcohol has around twice as many calories as a gram of carbohydrate or protein. Your liver has got a special affinity for ethanol an alcohol derivative. It turns almost all of it into energy.Alcohol can cause weight gain by changing your metabolism.
Here’s how it works: To your body, alcohol is basically a poison. Alcohol cannot be stored like other types of food, and your body wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. To make this happen, other metabolic processes such as fat oxidation take a back seat to alcohol metabolism.
Avoiding Weight Gain With Alcohol. Be aware of what and how much you’re drinking: Find the calorie content of your favorite drinks. That alone may motivate you to find substitutions for higher calorie drinks. For example, a margarita can have upwards of 550 calories while a.However, for individuals who consume a large amount of alcohol daily, but still eat a varied diet each day, the calories can quickly add up and will eventually result in weight gain as a result. One of the major side effects of alcohol abuse as it relates to weight gain is the stimulatory effect on appetite.
For example, drinking alcohol can lead to a bacterial infection that causes gastritis and, in turn, stomach bloating. Alcohol can also cause weight gain, which can resemble bloating. This weight.Alcohol can cause weight gain in a couple of ways. First, alcohol is high in calories.
Some mixed drinks can contain as many calories as a meal, but without the nutrients. Second, you also may make poor food choices when you drink.
List of related literature:
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from Plant-Based Sports Nutrition: Expert Fueling Strategies for Training, Recovery, and Performance | |
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from Nutrition | |
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from Nutrition | |
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from A Guide To Flexible Dieting | |
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from Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-surgical Nursing | |
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from Handbook of Alcoholic Beverages: Technical, Analytical and Nutritional Aspects | |
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from Juta’s manual of nursing | |
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from Pharmaceutical Chemistry, International Edition E-Book | |
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from The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine | |
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from Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity |
Nice video. i enjoyed this video all situations. this will make more fun. thank you for sharing.
If any you blokes looking to drop 2-3 kg with very little effort or change stop drinking i have not had alcohol for 3 years and lots weight with out even trying not mention lots more money in the bank
Best of luck gentleman…
is it worse than a bottle of soda or a piece of pastry for a weight loss program? if not why would you demonize alcohol while neglecting carbs at least you could say it’s no worse than drinking soda
A can of Bud Light is 110 calories. A shot of Jack is 65 calories / 0 carbs. Choose wisely people
Omg l was looking for a content like this coz l have lost 10 kgs with no such effort in 6 months after going totally sober thank youuuuu
Best video explanation Ive seen, understood everything you said perfectly unlike other videos make it difficult to understand. Nice video! Thanks!!!
Sore legs from workout and drunk first time since so long watching this lol
A DRUG doesn’t have to be addictive. And I suspect alcohol isn’t the biggest drug in the world as you stated. Listening to the rest of your video you are either really thick and think your smart or you think everyone else is thick. What are your qualifications?
Lot of info I didn’t know, another great video thanks for uploading:)
the way I see it, its already hard, least long af, to build muscle as a natural, why throw in yet another variable like alcohol to make things more complicated? With that being said, turning up once in a while is doable ay
Sooooo, drink on an empty stomach?:D seriously though, this is very topical with me. I’ve just started getting serious about getting my body in shape to set myself up for my later years and have noticed that on days that I did not drink the prior night, I get a much better workout at noon. I was cutting out beer and instead drinking straight whiskey. Now I’m better armed with some knowledge on what I can do to get the best results.
Quick question though. How much time after a meal would be best to wait before consuming a drink?
Really useful and concise info. You deserve more subscribers!
Why does the science only show results for men and women? That’s a little exclusive don’t you think?
Every time I diet and have a night out. The next day I am down in weight more than usual. Around 1-2 lbs, but I always thought it was just dehydration. What do yall think?
Incredible how so many things are linked in our body. Weight gain is not cut and dry. Thanks for info
Negative, if your body only burns off the alcohol and nothing else, then how does someone have energy to party all night or even lift? Are they using the alcohol for energy? If not, then they are burning something else as energy ie: fat or carbs. They have to be able to burn glucose or ketones at the same time as alcohol otherwise you would not be able to do any physical activity
A wonderful and underrated video. I think most people can’t just listen these days without having moving pictures lol anyway great info thanks
So you drink instead of eating. At this point i may give it a try.
