Table of Contents:
Best of: John Mulaney | Netflix Is A Joke
Video taken from the channel: Netflix Is A Joke
Signs Of High Functioning Depression You Shouldn’t Ignore | BetterHelp
Video taken from the channel: BetterHelp
Neil Patel’s “Worst SEO Advice”: Let’s Talk Facts
Video taken from the channel: Income School
The difference between healthy and unhealthy love | Katie Hood
Video taken from the channel: TED
dear ex best friend original song by tate mcrae
Video taken from the channel: Tate McRae
The 3 Worst Pieces of Parenting Advice • Wine Mom
Video taken from the channel: BuzzFeedVideo
The 5 Worst Pieces of Fitness Advice
Video taken from the channel: Bob & Brad
Hip pain when walking can happen for a lot of reasons. You can experience pain in the hip joint at any age. The location of the pain along with.
Cilostazol (Pletal) can help people walk longer distances without pain. Serious cases of peripheral artery disease can cause leg pain even when the person isn’t walking. This “rest pain” most often occurs in the feet. Even more serious are cases when.
When health care providers ask patients to rate their pain on a scale from 1 to 10, these conditions – whether acute or chronic – can have some of them responding “11.”.In 2016, the North American Spine Society (NASS) asked its members to rank the professions they consider most “back-breaking.” Click through to see what spine specialists say are the top-10 biggest offenders, and get tips for how you can.10 Worst Tropes in Fantasy Genre Fiction Duration: 11:05.
10 Worst Pieces of Writing Advice Duration: 10:49. Writing with Jenna Moreci 96,642 views. 10:49. Best Writing Advice I’ve Learned.
Knee replacement is a common procedure most often used to treat pain and disability caused by osteoarthritis. Deep infection is a rare but serious complication that occurs in about 1% of knee.I can only walk about 50-100yards, then my hips and legs hurt so bad that I have to sit down for 2 minutes before walking again.
I’m 66 years old and very active in golf, but I need to take aleve in order to function for any period of time.Just start, and if you fail you can always go and get a normal job, but you will learn so much along the way it will be a great experience.” 18. John Chen: Being a superstar can hurt your career.If you’ve ever been on the couch-end of this scenario, you know it can be frustrating. If you feel the need to offer unsolicited advice, ask them, “Do you want some ideas to improve the situation?” This way they have the option to say no, and they’ll likely give you more attention when they’ve agreed to.
The first thing you need to do after a fall is work out if you’re hurt. Take a few minutes to check your body for any pain or injuries, then: if you’re not hurt, try to get up from the floor; if you’re hurt or unable to get off the floor, call for help and keep warm and moving as best you can while you wait; Getting up from a fall.When this guy first met you, he knew that you could be a good victim of his manipulations because he saw that you were enchanted by him.
He saw that he had managed to impress you and that is exactly what he has been looking for his entire life. So if you want to really hurt him, you need to change your ways of dealing with him.There will be hundreds of un experienced gym goers who will read this and say to there friends in the gym ” don’t use that Betty I saw an article about how that machine is bad, unnatural and can hurt you” and then she will tell her friends machines are bad and so on and so on until you have people paying upwards around $50 and $60 dollars.If you have a minor ankle break, you might get a walking boot, cast, or splint. If it’s serious, you might need surgery to realign the bone.
Recovery can take 6 to 12 weeks.Walking can be a useful lower back pain treatment, but listening to your body is key. Paying attention to how you feel is critical to determining what’s best to promote healing, and using pain as a guide is sensible. “If the pain gets worse during a gentle walk or worse shortly after the walk, you need to see a physician,” Millar says.
If you’re in the hospital or a doctor’s office with a painful problem, you’ll likely be asked to rate your pain on a scale of 0 to 10 – with 0 meaning no pain at all and 10 indicating the worst.
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You Exercise and Eat right. You can’t do one without the other.
Keto if you want to lower your insulin resistance. Get off the sugar & processed foods for sure. Eat real food. Weight resistance & just move more. Carb load when you do heavy training works for a lot of people.
While at first you may spend every waking minute together it’s important to maintain independence. How long does that usually last? That honeymoon phase?
I wish I had seen this a year earlier. Could’ve saved me a LOT of trouble.
You remember John Sarno’s book, Mind Over Back Pain where he theorized that a chronic pain developed due to lack of oxygen in tissues brought on by stress and tension? Well, maybe he was partly right, and the most interesting idea I have seen regarding the injury and recovery of tissues and bones in which blood flow is not that great from the start is that the same diet related processes that contribute to atherosclerosis and dementia also cut the circulation to those tissues and result in injury, arthritis and osteoporosis. The research is clear that eating animal products, oil, and salt are detrimental to blood flow and damage the endothelial cells lining the cardiovascular system which then results after years in a coronary event and other chronic illness. Good diet and exercise can improve the blood flow, and the whole plant food diet reduces the inflammation that are to blame for those issues. Therefore, those who eat a high carb diet, low fat, whole plant food diet every day like the Okinawan centenarians or the Tarahumara long distance athletes will have the best circulation and best recovery and healing. Of course there are fit people who eat meat etc, but we don’t want to be like Jim Fixx and in good shape til the day we prematurely drop dead of a heart attack or start having other issues like injuries or even cancer. There are many reasons to eat whole plant foods and avoiding cancer is one more, and there is really nothing in the CBC and other common blood tests that will tip you off til too late that you have cancer. Heart disease is our leading killer and is 100% diet related, any of the levels on lab tests your doctor says are “normal” are only OK to people in a world where normal is sick and on the way to disease. Are you really sure your lab results are good? If your tot. cholesterol is not below 150 for a significant period of time without drugs then you should consider dropping the animal product. What about your WBC? If you are not below 4 then this primary marker of inflammation can be telling you something. I wouldn’t just assume everything is fine based on the CBC and your doctor’s advice. Have you had the latest scan of your heart arteries to detect problems? I certainly hope you are very healthy and wish you the best, but the research is clear that those eating the whole plant food diet live longer and have much less chronic illness. See Dr. Michael Greger on for more homework on this subject.
There’s no such thing as a diet there’s only lifestyles. Age is no excuse I use it as motivation. When I was 20 I could bench this or run 3km in this amount of time I’m 31 now and I worked towards beating my 20 year old self and for most lifts and runs I did. It just ment getting my nutrition right and being smart. Ps I workout at 8pm. Because of work
Hello an hour south from Seattle, jog 5 miles a day and in shape. I use your channel a lot and it’s helpful. Just used the video on planter ligament care and rehab. Across the grain message worked well
Your voice is wonderful and calming. If you Listen to the lyrics it hits hard ♾
I was reading some research recently and it said that when you practise physical exercise, diets can be easier to maintain, at least for some people. This was not being described as a physiological process, but merely a psychological process. Therefore, yes physical exercise is not as relevant as dieting for weight loss, however, it offers psychological benefits and it should be given as much importance as dieting (unless the subject doesn’t need any psychological support for diet maintenance, which I think is rare).
Since the 1970’s there has an obsession with “Low Fat,” which in turn created foods that are packed full of sugar. I am NOT a proponent of “Sugar Free,” either as they usually contain basically poisons and make your body crave more calories. Mindful and educated eating helps you at least eat healthfully.
thanks again
from wis, again think the packers are done for –although so are the vikingsm,k5:55 pizza and mountain dew is great fuel for any distance over 30km in my not so humble opinion. My first marathon distance, I had to stop and eat a whole pizza half way. That said, if you want to eat terribly, you should be looking at 600 mi/1000 km minimum a year or you will get fat on that diet
If I weigh myself Friday, I do all my lifting early in the week. By Thursday I’m a vegetarian. I eat my steak on the days I lift. I lost 40 pounds this way.
Monitor salt intake, eat a Banana the day before you weigh yourself. Drink plenty of water.
Great video, guys! But, let’s discuss the really important things. Pat Fitgerald in Green Bay: Yay or Nay?
I exercise the way brad does. One intense day a week with plenty of time to recover…the rest of the days swimming basketball jogging.
Great informative video. Thank you for doing this for all of us. You guys are awesome!
I can try the same workout in the morning that I typically do in the evenings & I can’t go as long or as fast. I don’t know what it is about me, but the only exercise I can do early before work is yoga.
Have you ever done a video on exercises for lower spinal stenosis? Thanks,
While we’re on the subject of hurting the lower back and spine, any abdominal exercise where you lay on the floor can also be really bad unless you keep that back flat on the floor, tuck your chin if your back bothers you or keep your head down so you don’t pull on your neck, and really make sure you’re working on just the ab muscles.
It’s true with age it differs. In my 20’s I could eat anything and I wouldn’t gain weight. I’m 34 and I have to be a little more careful because I can easily put on weight now. I exercise a lot and I find that it’s true to exercise anytime you can. There’s different benefits to exercises at different times and people have different preferences. Personally, I enjoy mixing it up, but mostly at afternoon & night. Your videos are great and very helpful
Hey guys ypur videos have really helped.
Could you do a video of a good lengthy daily stretch routine, for someone who has around half an hour to do it thanks.
Hahaha, Great Video, I love the way you explain how some exercises can be harmful and give alternatives. Happy new year and best wishes for 2019!
Hey Bob and Brad, What’s wrong, when when you lay on your left side you get an ache/pain in your chest and when breathing, but when your sitting vertically it doesn’t hurt as bad except for a pain in the upper left of your back?
Best wishes
Latly its odd i cant even get myself to eat my favorite food it started tasting bland to me.
I feel like I just watched a talking string cheese with a Trans-Atlantic accent.
Keto is the latest research for endurance. Carbs out. Burn fat not carbs.
Think about that for a minute and walk into the oceanbest way to end the video
Hannah is one of the few internet moms who doesn’t sugar coat parenting.
People don’t realize that you should teach your kids the proper nanes for their private areas. Anybody else hear the story about a little girl, she kept telling her teachef that her uncle kept touching her cookie. One day her teacher had a conference with her parents and made a joke about how her uncle loves her cookies. Just to find out her parents told her “cookie” means vagina. And her uncle was a pervert.
Teach your kids proper names. It is important.
I wasn’t raised with the idea of not saying anatomically correct parts, but I still feel tremendously awkward saying those words. It’s better to be open about something and give your child the option to not do that, then to never give them the choice in the first place
As a mother of eight you learn to sleep when the baby is sleeping even if it’s only a quick nap, but you are absolutely right that, nap time is when you get “stuff” done so your nap must stay short. My worst piece of advice was “never put a baby to bed when they have already fallen asleep”. Apparently if you do they won’t learn how to go to sleep on their own. I didn’t get it, when you nurse a baby they often fall asleep in your arms and thats the best. Was I supposed to wake them before putting them to bed? I never did that, for sure, and let me tell you they all learned how to go to sleep on their own. Enjoy your kids!
Ooo! how about the classic advise about when a baby is old enough to ask for breast milk, they are too old to have it.
how about no. WHO says up to age 7. children’s immune systems do not even begin to develop the factors that fight parasites until age 3. And a million other reasons.