I’m not a bodybuilder, as I can’t stand being in a gym and lifting weights but I do practice bodyweight exercises. I just love your videos, homie. Your presentation is fantastic. Thanks for all the videos.
I know a guy who used to make his morning protein shakes using vodka as the liquid. LOL Booze increases estrogen in women too. That’s why some women should limit it, if they have too much estrogen already…or have estrogen based breast cancer. is one of the best natural ingredients remedy for men’s health. People should know what they are eating. Excellent clean ingredients.
I use to go gym and have a drink on weekends I never gained weight, but I stopped the gym about 9 years ago carried on with the alcohol gained 6 stones! Joined gym today time to cut out the alcohol and back in the gym! Alcohol is the devil’s juice:(
I’ve been able to lose 6 pounds in two weeks. Ever since quitting alcohol. I know my body is not finished yet. Maybe another six to go.I did nothing but walk as an exercise.The pounds are falling off like nothing.
This video about alcohol and weight gain was great! I learned a lot new things and definitely recommend checking it out.
should i speak like a radio podcast or should i stick to the youtube information telling way..??
My body is already too skinny, but I have chubby cheeks. I don’t want to lose anymore weight,
You say you’re a sport scientist and still use pint as a measuring unit. Please conform to the standards before even makings something educational. Horrible educational video for most of the population of earth.
Thank you for this video. Just proves my decision to quit drinking is the right choice.
In fact, i loss my weight when i drink whiskey 2 or 3 years ago
I agree completely with your mission about alcohol and I only have one glass of wine every few months. Your video presentation is absolutely refreshing and positive and really enjoy learning some of the science.
8 days free from alcohol and saved 150 buxs cuz I do drugs when I drink so I quit both plus made money doing side jobs…12 step program starting up and mental health wish everyone the best without booze
Please make sure you’re buying heavy metal certified supplements. I can’t stress it enough. I don’t know why people ignore it. If you’re looking for best male health supplement in USA, then use and if you’re in Canada, use rang supplement.
I liked the idea about 3 lost hours of fat burning after each glass of wine. Finally, an explanation which makes sense to me:D
Very useful information. I find whenever I drink I become very lethargic for the next 36 hours or so, which really sets me off my workout routine. No doubt has something to do with REM sleep cycles and vitamin/nutrient depletion. I assume all or most of this information applies to women as well?
Well every year I fast from January to June….alcohol. No real improvement in weight loss during this time. However, this year, I’m juicing, fasting and exercise. We shall see.
It is so important to understand that while selecting male health supplement, you need to check for microbial analysis as well. Nobody talks about it because probably no one is doing it. I know rang supplement does it in Canada and in USA it is done by
But if you don’t eat the alcohol will hit so fast that’s badddd
I hope everyone’s doing well, be sure to comment any questions below and share the video if you think someone could benefit!
See you in the comments!
Wow so it’s not a good idea to eat and drink alcohol at the same time.
I never knew about this before, great video. Currently learning a lot from the videos you’re posting:)
Lol 8-9 drinks gets you fucked up! I wouldn’t feel anabolic being shitfaced at the same time
Well miles of ahead in life, everyone wants to hang out and majorly by drinking. I prefer to watch out the video to get information regarding weight gaining by alcohol and cholesterol foods. I bet you are gonna enjoy this ones. Have a great life ahead.
Yes. I think Alcohol lead to gain our body weight. If we control our body weight we should try to avoid alcohol. Thanks for sharing this video.
Well, although it has many negative side but when I hangout with friends I couldn’t think of any alternatives. With the help of your explanation I might be able to decrease the number of time I take. Thanks mate.
I’ve always struggled to lose weight. The fact that the liver prioritises the elimination of the alcohol, a toxin, before metabolising the fat is I believe a real game changer here. Why is this not better known? Before, all I’d heard was that alcohol slowed down your metabolism. The truth is it’s much worse than that! Thanks for this gem of knowledge which I will now put to good use!
Damn it, stupid ass stomach can’t just take the liqour and digest it. It has to be a pussy about it dont it
At the beginning you say that a pint of beer has 180 calories, and then later you say that a pint of beer has 150 calories…pick one…or a range! Many are more.
Many of my clients don’t initially realize how much they drink from week-to-week…and how much it affects what they eat during/after.
I’m getting an ad with some douchebag trying to sell me something called Umzu… What’s up with that?
I really appreciate you giving advice on this well done and thank you.
Let me iterate, it’s great to have alcohol and workout!
This was such an interesting video:) still like to have drinks every so often but I’m always aware of the calorie content in some drinks. Especially cocktails!
Thanks for the Video clip! Sorry for chiming in, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you tried Patlarny Abstinent Life Principle (do a search on google)? It is a great one off guide for getting rid of a drinking problem without the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my work colleague at very last got great results with it.
Very interesting. I think just like anything moderation is the key.
This is glorious, I’ve been looking for “drinking and driving facts” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about Baanubrey Illustrious Breakthrough (should be on google have a look )?
It is a smashing one of a kind product for discovering how to quit drinking without the hard work. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my mate got amazing success with it.
I came across your video because i was searching for alcohol & weight. I drink 1/2-1 bottle Whiskey a day EVERY night for the past 5 years. Had to give up working because of a disability at 50 was a “reason” i went from 90kg to now 130kg, lack of mobility and sitting all day is another reason why i put on weight and of course Alcohol. For a week or so i have stabbing pain around my Liver area and i know its because of my drinking. For the past 3 days i didnt drink any whiskey, just water and honestly i dont feel that good, i cant sleep at all and i feel cold and hot. I dont know if i can go on, because i have nothing else to do, i cant go out for a walk instead. Just sitting all day and watch TV
YOU MARC have just ruined my beer:(. Great information thank you…sort of 😉
Thanks for this video. I used to lift weights and drink I don’t think it was good for my body.
I take 2-3 one ml shots of vodka almost per night smh i get it now i need to stop drinking period no wonder my stubborn fat is stubborn af
Australia is a beautiful country and a bloody awesome country
I have another question that relates to this topic. How does one account for the caloric value of typical alcoholic beverages? I’m not one to go out on an all-night drink fest, but obviously enjoying the occasional beer, wine, or cider with your sweetheart over dinner is going to happen. So what do you do?
Alcohol is a poison. It kills every cell it comes in contact with. Damages our liver function, brain function and intestines, gut bacteria. Alcohol also causes depression and lack of motivation. Alcohol also increases xenoestrogens in the body.
How often do you mean “a recurring thing” once a week, multiple times a week, or daily?
My Sobriety Date Dec 12 2019 been losing weight like crazy not working out ppl at work think im sick no never been better in years 25 years started drinking in 95 my biggest weight was 388 pounds almost under 300 now
Thank you so much for getting straight to your points without a bunch of blah blah first. Too many youtubers seem to love a long lead-in and I click out if the point isn’t dealt with very quickly. Great job and great info!Thanks for sharing!
I think the biggest problem is what people eat during and after consuming alcohol. A couple of bottles of beer combined with a day of lean meat and veg is different than getting wasted and binging on hamburgers/fries/tacos.
This may convince me to stop having it as often, but I’d have to be on my deathbed to ever consider giving it up completely.
I can’t sleep without alcohol, so even when cutting I have to reserve a minimum 300 kcal for beer before bed. It doesn’t affect my training, but now I have a six pack AND a beer gut… It’s an interesting look.
☼ Alcohol is likely a proxy for other things as well, but the points about sleep and drunk people breaking diets is true in my experience. They don’t count it the same as breaking diet by day (like they dont count their drinks properly either, meanwhile counting every single calorie and keytone from a lettuce leaf! Alcohol is a demon of a drug.) My mother is a fitness nut, while i was growing up too. A fitness nut who has a couple of glasses after work with dinner. occasionally 3. Maybe one to watch “her shows”, just a mindless show to space out and decompress from work. Maybe that one glass is one or two coff three *coff*. It varies by day of course: but that is like 6 glasses!
Anyway. She lives in the gym as a result. But whenever she is not losing weight: it is alcohol. And steroids for inflammation are a problem of course, and antiDepressants can be important but all have a weight component (thru multiple variant mechanisms). All true. It’s just funny how it was always the stopping drinking that made all the difference (it also causes systemic inflammation independently of any conditions but obviously i wasnt trained as a child).
The leptin concept is good. The points maybe missed, or not highlighted, are the feeling of “full” being triggered from stomach stretching and also muscle movement in jaw/swallowing through separate mechanisms. This is like the “chinase restaurant” effect it means later you’ll be starving, as each cycle the demand increases (in the research we literally cut open theanimals’ throat, so they drink/eat but the food falls out. you probably know the work. But the crux is they eat every few hors, then every hour, then every 20min, then finally are drinking constantly just to consume. Then are “sacrificed to science. You can’t easily do that kind of research anymore!)