Only sponge bath baby for the first 6 months. (This advice was triggered by the baby bath tub in my bathroom also some in their mid 80s was the one to give it)
telling your daughter to say “vagina” technically isn’t anatomically correct, she should say vulva instead, but yeah i agree with your point
I can’t believe that more people aren’t commenting on the first one (sleep when the baby sleeps). If I did that then nothing would get done (including feeding myself, going to the bathroom and doing the laundry). Now I do agree that if you WANT/NEED to grab a nap that when the baby sleeps is probably your best bet or when your partner/family/friend can take the baby (if you have one) but sometimes a baby, especially a newborn, will only sleep for twenty minutes before they are up again. Sometimes I can’t even fall asleep in that amount of time. I really, really resented being told that I should be able to fall asleep immediately and that a 20-30 minute cat nap would refresh me enough to feel like I slept all night WTF! Yeah what planet do you live on….in my world a 20-30 minute nap does not make up for hours of lost sleep.
I was never taught not to say anatomically correct words for privates, but I just never really knew them. I was always just told to say ‘my privates’ as that was very clear for everyone.
Sometimes you have to let a child cry but not Everytime. So they can learn to self sooth you can get away with it if you are a stay at home mom but if you are sending them to daycare please give them a chance to cry sometimes
Worst? Probably: just make your baby adapt to your life and not the other way around. Hahahkakahkkjaha obviously came from non parents
Dont forget those who make or bullie people so their happy and all those that join cause it makes them feel speacial
“Should I do laundry when the baby’s doing laundry? Should I pee when the baby’s peeing? Should I do dishes when the baby’s doing dishes?”
You have no idea how hard I laughed
My grandmother HATED when ANYONE said penis or vagina.. so she came to pick me up from my friends house once when I was a young adult. So… my friend had her FIVE kids go outside, run around her car in a circle and yell the name of whichever they had (penis or vagina)! She laughed about it later but was not amused at the time. My friend and I, however, were in tears from laughing at our ingenious prank
Muy interesante, gracias por compartir esas herramientas para establecer relaciones sanas!
Although I do agree that holding your child doesn’t spoil them, and what I am talking about come from a more severe amount than just holding them and comforting when when they are sad.
Until I was about 6 and a half, my dad carried me, 24/7, I was horrible at running or really ANY sport that has to do with muscles on your legs! My dad was always so overprotective of me, and my dad didn’t allow me to go on the school bus on the was to or from school until I was in middle school. They either drove or I walked, and they STILL are overprotective of me whenever I do anything.
I’m almost 13 and I don’t know why I watch this it is kinda interesting lol
I couldn’t put my finger on it before, but he totally reminds me of Paul Reubens.
exactly. Not comforting your child because you dont want to “spoil them” will create attachment issues in the child
I’m a new mommy and I’ve been told by so many people to not pick my baby when he is crying because it’s spoiling….
Why do I watch this so much I’m a 15 year old single virgin girl who does not really like kids
Here is some good parenting advice: don’t be an alcoholic who can’t stop talking about or drinking wine, don’t have kids with three different fathers, and don’t think you are funny when you are not
For whatever reason in my house the only anatomical name I knew was penis. Like no one even talked about what girls had. I use to say my clit was my penis because I thought that’s what it was called for everyone. And that’s how I became trans (jk)
The one that says “if you hold them too much you’ll spoil them” I think they mean when they are a bit older they always wanna be carried and not walk, one thing is being tired and another is not wanting to walk. I’m 12 and my mom used to do this, I would cry but oh well
Watch Honey Boo Boo’s mom try to talk about sex. Well…2 of her daughters ended up having kids at 17. She couldn’t talk about body parts.
You all are suffering, all of you are in need of help, and what am I doing, complaining on the internet! I have no right to complain, I’m sorry. Should I even write this? Meh, people won’t care, I’m just another jerk in a sea of suffering. It’s better to speak your mind here than anywhere else because people won’t care, but there are still people, ya know? If you tell anyone else, they would just do one of two things, talk down to you because your the jerk, or freak out because they care, no one wants either of those things. Well, time to get back to my nonexistent life where I can’t talk to people without hurting them or annoying them, slowly causing me to lose my sanity and mental health, which also causes me to think I’m anything new on this sad, lonely planet. Bye internet! Your the best! I probably sound sarcastic when I say thanks for not caring!
The “Spoiling the child by holding him/her too much” happened to my cousin and her child. The child is about two years old and she DOESN’T WANT TO walk on her own because she was held too much after a CERTAIN age.
Don’t feed your kids too much. They will never learn to forage and support themselves
My parents never really told us what to call our “private parts” we are all girls and our parents let us be informed about all of that but if we wanted to call it George or Betty then so be it. As long as we knew
My point is as long as they know what it is called and what is ok then they can call it something else if it makes them more comfortable
That was a lie!! I didn’t hold the baby I was baby sitting and because he was used to him mom holding him all the time and he screamed his head off when I didn’t hold him. He wasn’t a light baby
I think the “don’t hold your baby too much” idea comes from the parents of children who are in a littlebit older age and they are too heavy to always hold them, and sometimes the mom has no capacity to hold the child, or doesn’t want to at the moment when the child asks for it because of several reasons, and the child may have a breakdown because he/she gets used that he/she can get anything right at the moment he/she asks for. But that doesn’t make them spoiled. Holding your child is a fantastic feeling, it creates a kind of bond between the parent and the child. You dont want to take that away.
I personally was a child who always get what I wanted (except food and treats) and I grt used to it. I had a wonderful childhood and my parents raised me so well. But now as I am older and doing everything by myself, I realised that I get frustfated about even little things that I can’t get right away. They told me to come, the dinner is ready but it is actually not and I have to wait 5 more minutes. I ask someone to close the door as they are leaving the room and even if they return 1 minute later I still get annoyed by not getting the soor closed right at the moment.
But this wasn’t (only) caused by that my parents hold me too much, but other things that they gave my right away.
But I dont think I am spoiled:D
I got morning sickness while in the middle of watching this lol
I was told to cosleep with my colicy baby. No one ever slept. It was the worst idea ever.
“Put sugar in the kids’ water so it’ll taste better.” -mother in law.
One time I was at the store with my daughter and she was wearing one of my old rock band shirts and a old lady came up to us and was like “I hope you plan on going to church” and I am just standing there like wtf. So I was like “is there something wrong?” And she was like “oh well it has on it so…”
midwives use the sleep while the babies sleeping advice, but it’s not in the way people think. it’s usually followed up with “and let some things slide if you can / get some help, your mental health is more important.” if you are a single mum, or have more than one tiny person, this must be even harder to do. i guess the real message is please TRY and sleep when you can! and sod what other people think. mum’s, if you wanna nap at 3pm and you can, DO IT!
I dont think your an, “ok” mom. I think you are an amazing mom!
You should parent your kids based off of other people parenting advice for a week
Physically punishing a child all the time will make them live in fear you need them to know what they did wrong why it’s wrong and know the consequences of their action and lead them to the right path right?
I’ve followed NP for a while and am signed up to his training course, he’s definitely not solely talking to you guys. I know about 4 tubers who preach ” Content Is King” aswell (Patrick BD, Uncle G, Nick, The Futur) anyhow, you guys still rock and to me have no competition structure and value delivery wise. Your content is my go to✊PS: I will also be your student sooner than later!!! #challengeaccepted so gangsta…haha!
For number 3, my mom always says peck peck, like a woodpecker, but we also say vagina. Soooooo, where do I fall in. Great vid by the way, I wish this was still a thing…
I super agree with the calling a vagina and penis those words. Because, just look at how we react to those words! If we teach them what they’re actually called, they’ll know that it’s a normal body part, just like fingers and toes. Teaching them that it’s “forbidden” sometimes does waaaaay more harm than good. Oh, and I’m pregnant at the moment, the weirdest one I’ve heard is to co-sleep with the baby. I know other people do it and that’s fine but for me, that sounds like my WORST NIGHTMARE. The baby already digs into the day time you have with your partner, why would you let it dig into your night time to?!
The first piece of advice to “Sleep when your child sleeps” is the worst advice I have ever heard. I am not a mom but I been babysitting this baby (8 months old) a few times and she is always moving when she is awake so when she was asleep I did the laundry, dishes, etc. So yes the get shiz done time was very relatable to me when I saw it.
Someone told me, “when you have kids, never kiss them. It’s pedophilia.”
I had read a journal by a pediatrician saying that using cutesy names for genitalia could actually be dangerous. Trying to figure out what everything really means can waste precious time diagnosing or lead to a misdiagnosis. Not only that, but if a child gets molested the painful process of having to relive it while telling professionals is even longer and more painful because it takes longer to figure it all out.
Holding a baby too long is kinda true. My grandmothers and cousins picked me up all day and when I got to my mother, I just started crying because she sat me down after picking me up.
So there are many people who lost their best friends. I’m not alone.
Why the hell was everyone so weird about saying Voldemort? Like that was his made up name. And why the hell did he look like did? I unfortunately did not read the books, but I did see the movies. So I’m assuming there’s some big chunk that I’m missing from not reading the books.
Can a man change himself for me? He was cold and ignorant to me in the beginning but I think after some break apart he’s a different person. More caring and warm.
It will spoil them if you pick them up more it will make them cry so loud when you don’t pick them up when they want to be picked up
FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, I had no idea what a penis or vagina was until I was in middle school. I always thought it was just “PP” or whatever the way you spell it. That was embarrassing, so save your kids embarrassment.
One thing you need for the most beautiful perfect woman, money, and lots of it.
I was babysitting my little cousin and we were talking about dragons and how she wants to learn to make swords and make armor (so she could be a knight) when she’s big and some random woman said “you should raise your daughter to be more lady like!” JUST RANDOMLY OUT OF NO WHERE. I have never been more confused when babysitting
Hi lovely just wanted to say you are amazing
Right now I’m so scared of being watched single mum
When my psycho nephew is being abusive and people tell me to just “ignore it”
The worst ever advice that I’ve ever got is, that you shouldn’t let them watch tv at all because apparently it rots their brain. Well the reason they watch tv for a little while is because I need to get a few extra minutes asleep or clean the dishes or do the laundry etc and if you’re not a parent and you’re giving me parenting advice just go away because you clearly have no idea what it’s like to be a parent. I have a routine that works with my 6 year old and my 3 year old so I’m going to keep with that routine
Did anyone else get low key scared when Voldemort popped up?
I am not a parent so I didn’t get any parent advice but my mom is and so here we go so my mom got some parenting advice from my grandmother to not spend a lot of money so to stay cheap and once she yelled in my grandmothers face, I WOULDNT BE ABLE IS AFOUD MY LIFE IF I WERE CHEAP! Now my mom doesn’t spoil me or my little brother but my grandmother is like a total cheapskate.
hey, that’s ok. when i was little I had to say “bum bum” instead of butt
Not holding your kids can slow growth, make not as smart, and ruin a parent child relationship. Yeah.
GUYS im going on tour in jan/feb!!! im performing in london, los angeles, new york city, toronto, chicago, amsterdam and berlin. ticket link in the description.
2:53 did anyone else see the random shadow at the bottom right?