And a big one is alcohol is metabolised as a sugar stand in (in some processes). I understand you dont want to have these short vids too technical, & i haven’t looked at the p450-2d6 etoh dehydrodgenase path(s) in a while myself. But no point cutting out sugars, if you add a sugar replacement (that doesn’t have stored power aka “empty calories”): bc you’ll fat store the other sugars youre eating.
Also anyone drinking wines or mixer soft drinks, of course. minor point. And all of that w/all the caveats of everyone is different and physiology is not a science as much as we would like (*no science really is). And kudos for staying away from the microbiome and fecal transplants =P. interesting topics, but they require many of their own vids probs. Look at one thing at a time.
GR8 vid. <3
I completely agree about the part where alcohol for examplecuts in the line, gets in the building/stomach and shuts the door on the food that is supposed to get stored normally. It stays and gets stored as fat:/
Thank you so much for this informative and inspiring video! I am truly grateful!
Annie, this is brilliant information!! One question/ addition: within your research did you also learn that body fat is essential to protect us by storing toxins? You’ll certainly know more re the science of processing alcohol so can elaborate on this: I have a suspicion that we also retain fat when drinking to lock away excess toxins we cannot process during the processing of alcohol (perhaps a cause of fatty liver?). If you could check the science on this, it might be a fourth factor for weight gain, (water retention being a fifth), and I would be interested in knowing the answer myself. Thanks Annie. Great work. xx
thinking about giving up alcohol..only drink once a month or so,Not enjoying it anymore…
you are so right, awesome. I didn’t know some thinghs about the alcool, and I used drinking when bored, when enjoing company and so on….
now I half the drinking and lose about 4 kg,..:O so awesome!!
Thxx bro from now on I’m only drinking on my day off……no more everyday
Absolutely spot on. I’m on 47 days no alcohol today. Have been an on and off gym person since the age of 16. I’m 37 now. Always envied other guys at gym who were packing some serious muscle but knew they must be on some shit to help them along. Anyway oh my god…I stopped drinking 47 days ago and been hitting gym with mix of cardio and heavy lifting and 2 days rest at weekend…I have never seen my body change so much in the last 20 years as much as it has done in last 20 days. All I changed was eliminating alcohol. Everyone try it…if you stop alcohol for whatever period of time you choose, I would suggest also hitting the gym at same time. It will give you such a natural high. I now plan on doing 90 days no alcohol and see how it goes from there.
this channel is proving to be really different based on the topics it covers, glad you focused on the relation between alcohol and weight gain.
Not certain about the points made but,if anyone else wants to uncover best way to quit drinking on your own try Sovallo Amazing Drink Fixer (do a search on google )? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my mate got excellent results with it.
With his laptop in front of him, he looks like he’s sitting in a tiny bathtub. How embarrassing for him.
It’s crazy that I’ve been knowing this. I drink everyday and I have lupus and Hep c. I need something I need to see a Dr. For depression and therapy. I truly enjoyed this video.
I like this guy! Thanks, Marc, I found this very informative and inspiring.
I stopped drinking alcohol when I realized that it could potentially slow my progress in the gym. That combined with alcohol’s testosterone inhibiting effects and I have no reason to ever grab a “drink”.
I think your points are right. We should be more aware about drinking alcohol.
naturekindness .com is the only brand that deals with male health. Excellent quality. My health has improved so much over last 6 months. I am over 50 years.
I actually do love your content. But in being a loser, for I study statistics for fun. You need bare bones minimum 25 subjects to test in each group.
I really could repeat some of these tests and get a way way way different number. I did learn stuff tho. Thanks mate
My son suggested naturekindness .com as he’s into natural bodybuilding. I had a talk with a representative who told me about multiple purity tests they do on every batch. Used them for over 3 months now. Excellent quality!