The weider thing for me is that my current best friend is friends with my old best friend…
I was split from my best friend Olivia into another class. She was my friend for four years, then she left me and became friend with the girl who would always lie. I’m being moved back into her class after lock down, super scared she might bully me. She used to shout and scream at me at break times. I got another best friend. This made me cry. This made me rip 50 friendship bracelets and throw our metal locket out the window. Worried she will bully me next year. Like this comment for updates (so I remember that I commented this bc it sends my notifications)
who else is listening right after a friend break up, just me? ok
I really enjoyed this ted talk. Eye opener for sure. Thanks for uploading this
Leave ur sad stories here mine is:
My besties and I had an argument
and after school one of them texted me
about something
and it was just like our normal convos
but the next day they both ignored me
and after i told my other friends what happened the day before they went to confront my ”besties”
and apparently i twisted the story
theyre both more popular than me so i was just waiting for rumours at that point
they really broke me.
im sorry if im complaining. u can complain to me too.
‘it’s not about how it starts, it’s how it evolves’ Excellent quote!
seeing this makes me cry because all my “bff” and I went through for almost 4 years and just one text she said was we are not best friends we are just close close friends because we barely call or see eachother i mean its 2020 ya know.And we just video called on Sunday today is tuesday. well that made my year worse for what i have been through.
Imagine that our ex bestfriend watch this too and miss us the way we miss them
Its so painful to loose my childhood, just because were friends for 4 years , We made 1000 dramas together, when i did nothing wrong she ingored me. After that she said ” YOU SAID THE F WORD ” now she quitted instagram, thats the happy part
Dear ex bsf if ur reading u messed up u used me and dated my ex-bf and when I broke up with him I found out the truth abt every I feel so hurt I thought that would be something that will never happen I thought I was gonna be with u my whole life but u left me in the trash can no wonder why u always say “I’m busy” I hope I actually get friends instead of use them
What hurts is when u have the to most amazing best friends ever and ur parents don’t understand how much u love and need each other so they send u to live w ur mom take ur phone and switch ur schools so u have no way to talk to the people and ur depressed but your parents can’t realize it and ur scared of getting replaced with a new gurl and its just its sad and its HITS EXTREMELY HARD
When I Lost My Best Friend… I acted like everything was fine I did not even tell my parents I hated myself I would get constantly get bullied from say rumors about me saying I was stealing stuff made me lose so many friends even my best friend from Kindergarten left me…. and I thought my life was over I wished I was invisible or dead… since I did not even tell anyone I was getting treated the exact same rude from my sisters, my dad, my mom but there was two people who made my life better my bestie that are twins Its good cause they are very easy to talk too and rely on… i miss you ex best friend
the worse fillings is, when you know that person you know you still love that person, but you can’t anymore, until you realize she just a “stranger with memory”.
Some people are putting quotes and I wanted to put one too but now I have two.
Somebody asked me if I knew you. A million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said I used to -Wiz Khalifa
Hey remember me? We used to be best friends. You wasted a lot of my time & just replaced me in the end. Thanks a lot, it feels freaking fabulous.
(I couldn’t find the name of the person)
Why are all the examples showed in the animation girls being treated bad from their male partner, It can happen to anyone irrespective of the gender
I’m just hearing this efter getting replaced by my best friend
Why did she leave me she told me she would be there for me she told me she would never lie she was the one that made me happy when i was sad or crying but she did what she told me what she would never do
What is this”Best Friend” you sing of¿?. never heard of it!……….
… I lost my best friend… This song made me cry… You’re a REALLY good singer btw!
Your just gonna go back to your innocent self without even knowing when
this made me cry. my ex-best friend knows i exist she doesn’t act like i’m a stranger, but she hates on me with her friends. they’ve posted mistakes i’ve done out to the public for everyone to see. they tried to turn my friends against me and tried to make a friend of mine to choose their side or my side…
This hits so different when you really lose a best friend, here I am balling over someone who pretends I don’t exist.
I hope she’s doing well in life, I hope all her dreams and goals come true, and I hope she meets Mr. right
This song was Relised when my Grandmother Died… This song is for her. Execpt for some parts. I miss you Alot Grandmother Love you to bits.
I want to siend this to them but i cant cuz all the memories will hit my heart hard again
What if I was the bad person because I don’t feel the same anymore
the worst feeling is before u thought ur friends replaced u by ur own bestfriend but now u think ur bestfriend is the the on whos starting to replace u with ur other friends.
The saddest this is when youre both are wrong and mad at eachother. but you just dont find a way to get together again.
I had a best friend who I lost to my current bestie friend. She just keeps replacing and sometimes replaces with me and that’s the happiest thing but then I think about the others and she again pushes away.
Ive had a ex bff.. She was nice. Then rude.. Im never making friends again..
This make me really sad because I can relate to this so much this is making me cry that my story
i lost my best friend they day i was going to apologise she commited
So awesome! Thank you for this talk. And I wish you the best in all your relationships!
This kind of relates to me, iv never had a real friend that wasn’t family and all of my “ friends “ act like I’m a little pies of sh** blocking there way.
Jeliz is my bff we broke up but it did not hurt me and Sophia has been bff since jeliz left me and Sophia and I decided that we three would be bff me and jeliz and Sophia were bff then Sophia hated jeliz then I still felt bad for jeliz then I just kept going with Sophia then now we broke up then I went to jeliz and we were happy and like 6 hours later I messaged Sophia then I cried because I was hurt explaining everything to Sophia then jeliz told me…… Both of them were bff and now I’m here
hearing this song again after along time and i’m crying in the same way when i first hear this song then play it on loop one years ago
The worst part is when your bff slowly turn into a stranger that can also be your bully cause he/she knows most of your secrets
maybe the only reason u cant get over the sadness of ur ex best friend leaving u is cuz they were once the only reason of ur happiness
what hurts the most is seeing the person u grew up with gradually change and replace you, infront of your eyes…….:”)
Wow!!! Nice video
And i saw this video is also good
I bet he could walk in any high-school and nobody would notice how old he is
I find the title of this video interesting and funny. Because I would think it’s kind of obvious that it’s an advertisement for Netflix get Netflix and you can watch the rest of his specials. Right? But…if what they’ve shown you here is actually “the best of” John Mulaney/John Mulaney’s specials… why would you get Netflix then, if you’ve theoretically already seen all the best parts?
It’s like they’re saying, “Here are John Mulaney’s best jokes in this video; get Netflix so you can watch all the parts that are less funny and not as good at these jokes in this video…” Lmao. It’s of course not true, John Mulaney is HILARIOUS. He is definitely one of if not the best standup comedian of his/my generation; ALL of his sets are great and suuuuper fucking funny from start to finish. His storytelling, his command of language, his delivery, his physicality these are all just perfect and absolutely hysterical. And if you’ve ever watched any 92/Y interviews with Nick Kroll it takes a couple minutes to understand the characters/the humor/what they’re doing but once you become familiar with it, my god… Nick Kroll is really funny, but watching John’s improv skills, hearing his jokes and watching him effortlessly come up with them, one after the other; someone said this and it’s totally true: it’s like watching a basketball game with one of the all-time greats or watching a baseball game with a legendary pitcher where they just get into a rhythm and sink shot after shot after shot or they’re pitching a no-hitter, and they’re performing at the peak of their abilities like a well-oiled machine. John just gets into this character and gets a rhythm and feels out and develops the tone of the interview and of what Kroll is doing and just crushes it, just hitting over and over again these fucking hysterical one-liners like the interview is a song and he’s the base drum, just boom, boom, boom, boom. And the stuff he comes up with, all right there on stage in the moment, is not only funny but it’s totally out there, like just deep cuts and really random stuff that is hilarious in general but also because it’s surprising and because you’re thinking, holy shit, where did he pull that from? He sounds like he has writers. So anyway, this way too long comment is just saying, there is no “best of John Mulaney” because he’s a comedic fucking genius and one of the most brilliant, leading comedic minds of the time and of his generation, basically everything he does, even interviews on late night talk shows, is the best of John Mulaney. I just think it’s funny as an advertisement for Netflix to infer that this is his best stuff, so get Netflix to watch the rest of his stuff, which is all not as good as what we’ve already shown you. If you want people to get your service, why show them all the best parts for free? It’s just a funny title idk ♀️
The people who disliked this dont know what is like to lose a best friend..
Worst feeling when you least expect it and they hit u with the “I was planning on telling you a few months ago” ugh I rlly thought we were doing good☹
My ex best friend lied to me for a year and the way I found out was we were playing a game of “never have I ever” and somebody asked a question “have you ever done dr*gs” and she put a finger down and then I asked the other question if you have ever vaped and she put a finger down. She always told me that she would never vape or do dr*gs bc she doesn’t do that but she lied to me and she did it. So now I’m not gonna talk to her or see her again bc I don’t want to be bsf with someone who does that especially if they said they’ll never do it. They lied to my face. And they swore they they’d never do it but they did.
I was being a toxic person for my ex, I cant believe I did all of that, the fact is making me sad rn, that is why I listen more about love and how to love someone in a right way.
Currently crying my eyes out. My ex bff broke my heart and trust. I never wana open up again to anyone.
are haters deaf??? her singing is sooooooo GOOD i can listen to it all day….
Dont want to here about love no more..thanks for everyone in person telling me 25 yeas ago..never going to trust poeple everyone just watched it happen you all are apart of the problem no trust from the world going in iso for life hate how poeple just not treat like real human.. Fake is what i see in everything i see..please im checking out with all this i needed someone to help me i reachout and nothing i cant trust this whole think..its fake i do not want to deal with this anymore
My dad was an alcoholic and abusive to my mother,I have a bad temper and from my childhood history I would never hit my partner and i do my best not to get mad at my partner even though I’ve told her my lil triggers. I know I’m not but is my actions saying otherwise? I’m not jealous, I’m not insecure.
I’m loyal n trustworthy but partner needs space due to my workaholic w/ drinks.♂️♂️
My old girlfriend drugged me and mostliky my son wen he was 8 and she affected me psychologically and felt obligated to stay because she was in danger and wanted to help her super smart and wrong fatal attraction ✍ ✍
This needs to be spoken about in each home! So that we all learn how to form better loving relationships. And save yourself from the pain of abusive ones.
I NEED to stop binge watching this stuff,eventually all my recommendation will only be based on this series
I broke up my releationship today. Well, I don’t think I was toxic. I even don’t think he was toxic. I think, we are living in other worlds. His world is: Oh, my friends want to go out tonight, but my gf wants to watch a movie and we said we want to watch the movie tonight, we promissed this? Well, I don’t care, my friends are better, I can write her, when I go home, then she could come over, when it would be? Well, I don’t know… And my world is like: Well we promissed to watch a movie, so we are going to do that…
If an activity that I enjoy is jgenuinely dangerous and I stop doing it becouse of my partner being legitemally scared when I do it, whould that be considered as unhealthy? I think that some “sacrifices” or changes in the way you see some things are good for a relationship, but I can always change my mind
Watching those animations all I could think was “yep that’s just like blanks partner.” I’ve seen both family and friends have partners who are like this. Sad thing is though is no matter how much you try telling them it’s unhealthy,they ultimately have to be the ones to see it. Thankfully some have. Unfortunately some haven’t. And it’s always so interesting when they do finally see it they are like HOLY CRAP! I can’t believe I didn’t see it or listen to those around me! That’s why I do think what your loved ones think about your partner does hold certain value and should be considered. Of course not fully and there will always be exceptions to it such as maybe they hate your partner based on skin color or money. Those opinions shouldn’t be considered. But if you have multiple people in your life who you know have your best interest at heart telling you things aren’t right,it really does warrant taking a step back and trying to see what they see. If your partner is doing things that you yourself would find a red flag for your loved one then perhaps this isn’t a relationship you should be pursuing. We all deserve healthy love and want to see those we love have it too. ❤
Five makers of unhealthy love
1. Intensity (suffocating, showing up everywhere, texting or calling a lot)
2. Isolation (no friends day, doubt of pre-relationship life)
3. Extreme jealousy (following you everywhere, every time, online and off)
4. Belittling (break you down, shut you down)
5. Volatility (frequent breakups and makeups, hateful and hurtful comments)
Do your part every day to do relationships better:
Open communication
Mutual respect
As she said everyone does unhealthy things it’s part of being human. But whatever you do folks don’t cheat on someone it’s one of the worst things you can do and can mentally damage the person for years even. Be big enough to walk away and save you both the heartache if you feel that way inclined.
Dont love each other, dont hate each other, just have a past..
I might have ended my best friends relationship cause it was like a group and they would always tell each other secrets but they would not tell me and they had sleepovers not with me tho they gave me this best friend necklace and a wore it for a little bit but I gave it back in secret
0:40 “Isn’t it interesting that we’re never explicitly taught how to love?”
It doesn’t get any more explicit than the hub.:D
losing ur best friend is a different kind of pain. it’s heartbreaking when she said “we really messed up this time”.
Yes. Some relationships are unhealthy and should be avoided.
Usually you don’t notice these things at first because love makes you blind
I lost my BF and my BFF and all my other friends cause they followed my ex bff
My wife, who I’ve been with since we were 16( be 49 next month)cheated on me from 03 to 07 and only stopped because she was caught, she wanted me to stay, begged me not to leave, then 2 years later I became so ill I was bedridden and was in and out of ICU, coma and family called in because they said I wouldn’t make it. 2 years into my illness she stopped being there, oh we lived in same house but till march of 2020 I was just there to pay Bills. She literally wants to bleed me dry emotionally and financially. I’ve never gotten over the affair and I never got an answer as to why. Now I’m better we’ve been working on things, but then I find out she was hiding a coworkers number and some other things. She got busted with a reliable hacker who helped me hack into her iPhone,facebook,Instagram, Whats-App, Text messages, deleted call messages, twitter and email account as far back as 2 years.He’s available 24HOURS. Calls OR Text On WhatsApp +12626837511. Contact him for closure greatermindhacker AT…Now I know the truth, she says she’s done. Nature of a Narc!!
What should i do at this point? Any ideas?
i don’t know if i still love her after all we’ve been through.
Adults in America do not have trouble seeking help (from professionals) due to stigma. They have trouble because it is damn expensive and health insurance and the general healthcare system is shit when it comes to mental health issues. It’s very glib to say “you should see a therapist”. It’s untenably expensive to actually do it.
It is almost impossible to be in a healthy relationship unless you love yourself first. We involve ourselves in relationships because of “core shame,” love is an emotion which covers up the uncomfortable feeling of shame. The less you need it as an antidote to shame, the more capacity you have to experience healthy love. Both in giving and receiving aspects of it.
I am aiming to write 30-50 posts prior to launching my blog. Should I add each post to the blog all at once or put them our slowly?
damn this is scary i have all these aspects in my relationship with my fiancé… and i really didn’t pay much attention D:
I think trust in a relationship is overrated. When my husband started getting frequent night calls, i would ask and he would just wave off those calls as unimportant. At a time i could take no more of his lies, i decided i deserve to know what was going on. A friend of mine referred me to this great ethical hacking team( Cyberhackingsage@gmail ) who helped clone his cellphone without having to touch the device. My husband was a cheating Narcissist and I’m glad i found out all his secrets and infidelity and how he planned on using this pandemic to get back to me. I got access to his Facebook, iMessage, GPS location, WhatsApp, Call Logs and Text Messages (both deleted and incoming ones) with a remote link to a programmed App on my phone. I’m here in Florida and able to access my husband’s phone even while he was away in Canada cheating on me. Thanks to Cyberhackingsage, now i have enough evidence for my divorce. If you need help or that little bit of closure, i advice you get in touch with them Via Gmail ( cyberhackingsage@gmail )Or Text and WhatsApp them on +15713758467…thank me later.
I loved this, and I completely relate to the parent moment that goes south hahaha
My daughter speaks up too, and I’m so proud of her for that! And not just with me either:)
This video helped, thanks.
what sucks is, i always ask myself ” am i that easy to replace”?
9:19 It’s mentioned that you should consult experts but what type of experts and where would you find them?
In the beginning it was so fun and exciting, now after 4 years I feel lonely, disrespected and lost.
So me being only 16 and with my girlfriend i am very jealous and my girlfriend is very very attractive and I’m jus eh and she’s out going and a happy person but inside she’s sad, but I always feel like she will leave me for someone better just because they look better and she’s always laughing, but I never want to make it seem like I don’t trust her… confused
My family is Albanian and instead of “wee wee” we just use the albanian word for it
5 Markers of Unhealthy Love
1) Intensity
2) Isolation
3) Extreme Jealousy
4) Belittling
5) Volatility
Listen to westerners talking about love is just listen to a joke. Bunch of selfish animals.
This is one of the best ted talks i have ever seen, it has really taught me a lot, we need to spread this venerable ideas widely, it will make a huge difference
Really dislike the bad typography over your video pages. Looks cheap. Not classy.
These symptoms overlap with high functioning anxiety. Is it very common?
Love is awesome but smartness is much more important in a relationship. There’s a popular saying that “don’t trust too much because that too much might hurt you so much”. I discovered my husband was cheating on me through the help of an ethical hacker ( Cyberhackingsage )who helped cloned his cellphone and i was able to read his messages and uncover my husband’s infidelity without having to touch his phone. It was a sad experience for me but I’m glad i found out all his secrets and how he planned on using this Pandemic to get back at me. All i did was share my husband’s cell number with Cyberhackingsage and i got access to his Facebook, WhatsApp, GPS location, Call Logs and Text Messages (both deleted and incoming ones) with a remote link to a programmed Application on my phone. I’m here in Florida and able to access my husband’s phone…even while he was away in Canada cheating on me. Thanks to Cyberhackingsage, now i have enough evidence for my divorce. You can contact them Via Gmail ( cyberhackingsage@gmail )Or Text and WhatsApp them on +15713758467…thank me later
Loz they are all acting that till they get you stuck then masks falls and truth isn’t pretty and i found out that One take you to God and the other takes to the devil is a real true personality/relation healthiness or not revealers no doubt, i wouldn’t know that iam in a healthy whatever irelation untill iam in a right spitrual alignment theis God send signature and where i can bore emotions &TLC with out finding out that iam sleeping with the enemy then end up in loonies hospital, i would rather get a punch in my stomach
Healthy Love is Conscensual,.
…. (Neccesarily) Explicitly /Solely in an….. Intimate Sense,…
though Perhaps Yes,.
Yeap toxic RELATIONSHIP signs here
Some of the unhealthy traits are narcicistic…. Manipulation, gaslighting, blame, and shame…
Coming out of a domestic violence relationship she is completely correct when saying timing is everything when leaving because of triggers/inciting more violence. One thing I will add is that when choosing to leave, you have to be strong and confident within yourself. Strong enough to stay away and not go back regardless of how “easy” returning may seem, strong enough to build yourself back and realise your self worth and value and more importantly, strong enough to admit that you are a victim of DV. This may sound funny, but once you’re ready to admit this, it helps the process of healing and staying strong to stay away.
Sometimes the person can emotionally abuse you without calling you names or belittling you. My ex was a lot of these things but never called me names so I didn’t realize it was abuse until my friend pointed it out to me one day. He started out way too passionate, said I love you and talked about marriage within one week of us dating, calling me all the time and getting mad at me for putting friends and family first, accusing me of cheating, and threatening to kill himself if we ever broke up (and passed it off as he was joking). It was an emotional rollercoaster. Never again.
5 markers of Unhealthy love
1. Intensity 3:20
2. Isolation 4:45
3. Extreme jealousy 6:07
4. Belittling 7:04
5. Volatility 8:04
someone told my friends mom not to big meals or they will starve
my mind: BISH WTF?
EAGLE SPY helped me cloned my husband’s phone and I got access to all his dealings both on phone and social media without touching his phone. All I did was share my husband’s phone number with EAGLE SPY and I was able to read both his new and deleted messages from my phone without having to touch his phone. My husband was a cheating Narcissist and I’m glad to find out all his secrets with the help of EAGLE SPY . I’m here in US and able to access my husband’s phone messages with a link on my phone even while he was away in Canada cheating and flirting with his phone. I read all his Whatsapp, Facebook,Skype,Instagram and Snapchat messages Including the deleted text and incoming messages. You can contact him to help you too on WhatsApp: +1 650 246 9893 &. Telegram: +1 650 246 9893.
It is crazy to sit here and watch this because I know my ex had these traits. But I think the thing that needs to get focused on more than what our previous partner had was the traits that we have. What can we take away from an unhealthy relationship. What can we do to improve. I know that I didn’t do my part to provide space in the relationship. I wasn’t patient, understanding, a good listener, and didn’t communicate how I felt at times. I know in the future that I can be a better person and will do what I can to get there. In my eyes everything happens for a reason and while yes losing someone I love hurts a lot right now, I do know that this is the way the relationship had to and was destined to turn out because how else was I going to learn more about myself and how else was I going to grow.
Whole lot of this could be solved if women just start to be more specific about their “needs”.
Woman is the source of nourishment in a family but when the source is all fucked up (sadly majority not saying what they want and not acting differently than what they feel), there is nothing you can do except bring hurt.
Love is simple but its confused minds that play with different souls and shamelessly expect other people to sympathize with them.
I seen people throwing away great people for garbage. Have seen women bleed for a total loser but have a problem with taking chances with other people and yet cry out loud that its them who are the victims.
May you not start abusing relationships but if you endure it for any amount, you no longer a victim.
Because first time is a victim but second time a FOOL. Its time people stop being fools and actually chicken out as a fool.
Its beneficial in this society where so called LOVED is sold and bought sometimes with money, status, circumstances and had “no option.”
I would actually eat the popcorn while watching a serial domestic abuse because girl is weak LMAO.
Guess these guys have never read the history and what women capable of doing. It will take hard work and who wants to do it if you can just get it by CHOOSING for OPTIONS.
Choose the way you treat others,but the ways are coming from others you ve treated,don’t take everything granted,if you feel uncomfortable which is a sign,don’t get used to that.Love is the power,not the killer
this is impportant… does this relate to familial relationships?
I just realized that I’m the toxic one w/ my relationship. I’m doing most of the things mentioned on the talk because my boyfriend cheated more than a few times before. But he tried to changed for me. I hope I could change too.
My boyfriend recently broke up with me, cuz he couldnt take his depression anymore and doesnt want to pull me down in his darkness. I dont know what to do, I love him. We were always happy, never had fights or alike… Now everything broke down. I see him alot in this video. I rly want to help him, I rly dont want to give this rls up either. What to do.. I’m so lost.