Alot of good information about
Alcohol is processed by our bodies
Thank you for the video brother!!! I’ve been battling anxiety and depression. When I’m anxious I don’t eat(I lose weight actually). Depression I eat…and drink…Which is why I’m here. I’m a high functioning alcoholic but after watching this I AM DONE!!! I quit cold turkey before for 2 years straight. Now I’ve been drinking for 5+ years. I’m getting the correct help I need. Thank you again so much I truly needed to hear this!! Day 2
Thank you for that suggestion. I am a fan of gin and cider. I had a very depressing day and I cant wind down without a little bit of it. I am on a cutting plan. I still lost body fat with 3 drinks a week. Doing reasonably well with the training. I am not a great eater and I don’t unduly worry. Love running and weights. Best of luck on your training.
Total truth. Drank for 20 years was always around 220 -235. Quit last year now weigh a consistent 160. Alcohol is crap in so many ways.
Pro tip: If you take pre workout before going out, you don’t need alcohol
From experience I’ve tried hitting the gym hard while I drink pretty heavy and nope you just don’t have the same energy levels “hangover” and beer put on too much fat sure I was strong af but if your trying to be lean and have that hard look stay away from beer!
This is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Once I was trying to lose weight, went for 2 walks a day, some running, gym…and lost NOTHING. I was in the habit of having a liquor drink (or 3) or 2-3 beers every night. When I stopped all alcohol, I immediately started losing weight. Alcohol needs to be consumed only occasionally, not on a daily or weekly basis!
so would it be ok to have a drink once a week and still lose weight
If you’re looking for only clean ingredients and don’t have time to consume or buy multiple herbs, try naturekindness .com
I’m gathering that if I’m getting drunk tonite, I’m not lifting today or tomorrow. That way I’m not wasting my time and effort to only reap 63% of the benefits.
3 weeks without alcohol, 4 weeks without meat… Lost nearly 1 stone. Feeling great, less sleepy after my work but I’m starting to get a sweet tooth..
Good basic easily assimilated information. Thank you. It gives pause for personal thought. I’ve tried all my life to keep the pounds off, but I also enjoy a cold beer. (My mid-section tells me “I’ve enjoyed too many beers”. )
I used to drink a six pack a day of beer Once i quit alc i lost 10kg and now i cannot gain any weight No matter what i try.
Grasias eso es lo bueno de saber dos idiomas que le entiendes.
Y las tareas son más fáciles Jajajajaja lol
Thanks a lot Marc Dressen for a fantastic Video! Soo easy to understand!
I am lucky I dont have a need of alcohol, but found it nice with one or two glass
of wine to the dinner! Now I fully understand why I cant loss weight!
So I will look for wine without alcoholic to my dinner!
Very informative presentation. I am trying to lose weight but I like drinking. My weight loss isn’t going well as you can imagine. This video has explained the reason very well.
Kudos for the Video clip! Excuse me for butting in, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you heard about Saankramer Life Card System (just google it)? It is a good one of a kind product for learning how to stop drinking minus the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my friend at last got cool results with it.
Try a kale-tini. Here’s the recipe. Add olive brine, 4 oz, fill the rest of the martini glass with mineral water. Mix in a shaker and garnish with a short frozen kale stalk. It’s delicious!
Alcohol is a Poison! That’s why your body wants to get rid of it.
Thank you for giving me the main idea and helping me start my assignment about alcohol and weight loss
Im gonna start with a 30 day challenge of not drinking alcohal.Then i think that after 30 days its gonna be concrete in my mind to never drink again.
Excellent video. Alcohol is a product I have chosen to do without mainly for the reason I can’t afford it and got more important things to spend my money on.
Had no idea that it’s the food rather than alcohol, that determines the weight gain when drinking, learned a ton thank you! Keep them daily uploads coming!
great video as always, can u make a video about “carb crash”?, i always feel sleepy after eating my breakfast and didn’t know why until i heard about this carb crash thing and tried to eat only protein and fat at breakfast and i don’t feel sleepy after my breakfast anymore but i wonder why is it happening’
thanks in advance and have a nice day
Combination of menopause and using alcohol to cope made me blow up like a balloon! How come nobody talks about how alcohol makes us fat? Maybe because we don’t want her pacifier taken away. Thank you for the Awakening Annie Grace!
Presumably it also is a danger factor for diabetes and depressive mood due to this as well? So very dangerous beyond just putting on weight..
Jainism A person loses control over himself by drinking intoxicating liquors and commits many objectionable acts. He experiences endless miseries in both this world and the next.
It’s almost been a month without alcohol and I am happy with the results. Thanks for this video!