I used to think it was normal for guys to go through my phone the whole “jealousy and control means he loves me” literally I had one ex tell me he hit me because he loved me. He rly believed that
love love love this video it helped me see something that was RIGHT in front of me, thank you Katie for spreading this message! I share this video and it’s message every time I get love the ONE LOVE website too and even downloaded the app with the secret passcode brilliant!
Repairs are Key to Healthy Relationships, Let’s see how
Can you imagine not immediately breaking up with someone after they cheat on you? I do not care how deep into the relationship you may be, its never too late to get out. I would instantly leave them, no questions asked because after someone does something like that, you will never be able to trust them.
Who else thought of Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights while watching this?
Signs of Unhealthy Relationship:
1. Intensity
2. Isolation
3. Jealousy
4. Belittling
5. Volatility
Ways to do Relationship Better:
1. Open Communication
2. Mutual Respect
3. Kindness
4. Patience
I have 4 of them in my previous relationship and 2 in my previous friendship
stop believing in flaws, people. look at natives it’s your natural state! there are causes to “unhealthy love”. please, stop believing you/we are flawed. find the explanatory knowledge to explain and understand “unhealthy love”, in its causes, dynamics, and meaning. of course go ahead and leave any situation or relation that hurts you, i’m not arguing against that.
stop misunderstanding. there is no “unhealthy lover”.. just explain and leave.. or just leave and then seek for the explanatory knowledge.. or, if u can’t find it, just leave.. but please, stop believing they’re flawed.. i cannot stand the misunderstanding.. sigh
there’s trauma, there’s unmet human needs, there’s pain (!) behind those whom you’re labelling as “unhealthy lovers”.. i cannot stand the misunderstanding of this.. look at kids! look at natives! you think a human being would become a “unhealthy lover” by chance?? randomly?? or by flaw?? ofc not.
you label them, misunderstand them, simply because you cannot explain them, and then you propose a superficial, technical “correction” of behavior, feelings, relations.. it’s sickening.
i know you just need free /unconditional affection and understanding and human connection, just like me.
i see a video title like this and it really cringes me, it really concerns me, also given the view count. it attracts suffering people, looking for answers, looking for explanation, and the video Doesn’t give them true explanations, or true explanatory knowledge. That’s what pisses me off.
stop misunderstanding yourself and other human beings, please.
i know things are scarce, or scarcity-based. i hope u can find the money to leave any damaging or traumatizing situation.
lets talk about the crazymaking soul destroying narcissist women out there. Dangerous people.
The traits you describe are that of the big N word and borderline personality. I actually think the majority of population fall into one or both these personality disorders. Behavior modification is the only way to change and keep your relationship. Fighting the urges to overstep boundaries and lash out when you don’t get your way, be compromising and allow each other space with trust, listen to your partner and be their best friend (meaning do things and give them the best advice for their highest good, not yours only to serve your needs. Don’t interrupt but listen attentively the way you’d want to be heard and respond how you’d want to be responded to… These are traits that most people have difficulties with and must learn to harness and change if they want to keep love in their life.
I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn’t know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a hacker and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr james was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him through Gmail: Worldcyberhackers or WhatsApp: +1 (267) 877‑3020
You talked too much, get to point. I cant take it. 5 min before you address listed items.
Damn I just started watching this after I broke up with my girlfriend crazy how I’m just now noticing all the signs were there oml
Anyone want to help me out? 1.what are the three main goals of the one love organization? 2.what are the five makers of unhealthy love. 3.what makes isolation on of the most misunderstood signs of unhealthy love. 4.what are the key components to practicing healthy relationships
whats teds last name
please dm me teds last name, is it ed or is that his or her middle name
i need to know please tell me
I agree with what the lecturer’s saying except that human connections can be more complex than this. Her oversimplification of the subject may end up calling for prejudice against the humanity of potential loved ones. In other words this is calling for class/ablism type of prejudice. Abuse can take many silent and unseen forms.
This topic is much much more complex and needs more reflection
Weight gain is about insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, etc. and NOT calories.
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Low Thyroid Causes Weight Gain
I’m stuck in a relationship where my ex girlfriend has now befriended all my friends and I’m unable to move on. I don’t know how to get out of this situation and I feel stuck.
Hearing someone you love and trust and might just be your only friend say “ I think you like being like this”. I smile all the time…. because I have to. I just cry in reverse.
her smile really assures me whenever she tells us what’s wrong in unhealthy relationships and what we should expect in healthy ones.
this is so on point, i just got out of an unhealthy relationship 3 days ago and learning to get over it because i was the one who got hurt by his actions.
I miss my ex best friend I wish we could reconnect but she would always you know call me the bad words that I wouldn’t like and I will tell her and she wouldn’t care I miss her very much but I’m glad I ended it because It was very toxic
this is some hard stuff to go through if you do then stay strong and we are here for you
I think neil recommended what works for him and you are also recommending what works for you. I am running a business blog and business is one of the most competitive niches since ever. Im not neil’s supporter but I follow his good advice whenever I find any…he always talks about creating high quality content…you should watch his other videos too in which he always emphasizes about creating good people just misinterpreting what he wanted to say. He just wanted to emphasize upon promoting content. If i talk about my experience, i will also say that without promotion, we cant do anything today. For example, in a highly competitive niche like business, my competitors are harvard business review,,,, iedunote, etc…I was creating high quality content since day 1 but it was so so hard to rank organically because all my competitors were so strong. So, sometimes you just cant wait for years and just improve the content but you have to share that content on social media also to let other people know that we are also here, please read our blog. If promotion isnt necessary then you shouldnt have a youtube channel too. You should rely completely on your website’s content organically. All im tryin to say is that we can never underestimate the power of offsite seo in addition to being good at content quality and onsite seo. Even the technical seo matters a lot. Still i have dozens of articles which have very good content but they arent ranking well because the competitors are too in that case, my seo skills need me to bring traffic by using offsite seo tactics like social media and promotion…a lot of times, i have seen average to poor quality content ranking at the top on google just because they are strong sites and they have a better standing than the newbies…a good seo strategy is never only about onsite seo but it includes offsite and technical seo too.
I lost 55 pounds (it took a year) and didn’t do one bit of added exercise. I’m pretty active for a 53 year old woman. But I’ve learned, you cant out exercise your fork!
Life bothers me… I come to seo, digital marketing and tools.. to escape
Family thinks I went from a great person hard worker to lazy and letting myself go. I’d give anything for motivation and energy. I take vitamins and the proper supplements. Not even adderall gives me energy.
Okay, if yo, too, are confused. Check Neil’s video, this channel is referring to and Neil’s video a year before that on the same subject. Mr.Patel sort of, did a 180. Neils 2018ish position was that content is king. How you can be thorough, use keyword in a flow and not just shove it. And everything in between, he even explained how Google would use content to rank you. That means content is indeed the king. Income school puts very helpful videos. Keep up the good work
If you hadn’t spoken about Neil, i wouldn’t have stumbled upon this video. Love it, you gained a new subscriber! you are my new school.
Neil says the exact opposite here And his content is great. At 7:15, there’s kind of a contradiction, saying that 20 great articles don’t rank. I think he’s saying you need both. Content and promotion.
this is why I only watch videos of SEO only on income school and Backlinko Love from india
I searched some keywords such as “best wireless earbuds” and thewirecutter was not even on the first page! why is so?
In the Deathly Hallows I think the Death Eaters found out a person’s location when they said Voldemort.
You guys are sitting way to close, give yourself some space, pull the camera back. It’s like the guy on the left needs to lean away just to avoid arms continuously knocking into each other. It’s distracting.
In a highly competitive industry content is not king friends.
In the blogging industry of searchers and such is.
I found that link building is what helps you beat the competition.
Right now google is allowing shady as duck lkkk building tactics to work.
You guys should try to rank someone from scratch in the legal industry. Please do it and show me what a 100 blog posts get.
B2B is different than b2c
I like Neil Patel for some of his strategies and he can make some awesome points. I definitely think his content is useful. That being said, I’ve felt before that he doesn’t have good ethics. A lot of Neil’s techniques don’t seem to focus on quality or viewer experience. The problem with some of them is that Google gets smarter at a pretty quick clip, and if you rely on gimmicks to get your traffic, you’re always going to have to have eyes in the back of your head. These days, hands down, the websites that do best are the ones that genuinely try to help people. It wasn’t always like that, but the algorithms have gotten so complex these days that you just can’t rely on cheap tricks anymore. These days, I pay more attention to critically analyzing Neil’s top articles than I do to following what he is actually telling you to do.
Good idea bro….and also the most important in youtube channel is CPM.
Trust me Neil won’t reply your email, if your business not big enough
Not sure what neil says the whole thing. But i think i m with him this time. Altho i dont really like how he sell his products sometimes. So i ve created at least 3 websites, within 2 months i got ranking alredy and one even got 1st ranking. and my content sucks.
I did focus on more constructional SEO thing and contents later on.
Really great video guys. I used to follow Neil blindly but didn’t get traffic. Thanks a lot guys quite a helpful video!
And I’ve had an issue with Neil Patel stuff.. I had a reply from him assuring me his advice does work, but I know after ten years of SEO experience it doesn’t. As you guys say, it’s not as simple with new small local businesses. A plastics company can push new blogs out every week but it doesn’t do anything. He swears though that it’s all about his tips.. I e argued that linking is tough because everyone wants money for sharing content or links.. just the way it is. Neils constant optimism is blinded by his own business model which is t translatable to most smaller, new businesses. You guys at least have challenged him because his you tube channel is full of google-eyed followers who just agree with him.
Yes bro content is always king ( for new websites ) even my inspiration Brian Dean says that use as much as more hours on content and ux
“*Sigh* Fine.”
Is the best description of marijuana legalization I’ve ever seen.
KA-BAM! It’s gon pop to da top! ☜(˚▽˚)☞
Edit: this is my first video I watched of you guys, and it definitely high value. Thank you.
I cried watching this video because I’ve never been able to pinpoint why I was feeling all these things, I thought I was normal because I could do everything other people do. But when I come home I feel like I don’t even have enough energy to do anything and all I do is watch video’s on yt to pass time, don’t feel like eating, don’t feel like doing anything. Sometimes this goes away when I’m hyper focused on work, but I don’t do anything other than that, I don’t clean, I don’t wash up, I don’t eat. And when work stops I feel like I fall in a black hole. And the worst thing is that nobody can see me struggling, or takes me seriously when I say I don’t feel good mentally, and why should they? They’ve always seen me as normal and happy.. I feel guilty when I talk about it because I feel like I’m seeking attention and I doubt myself every fucking step of the way. I don’t want to die because there are times I feel happy, like actual happiness, and on those moments I even doubt that I’m even struggling. But sometimes I wish I could just for an hour or a day stop existing and stop being in this body. I’m sorry I just wanted to put it on here because I have a rather hard time saying this stuff in real life.
Well I don’t see Neil Patel makes videos that actually help us
But the ubersuggest is a different story
Gotta say, this channel is one of the most valuable and honest resource I found in the 2 months learning digital marketing for starting my blog. Thnx!:D Would’ve joined your course, But price Too high + I already understand and did a lot of the Things I expect to be in it. Will probably miss out on Some valuable Things, But that’s what I hope to get from this channel Keep up the good work! Love from Holland
I stopped watching Neil about a month as he was speaking so broad to be able to apply what he was saying.
Have you lost an SEO client because of Coronavirus?