My son is a bodybuilder who recommended me all natural male health supplement. I have used for 2 months now and its great. For people asking, if you’re in the USA you can buy from naturekindness .com or rang health.
Very interesting. I am wondering if you have any information on what the calorie content of, e.g. red wine, is when the alcohol is evaporated off during cooking or where I might find that?
Some of my family drink a lot. People shouldn’t be drinking as much. People should pay attention to this video. That is probably why my daughter can’t sleep very well at night. Good video.
I have been told before that drink makes you fat, however you have explained it so clearly and easily that it really sticks, thank you, you would be a great teacher!
June marked my 19th anniversary of being sober. For people who can drink, great. But for me, last 19 years are miles ahead of what life was like when I was drinking.
There’s a company is USA that deals with Men Health only. They get multiple tests like elemental, microbial to ensure purity. Many top athletes use their products. They focus mainly on natural ingredients. For those people who messaged me, its
Every time I quit drinking alcohol I feel 100x better and lose weight so much easier.. Alcohol makes me ravenous for food and poisons my system.
You are so darn watchable!
I reckon I love you ❤
Thankyou for the amazing vids!
I am a dreanker and I wanna know more informations like this one please share more your knowledge
Best video explanation Ive seen, understood everything you said perfectly unlike other videos make it difficult to understand. Nice video! Thanks!!!
What happens if you only drink on Fridays and Saturday only????? I lost 45 pounds but can’t loose belly fat.
This is amazing material thank you. This info is going to make my sobriety begin tomorrow when I wake up. I’ll keep listening to this religiously
Ha I thought you were talking about me at first with the drinking. Good to know I’m not the only hunnie on the slim on starch program who likes my cocktails
why you mixing different beers? . i should try it too. .
Jeff, I’m a university student and drinking in moderation is very difficult for me at times! Any ideas on how to balance training with social life, and is working out when i’m hungover good for me?
Any body that has successfully sustained a calorie deficit for a period of time resulting in fat loss knows that when you’re in a deficit and you try to allocate calories towards some booz’, it always comes back to fuck you up.
1. Doesn’t even need to be said but, it is a waste of calories. A drink goes down like nothing, yet it could’ve easily been 100-200 calories.
2. You are now in fact even HUNGRIER than you were before the drinks.
3. You are becoming dehydrated and feel like shit. Your motivation to exercise is now lessened, which sucks cause now you have less calories to work with and your appetite is stimulated.
Use the fact that you are the fittest one in the room for your confidence needs. Take that fucking drink and replace it with a diet pop or something.
puff a wax pen
This channel has the best content going!!! Scientific, eye catching footage, and practical take aways. Killing it!!
Calories in calories out…. Why why why do people ignore hormonal influence and frequency of eating
Binge drinking is generally a bad idea. You’re better served drinking in moderation and enjoying each drink (say, a beer or wine you really enjoy), as opposed to drinking huge amounts of trash. It seems like the best option is to just not drink at all, but moderation seems like a reasonable second best. Binging will mess you up.
And whatever you do, don’t drink and drive, idiot!
Thanks for sharing reality vs false believe. I stand corrected, barely, but least I’m better prepared knowing information provided was with good intent! to share is to give knowledge, which is why I am great ful for the world we currently live in. Nothing worth while is easy, and remember you must replace one bad habit with a good one. Our minds wander and will always balance out it’s own production of chemicals based on an external supply of an increase or decrease in chemicals. Meaning withdrawal is the side effect of healthy choices, seek help where needed. Keep in mind your life is the sum of a bunch of small decisions done well, move fwd, none of us are alone in the fight. Thank you for reminding me I need reminders and God bless the mess
Can you please make a video on protein powder and acne. I know your channel is majorly about nutrition and exercise, but I’ve recently stopped taking protein powder because I felt it was making me breakout. Thank you!
Im 29 and drink basically a 40oz or a 6 pack everyday sometimes even more.and that’s everyday i like drinking as i clean the house work on the yard clean my cars play video games a beer after work is a great reward for me after a stressful day but it also has hurt loved ones when i over do it im gonna try and quit
Thanck you for the information this help alot i been working out for 3 month and i cant lose weight but in this procces i been drinking alot i have stop dringking if i want to see some resolts..