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They work even better in a recession. Check out the free FB group.
” Content is not a King ” is just like saying ” Elizabeth is not a Queen “!
so, why don’t you show evidence to support what you’re saying? You don’t even show your traffic results on Google Analytics. Yes, content is still king but it doesn’t work the same way it used to be. I would believe you if you show us the results without just talking.
My site launched on February 14/2020. What I’m thinking is that I shouldn’t stress about mastering SEO. Instead I should just continue to produce regular quality content, because irregardless, the content itself is SEO. Like you said I’m a newbie and I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the expert advice from people that are far more experienced than I. My site is my content has reached nearly 26,000 viewers in three weeks. I don’t have anyone to compare to so I Don’t know if this is good or not, mind you I did boost a few posts on Facebook just out of curiosity, to see what the initial results would be.
Here’s said charlatan in a video talking about how he makes so much content
This was a respectful way to talk about the importance of content. Thanks! ( I’m a project 24 member )
New to the channel… great content. Looking forward to more.
I stopped watching Neil because I felt he lost touch with small content creators.
Brand new sites need more content and quality content might be the only way to compete in certain competitive markets.
However, there are countless sites with very little content that rank very high for 1,000s of keywords. These sites all have one thing in common: high authority, diversified anchor backlinks.
Great advice and it is consistent. I have a question on landing pages. How long does it take for the average landing page take to convert?
Listen guys…Coming from somebody who purposely over dosed 8 times, one year after the other, around my birthday in july from the age of 14 to the age of 22, Trying desperately to kill myself, succeeding but being brought back each time in the hospital, which im 24 going on 25 this july 25th, You really want to know what helped me over come this severe anger and sorrow I felt for the world and myself? Was figuring this out. The secret to life, is not some happy ending or miracle, or getting married or falling inlove (which is the answer for some people, which I completely respect) The goddamn secret for me, Is too keep enduring. Remember what rocky said? “Life isn’t about how hard you can hit, BUT HOW HARD YOU CAN GET HIT AND GET RIGHT BACK UP!!”` Keep! FUCKING! ENDURING! I BELIEVE IN ALL OF YOU! I KNOW YOU ALL CAN DO THIS!! I EVEN TRIED TO END IT ONE MORE TIME AFTER I HAD MY DAUGHTER AND SHE WAS 8 MONTHS! I SAID THATS IT! IF I’M HERE, I’M FUCKING HERE! THERE IS NO ESCAPING FROM WHATEVER WAS CHIZZLED DOWN IN STONE FOR ME! I thought to myself, Tyler, Why do you keep doing this?!! What is the point?!!? YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER WHO FUCKING NEEDS YOU! A VERY SMALL FAMILY THAT TRULY LOVES YOU! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO ESCAPE FROM!?!? And look, I get it, Life is fucking BRUTAL, with Children going through shit they shouldn’t, this ugly ugly word is brutal! But you know what you do?! You wake up in the goddamn morning and kick life right in its fucking balls, YANK’EM OFF, LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SAY “FUCK THIS FUNK!! FUCK IT RIGHT UP ITS UGLY ASS WITHOUT ANY LUBE! TODAY, TODAY IS MYYY DAY!! I’M GOING TO OWN THE FUCKING SSSHHIIIIITTTTTT OUT OF IT!! MAKE THAT GODDAMN DAY YOURS!!! JUST LIKE I KNOW YOU CAN! DAMN IF I CAN DO IT, TRUST ME, A GODDAMN DEGENERATE THAT MOLTED HIS SHELL, AND LEFT ALL THAT Unnecessary BAGGAGE IN THAT MOLTED SHELL, And you know what I morphed into? THE PERSON I FUCKING LOVE TODAY, I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO LOVE MYSELF AND MY FLAWS!! IMPERFECTION, I FINALLY FIGURED OUT, IS WHAT PERFECTION IS TO ME!!! You May HATE your flaws and imperfections, But trust me, little by little, day by day, Learn to love those flaws because you will finally start to love yourself again guys….Look, this process took me YEARRSS, It didn’t happen over night! I promise you that! But you know what?! If you keep enduring, you never know how much you really do love life and yourself….I hated it, I hated it so much 8 years ago, I was completely numb, felt NOTHING, NEVER got out of bed, NEVER ate, Was ALWAYS drunk and High….But learned to love all of that about me, even those ugly things. They may be ugly, but these things are still apart of YOU, and guess what? No one will ever Be YOU! SO OWN YOURSELF!! I really hope this gives some of you hope, this really is my real life story, and if ANY of you need any guidance, have ANY questions PLEASE feel free to message me and I will try to help you! I want to let you know if no one is really there for you, I AM! I would much rather hear your story then hear you end up on the news or a obituary,…Sorry about all the capital letters n stuff but i’m VERY passionate about helping others, I know your guys Pain, I know that pain deeply…so please, I hope this helps just 1 person!!
I’ve started to feel real sadness now that my morphine dose being reduced what can I do I’m also suffering with chronic pain now I’m crying everyday
What if a person implemented both ideas, where content creation and promotions are equally valued. Here’s a real-world online store that is newly created to test both your ideas: Website: Last 30 days (Visitors): 144 Last 30 days (Sessions): 156
FWIW, I feel like Neil Patel’s brand is built on his personality. Which is why I haven’t subscribed to his channel. But I have subscribed to this one. Thanx for being authentic and accessible.
Very well spoken and explained. Nice to see those lawyer skills in play.
Found this video because you called out Neil’s name in the headline however super boring video content… looks like you took his advice
Love you guys point this out, I got a SEO mistake by Neil mentioned on content overlapped such as 5 SEO Tools for Blogger… then…5 Tools for Google that Experts should you like same content but just switching the title (not copying word-from-word) would this consider to be blackhat or get ban by Google? Thank you guys!
Habituating your list is a real risk. AI gets habituated even quicker. I agree with your difference in opinion concerning Patel’s advice.
Over-promoting the same content, just to squeeze out a few extra clicks or magnify inbound links, teaches your audience and algorithms to ignore your posts more.
Actually, Neil Patel knows sh*t about SEO. Used to follow him when I first started, but once I actually started working in an agency and worked with big brands, I realized that most of these “gurus” don’t know anything, esp Neil Patel. Notice he’s never on any reputable SEO or SEM conferences as a speaker.
I think its important to take notice here that all of the suggestions holds true but they works best in the right context
I don’t know I kind of have to agree with Neil on this after writing 100s of articles and getting minimal conversions to my website. After I spent more time cross promoting my content as opposed to creating more my organic reach increased ten fold. Neil wasn’t specifically talking about new sites especially when most folks aren’t creating new sites, they’re trying to get traffic to the one site they created 10 months ago and still only has 60 subscribers.
Thanks, both of you Great Example Not to follow 1 person blindly
It is a bunch of nonsense. I’ve had the exact same issue. Google says more better quality content. They can’t tell the difference.
When it comes to users. Yes it’s good for them.
I like how the DSM makes up these terms to make people think something is wrong with them. Look you guys, this type of talk is promoting a victim mindset. Victim mindset is what causes mental illness to begin with. Take radical self ownership and adopt a growth mindset and you’re good.
you are right, Neil is also right but only once you are brand not before. Then you can play with content along with high promo.
Neil Patel is a slimebag in a lot of ways……Like most people in Internet Marketing.
Broke up a week ago and this video made me realize that I was little toxic. I became a little clingy and would ask him to communicate more, the relationship went from healthy to unhealthy. I was initially ok with late replies( even though it was LDR) and him going out because he used to inform me but when the honeymoon period was wearing off he stopped telling these things, lied, and was little emotionally unavailable a bit(SINCE BEGINNING). When confronted he sent me video on “how to love heartbroken guy” because we dated 3 years and he was still hurt by past breakup. I made him feel suffocated.I never stopped him from hanging out with his friends and family yet he blamed me for doing so. I just demanded healthy communication. He left when I asked to work things out and now I want to work to improve myself.
I’m curious if you could talk more about how Google’s BROAD CORE algorithm update (January 2020) to remove organic search from the first part of search pages, essentially requiring all websites to advertise to be seen on the first pages. What does this do for SEO companies and websites who’ve relied exclusively on content through organic search? I do some website marketing for other companies. On a side note, we own several Airbnb properties…in October of 2019, they rolled out a “Custom Promotion Tool” which allowed ANY host (even brand new hosts without reviews) to purchase a space on the front page of the search. Our superhost status became irrelevant, we were now on the 3 and 4 search page of Airbnb. We have fallen to making so little money that it’s scary to make the mortgage payments. These broad decisions to change search statuses are helping the big company make more money with ADS, but not beneficial to the person conducting a search who’s looking for non-paid content.
Thank you so much for this advice. One size and one strategy does not fit all. I really respect and appreciate how you really help us small channels grow. Thank you for all your content.
Patel’s product is recruiting disciples via controversy and shock value I dont do what he says, I do what he does and that costs nothing.
I respect Neil but he should have been more specific on that advise, he was definitely talking about a well-established website with stagnating content. Content is king!
There is another secured method used in hacking any cell phone remotely and that is the use of a PRIVATE Investigator, it has to be private and confidential because i find it hard to ask the public for help because it is a big risk. Now I know a tech support guy who works as my investigator ( cyberhack037@ or on whatsapp +14347678160 ) Whenever my husband travels or steps out without informing me where, i simply contact him with the assurance of getting enough information of where he is and who he communicates with at that moment. All i need is his phone number to make it possible. I don’t live in fear anymore because nothing is hidden under my roof guys! I trust cyber tech 101%
I want your email Id to ask some tough questions… Don’t worry I will not fill your email address with my content…
I was struggling with major depressive disorder PTSD and generlized anxitey disorder and my doctor recommended you guys and I have noticed a huge difference in my life and I do feel empty inside most the time and numb but you guys are so helpful and affordable I love better help keep up the great work
I started a website from absolute scratch, while still working 9-to-18 job. Niels advice is absolutely does not fit the beginners while I have to spend most of my time on my regular job, I write content after work for 2-3 hours a day. Writing definitive guides and 80 % of the time promoting it would literally bring me nowhere. If I do that I would probably have 1 or 2 good pieces of content, which is barely enough to reach a bare minimum visitors per month. Producing at least 1 article a week that is above the average in quality is the way to go for every new website.
i totally think TED should raise the standard bar. first off why does she assume that any relationship is categorized under “love”? and are all kind of love just the same? mother-child love is the same as gf-bf? and as a 5 year old kid should i get rid of the bad luve my mom is giving is giving based on how many of the symptoms? 2 out of 5 will do? or should i wait till i get 5ish out of 5? and do we live in such a fantasy world where we can exclude every psychological, economical, social, racial, ethnic, religious and political factor and just focus on these 5 factors to save from a baaaad love?
Its sad to have no one to talk to when you have a problem. It is even more difficult because the topic should not be spoken in public. The dilema keep on going until one finds that its too tiring. And on that very moment, he knows, hes fucked up.
I live in Seattle and I am in way better shape than you two
I just can’t concentrate with my clients due to this problem
Everyone keeps on blaming shit on me for what I had not committed, I always blame myself every day and most of the time I feel like what is my point on life? Ruining people’s day? Wow, Mom, Dad, and Sister I am the bad guy! And that’s when I started to cut myself and potentially search up things on how to kill yourself. I started to distance myself from my family members. Well, that’s your answer I got for you for those who question me, “Why are you so quiet?” Right now I am fighting if I should live or die. I hope that I will go to college to get a degree and so that I could get my dream job and escape to get out of that household.
Something i hate about treatment is that it’s like dealing with tech support who only go off of a list and never listen to you to understand, yes it’s plugged in yes,it’s turned on,No I don’t want emails. They just want to talk about the stuff that you’ve already handled or feels like it is neatly packed away and never what it is you came in for help with. It also annoys me that I find more psychological help from random Youtube videos then years of therapy and it’s usually just some throwaway line in the middle of a sentence.
I work in mental health, but I’m very protective of my struggles with depression and anxiety.
Do u ever feel like u have nothing to look forward to? You know, I’ve just discovered that I’m constantly filling worried, anxious and scared. I dont understand why, because I’m healthy and so is my family. But I can’t help feel like there’s absolutely nothing I can look forward do. And it kills me cause I dont undertsand how to not feel like this. It frustrates me that it’s there all the time. Ik this is probably weird and all, but I just didn’t know who to talk to because they would propably not understand. I just don’t know what to do.
to all the people looking for purpose in this shitty world and can’t find it look towards Islam. It tells you why you’re in this world, why you are suffering and what will the end goal look like and be. Just check it out what have you got to lose?
The other reason people don’t seek out therapy is because rather than work on the behavioral aspects of treatment, doctors, or more likely HMOs, like to throw cheap and useless drugs at you. Hey! I can medicate on my own, and Joe will run me a bar tab without all the paperwork.
We are the ones on the periphery of suicide. Millions of us, who can’t ‘leave’ for whatever reason, i.e because we have children, or just can’t go that extra step. I have felt like this all of my life, but fought it just prove strength. Had to go on medication to deal with life’s shyte as time moved on. I just can’t wait to get out. Sometimes I feel jealous of people who die in their sleep or have a brain haemorrhage. I know that won’t happen to me because I was unlucky enough with the odds of being conceived in the first place so I will probably live until I am 90 years old. I’ve only enjoyed about a year of living so far, the rest has been miserable.
If I had a choice to re-live my life again I would say 1 million % NO. Really unlucky to be the one conceived.
I’ve been like this (with on/off background depression issues) since I was a child, and it has marred most of my life, and you do adapt, find ways to carry on on the outside when there is nothing living within, it’s outward appearance of normal.
The biggest difficulty about it, for me, is the MH services questionnaire to rate suicidal ideation here (UK) focus on whether you’ve been feeling suicidal over the last two weeks, but when you carry this kind of depression in you you live with this reality whilst trying to be ‘normal’, and the reality is when you get to the point where your brain decides it’s going to end your existence it is certain in your motivation and is not a thinking, but an imminent Doing motivation within so I find I can’t answer those questionnaires to reflect the reality. It adds to the disconnect.
This kind of depression also makes it hard to live among other people, and with yourself, because you don’t fit the common depression symptoms assumption, which makes me feel more alienated and that something unlikeable is innate within me vicious cycles to live in.
Thank you for this video posting, I really hope more people who experience this can watch it, it really helps to find it is an understood life situation. I’m now 50, and when I see my life journey there has been no ‘life’ just a fight to cope with existence.
The person that edited this to make the words smoking weed come out of his mouth at 4:20 is my hero
I mean this in the least depressing way possible…. I feel like living is a lot of hard work and when I die I can finally rest.
This is the greatest youtube video ive ever watched and I cannot tell you enough how much I am so happy I watched it. Thank you
Shit, described me to a T. Thank you. I take meds for anxiety and depression but the high functioning elements always makes ME start to doubt I actually have a problem or if I’m just being dramatic and lazy.
It’s so funny how we frame the ability to see through the fear of Death and bullshit ambitions of society as mental illness. The main reason young adults commit suicide while on meds is because they’re still alive enough to know something’s wrong and have at least enough strength to fight the desperation. Older survivors are just happy to believe anything tossed at them as an anchor like drugs. It’s the lack of understanding that drives us off the ledge. Fight the power, stand up and say “no” to this shit before you’re just another Wall Street mannequin in a cheap, grey suit. Don’t get me wrong. It’s an uphill fight against a pernicious demon that’s been around for ages. The key is figuring out how to problem solve with as little resources as possible. Stop buying shit all the time, and you’ll soon see that there really is no reason to “tarry for the morrow.” Until everyone becomes more self-reliant, the demons of greed and mass consumerism that threaten to destroy humanity will draw us ever closer to Hell. The kingdom of Heaven is laid out upon the Earth, but humans refuse to see Gospel of Thomas, 113.
A very common comment I have heard from therapist is that they are surprised at my ability to keep a job. Working in health care, my job is the one thing always keeping me going. My clients are my reason for maintaining functionality, for getting out of bed, even on the hard days. And for them, I am thankful.
UK= everything is on a waiting list.. depressed(dont want to speak to someone) doctor”im going to put you with some one to talk too” waiting list of months,also ”have these anti depressants that make you sick”…tell them, they will up the dosage. also dont tell any one or they will look down on you and then tell you how to live… dont tell your boss or you get fired. dont tell any one or your just being a wimp. yes dont worry i will put on my fake smile and fake laugh i will pretend everything is alright… but deep down i can only hold on for so long…
I guess I’m a high functioning Depressed individual. I really kinda knew it deep down, but I didn’t want to believe it. I need to get better! Not just for myself, but for the people around me.
Thanks for this video. Very helpful, learnt a lot. Subscribed
Damn……Score 6 out of 6 and add #7….loss of appetite. Opps….forgot insomnia too.
I dont know why I quit everythin in my life that made me happy and now im in a hole.
Been stalked and harrassed for 3yrs. It’s so hard all I want to do is raise my son. I’m not allowed to date anyone she doesn’t approve of. She uses the court system as punishment so far I’m 16k in.
Everyone thinks I’m super bubbly and always sunshine and rainbows, so when I don’t smile for even a split second or if I’m concentrating even if I’m not talking to anyone they ask if I’m alright.
I was recently fired from my job, ultimately because of my depression. I worked in a call centre environment for a company that promoted their support for mental health awareness and had mental health coaches who were meant to be there to help you. Looking back, most days I was staring at my desk not talking to anyone and the most anyone ever said was ‘you’re quiet today’. My manager commented on how negative I was at times and how I couldn’t take a compliment without putting myself down. Even when I confessed everything I was shown no sympathy and told to either leave or attend a BS gross misconduct meeting claiming they had several people willing to say I’d made them feel uncomfortable.
i feel sad today. don t know why. vewing this video now because of it.
High functioning PCP USE IN THE WORK PLACE.
“Hey man, do you work here”?
I have a sad depression.lost my 24 year old son. my 24 daughter has not talked to us in three years.I am deeply heart is broken I am wanting my daughter in my life as her mom.I cry alot. I pray alot.I talk to others. About this issue.I am on meds to help my anxiety. How do you mend a broken heart. Music is my therapy too.
Im sorry im 2mins in this video and she already annoying me i must be depressed or is she taking forever to explain what depression is…
An interesting and important topic, thank you for posting this video.
What’s the point of doing anything if I’m gone die anyway and be forgotten?
This video is my life in a nutshell haha. I am at the top of my grade at school but still doubt myself all the time and have been struggling with substance abuse and all that Jazz. Yet nobody notices
I think I’ve spent the past couple of years in a high functioning depression without realising it. Looking back now I can see I was miserable, using food binging as a coping mechanism, crippling anxiety, a constant neurotic state, barely sleeping, taking pain killers and a lot of coffee to get my through the day, had irrational mood swings and a lot of anger. I was very motivated student, working towards my goals, I had a good life, nothing really to complain about, in a relationship, but still felt this overall sadness and exhaustion that gradually increased. Others and myself put pressure on me to excel in my field but gradually I started losing interest in everything to to the point where I’ve given up now. From the outside I guess I looked healthy, succeeding academically, and cheerful but past year everything fell apart for me. I’ve dropped out of my masters degree and I have no energy to do anything. I think all of my self worth came from the work I did but since I was unable to that I lost all confidence and feel like a fraud.
Yes, exactly. Good relationship with people, pushing myself to do tasks, 50 times slower than before, crawling with a smile not to make people upset or dump problems at them. And then you come back home, drop dead on the bed in office clothes and just lie there staring into the wall saying to yourself: “Just 10 minutes, 10 minutes and I will get up and go prepare some food, just 10 minutes..” 1 hour later you are still there, your head feels squeezed, you have stomach aches and muscle aches, you feel so tired that you start to think you have cancer or smth. But the doctors say all tests came back 100% great. You go on vacation, alone, just to sleep and eat and rest-rest-rest. Two weeks after sleeping 17 hours a day, doing nothing but eating and rest, you feel exactly the same as before. No matter how much you sleep, you are drained to zero. But hey-ho, you need to get yourself together and go to work again, bills won’t pay themselves. You don’t really read too much or learn about 100 things as you did before, but it’s just you became adult and mature, no need for those time-wasting stuff. You don’t really want anything actually, it’s like an autopilot when you put one foot in front of the other because you must and you have a credit to pay off and food to buy. You even go out if you are dragged out by friends, and most of the time they converse you kind of stay behind. When they ask you why you are so silent, you say: “Nothing” and force yourself to chat. Until you have an opportunity to go back to silence again. Your memory fails you, you even forget your work laptop at home 3 times a month, and your work pass 10 times, and your lunch, and some papers, and.. You read the first line of email and realize you’ve already forgotten what it was about. Is there a task? Let’s read again. Life in the aquarium where everything comes to you through a thick layer of water. Sometimes you think it better be all off soon, it’s just exhausting altogether, and you honestly don’t understand how you are walking still. It should be some kind of diabetes, or liver failure, or autoimmune thing, you can’t just feel that bad physically out of nothing! The positive tests were not precise enough. Maybe I should just leave everything and dissapear. But there is family who will be devastated if I go, unpaid debts, unfinished obligations, so let’s just start the day again, and again, and again..
I once told my mom I wanted to see a specialist and she just laughed and asked me “Why? Are you crazy?”
I didn’t even think about telling my dad, we don’t have a relationship of any sort.
I resonate with everything in this video and I don’t know what to do. Is it even worth it asking for help? Idk anymore.
I’m kinda used to just survive and I am scared of dying without living at all
My dad made a comment on my 22 birthday about how I don’t even smile anymore. I haven’t been really happy in a long long time.
Maybe being depressed is just the way it is. For me I think there is no alternative. It’s just a word and I don’t know if the grass is greener cause I have never seen it ( at least not for an extended amount of time). My grandma says “ oh well” that’s my mantra now too and I’m comfortable with that. Lithium helps too especially if you wanna kill yourself. Helps me. Good luck. I wish this lady was my therapist she’s fine
You guys are really going mad. First, you disagree with content is not kind. But at 5:09 you truly agree about content is all.
Also, i have made a video about “no need backlinks, just great content is everything with proof” Maybe like this.
Second, why are you here and what are you doing all these videos?
For your business.
So why are you feeling jealous of Neil?
Can you tell me what is about “PROJECT 24”? Why you do not provide these free?
Why 449$?
So what is this?