I knew some of this stuff but this really helped revise what I know and put it in a really clear way and with some new insight on it too. So useful! Thank you ☺️
Thanks reayl the is True
Iam Stopp alcohol know good sleep good body
First I am on a ketogenic biet. But I like to drink while i’m working out. I drink about a pint. I work out way harder. More reps in a set and longer work out sessions. I just watch getting to drink to handle from. I have had good gains but I have just started working out after 14 years. I’m up to two miles after 4 weeks and over 100 setups but only 60 push ups. What u think
you’re my new fave fitness youtuber!! thanks for the knowledge
Jeff, can you do a video on nicotine and it’s effect on fat loss, hypertrophy, etc. I vape and I have been for awhile now and I’d like to know if there’s any negative or positive effects.
So, if I workout at 3 pm and want to toss a few back around 7 pm, does the alcohol I consume later in the evening impede MPS and the potential gains from my 3 pm workout?
Stopping drinking is probably the best thing I ever did for myself. And Preach! Nobody believes me when I tell them alcohol affects sleep. They keep drinking and not sleeping ad still don’t believe me! Nutso.
Perfect info. Maybe that’s why ppl are shocked at the age I tell them. They demand to see my driver’s license. They think I’m 40. But I have a son that’s 41. I’m 20 years older than him. Well a little more. No wrinkles never smoke have half a glass of wine every five years and still can’t finish it. I get whoosy after a few sips. I’m glad. Never can drink never liked it. Thanks again for the vid. Yes ppl have choices and the stronger person doesn’t give in
Wow so helpful and I definitely noticed I’m not as hungry being AF. Disappointing about carbonated beverages tho, I drink a lot of sparkling waters now. Thank you Annie!
Its a common debate that I think we have with ourselves. Is the fun and sociability of alcohol worth the effect on our bodies? the answer sounds like its obviously no.
I’ve been 5 days sober and lost weight already. I’m a functional alcoholic. It feels good not hiding from people and drinking in secret. It’s hard staying away from it not going to lie but I feel better. I hope to have a six pack by summer. 5 days sober might not seem like a lot but to me it is and I hope to stay sober.
The practical takeaways slide at the end was a huge improvement to these vids
Great idea of gain weight stop with alcohol. I like it very much and nice formula. Thanks for sharing the information. Thanks again.
I have to thank the coronavirus,because I don’t have any alcohol at my place, 6 days sober thanks covid 19
Kia Ora. Hunny i.m a Rum drinker not good for my sugar intake
Marc, I really enjoyed the video. Extremely informative. Thank you!!
Wow this was very eye-opening! I’ve always liked the sugary drinks such as margaritas, daiquiris, etc. versus simple cocktails, but I never realized how bad these are! And especially combined with fatty foods on a night out. I’m so glad I found this video! Dr. Balduzzi did an excellent job of explaining all the negative effects. I’m definitely going to change my drinks + food choices from now on. thank you!
This is a GREAT video i had NO idea how bad alcohol is…. I couldn’t work out why i wasn’t losing fat. BOOZE:o
I’ve been 72 days alchohol free. My muffin top tummy and love handles have completely disappeared. I was a heavy drinker for years and worked out fiercely to burn off the extra calories. I thought the weight around the middle was a consequence of middle age. I’m still middle aged but without the alcohol, that stubborn fat has disappeared. I’m hoping the fat in my liver is reducing as well!!!! Thanks so much for this science based alcohol and body fat accumulation topic. The amount of calories in a margarita is shocking. I pretended they were healthy because my bartender squeezed real limes to make mine!
If your liver has scarring from drinking it will not recover 100%
Thank you for have accurate and non click bait titles. Love it and your videos.
Really impressed with all of your videos. Thank you a lot for the information!
So the only time I eat taco bell is also the worst possible time to eat taco bell. Damnit.
Is it 2-3 drinks per day or per week or what that, that boosts testosterone? I usually drink 2 bottles once a week but on the same day
It’s ok to drink. Still losing 2lb a week typical cut rate, I drink 1-2 drinks per night. Count each calorie and make sure you maintain a calorie deficit each day and you’re good. Don’t get caught up in preferential fat storage windows, it’s true but makes little difference. Cals in cals out is king. Now get to work!
Thank you so much for sharing, and God bless you for doing so!
I agree with what you have to say in this video. As long as you drink alcohol in moderation, it’s not likely to cause weight gain.
Seriously can you make cannabis, jerking off and building muscle,testosterone relation? Canabis i have no idea, i smoke alot and never felt any effects on my body or workout performances. But jerking off realllly drops my strenght and ruins my workout therefore my motivation and when not doing it for few days i feel powerful, get less tired during the day. What r ur thoughts, couldnt find any scientific data.
Stop drinking could gain lots of beneficial things. But no body believe me. It’s horrible.
I hadn’t considered that the type of food one eats whilst drinking makes that greater impact. Thanks for the info!
Hey Man
I’m proud of you for posting this video. Keep up the good work and keep staying strong without alochol and Don’t give in to peer pressure. I’m proud of you for making good choices and keep working out. Keep making healthy choices today and tonight and this week.
i actually lost a few pounds when i was drinking on a empty stomach quite often and eating maybe less then 1000 calories a day
No wonder I had problems with my sleep whenever I consume alcohol, even though in moderation. This was a very educative video, thanks doctor.
wow this is really amazing. i wish everyone should go through this. i will definitely follow your suggestions.
What exactly is ‘drink in moderation’ from your perspective????
so how does alcohol add to the overall caloric balance when there is no nutritional value behind these calories. i dont really get that. i mean if we can generate energy through those calories, how do they differ from carbohydrates (which afaik also just deliver energy)?
Yeah, it does. It has zero benefit. What’s with all the “SCIENCE”?!?! Christ, isn’t it common sense! There now you don’t need to listen to someone babble for 10min.
You failed to mention the thermic effect of food. Most of alcohol’s calories go to breaking down more alcohol, not to fat
Caffeine is the most widely used drug and tobacco/nicotine would be the second, alcohol a close third though.
What if you don’t eat anything all day to save your calories for the liquor, drink straight hard liquor like vodka with no other sugars added, control your urge to binge eat, and only have like 4-5 shots so like 500 calories for the whole day (that’s all I need to get drunk), maybe once a month to once every 2 months. Is that fine to keep losing weight? Specifically that day even, I ask cause I know if I only have 500 calories that day I’m still obviously in a deficit, but I know alcohol stops fat burning. Also how long does the inhibiting of fat burning last? Like should I wait 48 hours until I can expect to burn fat again?
For me personally I could drink all I wanted in my 20s and early 30s and be fit and strong and even gain some size.But now that I’m in my 40s I can’t touch the stuff without feeling like shit,gaining fat.Getting old sucks..
Wow Jeff.. so much research I haven’t seen another video in utube that is so heavy on research, super impressed.. Are you a phD? is the only company that deals with men’s health. Excellent quality! My health has improved so much over last 3 months. I am over 50 years.
So if I plan on getting very drunk on a friday: I shouldn’t eat much fat on friday, don’t work out on friday (because it’s only 60% effective if I drink afterwards) and I shouldn’t work out on the day after (because?). Did I get that right? I’m sorry if he mentioned it but english isn’t my first language.
This is the video that kicked off my life transforming lifestyle changes. First I quit alcohol then I implemented intermittent fasting. 5 months later I’m down 20 kilos and feeling fantastically better. Thanks so much for the advice!
>>wer>> Here’s a great diet plan thattttt you could use to lose a lot of weight fastttt: > >>>547>>>
Jeff the study you found in drunk emergency males lowered there testosterone by 45%, But most of the people watching your video are bodybuilders that are more interested in studies regarding drinking to the point of tipsy like 8-10 drinks?
I think your points are right. We should be more aware about drinking alcohol.
Nice video! I guess this is totally the new solution for hard gainers (if one is looking forward to gain fat, of course).
What about the effects on protein synthesis, testosterone and growth hormone? I’ve heard it’s quite detrimental to these as well.
You can still lose weight drinking alcohol every night but you will have to fast and increase your nutrients especially B vitamins, also only have 1 meal a day that consists of mostly protein and fat and eat as much salad and veg as possible, i would also add a little oily fish per day to your meal and drink lots of water and green tea! An important point also is to re-establish a positive ph balance in the morning so consuming 1/3 bicarbonate of soda(dissolved in warm water) with half a lemon to a pint of cold water would help, if you need a good clean out i would add a teaspoon of lactulose which is a prebiotic, so stay near a toilet lol.
Each information is true bro salute you for valuable information & Time.
so avoid the drink before ordering in a restaurant as it will make you eat more. this was very informative.
Would a woman kept blitzed during her training regime grow muscle more rapidly?