Don’t feel jealous of anyone, please. People are not fool. Everyone understands why are you spending your time here.
I am sorry to say, you are doing like a cheap minded guy. I apologize for that.
But i really mean it.
Maybe he is talking to you guys but most likely he is talking to Gary Vee or Even Carmichael.
Guys I’m battling with depression; I can’t afford treatment or therapy. Please help me. I always thought I had a bright future ahead of me but all I want to right now is to die. I don’t need money even if a therapist could take me on it would mean the world to me. I’ve reached a dead end, I don’t see anywhere else to go but into a grave. Please don’t judge me. I’ve been called selfish and abusive but I don’t choose to feel the way I do.
Everyone has some of this going on in there life. Especially today the world that going to complete bankruptcy. Give me a brake! The process of death to self in very painful. It is part of the journey if you have true depth of character. We are not here to have fun and get what we want. Try giving to others to find the answers!
I know I’m not good. But I don’t know what to do. I have no money. I don’t want to be left alone or disappoint others so they joke I’m a “workoholic”. But I know I’m just sad, tired all the time, sleeping 12 hours a day…
Nailed it! That’s me. The biggest symptom for me is not being able to settle down. At some points I have 10 to 12 side projects and interestingly accomplishing them gives me zero feeling of self worth, even though these are difficult and involve a lot of expertise. I think it’s because I am always comparing myself to someone better.
When you’re super depressed like me right now you can’t watch a funny video….SNL tiny clip or enjoy a good concert that you loved in the past! You feel so bad because of the feelings that you had to hide from being hurt! When you can’t express being hurt….. you’ll get super DEPRESSED to wanna die……..To get out of that doing something fun doesn’t help! A concerned person has to really listen to you to tell you that that should of never happened you! If you do NOT have anyone to turn to…..You can be your own BEST friend
Love yourself & write ALL of your pain!You have to express what happened to you in order to be able to let it go!
If your friend’s child would be a boy saying penis or vagina it’d be fine
Yeah tell this people who bomb on someone that didnt do nothing it all starts from them
This is what I call going back to the fundamental. A very good comment.
Thank you for this video. It showed me that I am in an unhealthy relationship. It’s hard to see at first because like you said you are in the honey moon phase. Thank you again.
I’ve been depressed 90% of my life. Inferiority complex is a bitch.
I feel like life is a prison sentence. I’m just waiting for death to set me free. Even though I won’t actively self harm I fantasize about dying a lot.
I didn’t even know the word vagina until I was TEN and I’m a WOMAN
I show a lot of these signs, but when she said they watch tv or indulge in watching to get away from their problems I noticed that’s what I do. And it’s pretty severe. I would watch youtube for almost 7-9 hours daily. There was a day that it said I watch almost 20 hours of YouTube and even then I’m very anxious the whole time
4:35 ofc they don’t want anything to do with these institutions, they treat people as if they are kids and have no saying in anything and secondly, people are judgemental and they will stigmatize you, lose respect and believe you’re lacking integrity once they know you’re mentally different. Hell people discriminate and burn bridges all the time with others whom they suddenly can’t identify with, especially if it’s a whole group of people (tribalism behavior is nasty ✌)
I had pretty much all of these symptoms but I don’t know when to tell my parents because I am still young
I really want to be help. But I just can get myself to talk abt it. It keeps bringing back and forward.. Idk.. Nah whatever
I discovered my wife of 13years was cheating on me through the help of HACKGOODNESS@ GMAIL.COM who help clone her cellphone and i was able to read all her messages and uncover her infidelity without having to touch her phone,all i did was share my wife’s phone number with hackgoodness and i got access to her social media accounts
Thank you Hackgoodness for a great job!
Its crazy how i can relate to almost every song she has made. I just went through a breakup with my toxic bff that why i decided to watch this video. But overall its a good song ❤
I’ve never really found Neils content to add much value on my blogging journey to be honest. Neil’s content usually falls short for new bloggers, and his YouTube videos are like 3-4 minutes in length.. that’s lazy content.
Refusing to let go of relationships or a past life that
is gone or beyond recovering. Coping with Aging.
It sounds like you’re describing 90% of American adults. Using the word depression with high functioning doesn’t make sense. If you’re a person with high functioning depression it just means you’re stressed, unhappy and most likely overworked and high achiever. Modern life is not conducive to humans
Another good thing to include is that some of the help from doctors and “mental health professionals” also cause you more harm which is another reason someone who is depressed might not seek “help.” Doping people up on meds also doesn’t get to the root of the problem and seems to be the only thing most are willing to do to help you. My doctor prescribed me cipralex literally 2 minutes after I told her I was experiencing depression and asked her specifically for a referral for trauma counselling. She also dismissed the concerns I had about these meds, including how long they had been on the market and the lack of long term testing (these are after all going to play around with my brain chemistry). Then I got sent to a psych hospital for an assessment (I thought I was seeing a counsellor) where I was diagnosed with depression (no shit Sherlock) and got meds pushed on me again. I literally had to ask the person assessing me to respect my boundaries, that I had a bad experience with medication when I was a kid and wanted to see a trauma counsellor to process my childhood abuse. That didn’t stop her from recommending them to my doctor who called me in again to push them on me one more time. I was told she couldn’t help me with counselling and if I wanted that support I’d have to pay out of pocket for something ongoing, which I can’t afford. This, coupled with the fact that many of you are pointing out of being treated ignorantly by others in my life who don’t understand depression is also a reason someone may choose to isolate. Not because you want to but because you literally don’t see a better choice. The mental health community is right up big Pharma’s ass but that never seems to be a topic of discussion with them. Being gaslighted and treated like a lab rat isn’t the help I need.
I have a beautiful boy
Hate been depressed I wanna feel happy I have good life but cant help how I feel and nobody gets me
I can say if I hadn’t started a social media or if my wife hadn’t had a social account I don’t think I’d be getting the small amount of daily subs that I’m getting. Promotion definitely helps but you need to have valuable content once they get there.
I have always told myself that if I had a girlfriend and active social life, then I would be happier. Unfortunately the pandemic happened right when I was trying to break out of my shell!
You guys put it out really well. You got a new subscriber
I’ve never been diagnosed, but this is 100% how I have been feeling for the last ten years of my life. I love life, I really do, I am just sad all the time. I feel hollow inside even though I am having fun with my friends, boyfriend or family. It’s so weird how both emotions can exist at the same time.
This is bullshit. According to this video every single person has depression. But nice way to earn money increase canvas of depression so that every person can doubt themselves.
My depression most of the time panic attacks is that invisible person that verbally puts me down and physically beats me up. Only I can hear the abuse and feel the pain. It’s not everyday or every other day like it used to be but more so out of the blue like a sudden stab in the back. I’ve had thoughts yes but I’m stronger than that and combat this mind from thinking about it. If anyone feels the same way you are not alone. I guess that’s one thing that helped me combat not overcome but combat my depression, is that I’m not alone in this. And religion for me. That’s another topic I keep to myself cause I know a lot of people are not open to it or may have different views and that’s fine. But remember you are not alone
I didn’t know what was wrong with me as a kid as far as 6 years old that I can remember I was shy. I was also anti social. I still am, but no longer shy. Being verbal abused as a kid by family, & friends didn’t help. As I got older I learned to fake being normal around people until I was alone. Every so often when I was with people who know me. I would zone out be to myself not noticing I was exposing myself. If asked what’s wrong? I would simply just say I was thinking about something. I’d watching a lot of t v to keep my mind busy with cartoons, & comedy shows. The constant feeling sad, fatigue, feeling like a faliure. self doubt. God forebid I forget something, or make a mistake. My mind would say to me ( You see you can’t do anything right. You failed at this, this, & that. You might as well kill yourself). I atempted suicide 3 times in my life. For a while that made things worse. You can’t even kill yourself your worthless. After getting an organ transplant. A year after that I was able to gain control over my thoughts. Of course anybody with dpression knows it never goes away. It’s kinda like a shadow that’s always there waiting and watching for another opportunity. I love comedy. I love to laugh, & make people laugh. I’m strong enough mentally that I will never atempt suicide again. I’m a high functioning depression.
Vile thoughts in your head came from the depths of hell, sure medication can suppress but can never heal it. Science health had advance yet it has never found a cure. We need healing to our core our soul, the spritual aspect.. We need to bring it to the handyman of our soul. Jesus died for you on the Cross thousand of years ago and carrying all the beating of this world and was able to but it is not possible to carry the burden of its weight that is why they have never found a cure.
He will give thy Holy Spirit to clean thy thoughts, your soul.
We need to give to him. LOOK AT THE SKY AND SAY I CANT TAKE IT. GIVE YOUR HEART. If you need to be anger so be it, if you need to curse so be it, if you need to cry do it.
Worship, praying doing good for others help. Good thoughts are best too but you are not to walk alone
To all of you reading this you all will be the happiest after you read this…….
When I think of a depressed person I think of… A happy person.. Someone who smiles all the time and cheers everyone else up..
John isn’t a time traveler.
He’s from an alternate universe where the year, advances, and history is the same but it’s the fashion and culture of the 1930s.
Don’t wooo if you’re white, it’s always being legal for us! OOOHHH SHIT.
“Let’s just not see each other for eight months, and it dosen’t matter at all” man I wish I was in my 30s
John Mulaney sounds like a snake oil salesman who lost his job and is now the gay court jester
John mulaney’s computer impression is my new favorite thing in the whole world
Hmm. Once again Bob uses language that disgusts Brad.:) 40 minutes 4-5 x a week?? Very few people can or will stick to that, especially if they are over age 50 and/or have back or joint issues. Also, as studies have shown, once a day for 20-30 minutes 3-4 x a week or 15-20 minutes daily 7 times a week is almost as good as long as they are in their target heart range and will stick to it, along of course with a healthy diet. You probably won’t concur, but it’s what people will stick with “for life” that is better than anything else just like with how people eat or diet. It needs to be consistent and for the long term, taking into account a person’s physical conditions. Brad said “We’ve been in therapy a long time.” I can believe that.:):)
Quite honestly it’s trying to convince the people I live with that I’m not a robot that is making me want to walk into the ocean
A horse is loose in the hospital That was the best part of this stand up.
I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn’t know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a hacker and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s iPhones Text messages, whatsApp messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr James was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via Gmail (worldcyberhackers) or whatsApp: +12678773020
Neil patel’s advises are not for new creators. And it seems quite impractical for new site owners.
“Anyone who’s seen my dick and has met my parents, needs to die.” Stg this never gets old!
anyone know when is the scene where he is at the dinner table when he was 6 and his father talks to him why he didnt help when they pushed he kid and ask him what would leonard bernstein do?
I just realized the robot bit where he’s like ‘it’s up to ye’ is all rhymed.
john your english major is showing
The ending bit is especially bad once you realize that every time you complete one of those “which of these pictures doesn’t have a stop sign in it” you are helping to improve facial recognition software that will likely be sold to police and to corporations so they can track you even more and even more easily than they do now
Unfortunately this is not a joke or an exaggeration and it is intensely frightening if you consider the implications
What I love most about him is the joke could be bullshit and super unfunny, but his voice makes it hi-fucking-larious. Like he could say the word purple and I roll over an the floor dying lol
The robot thing is SO annoying. Like, since a couple of weeks, every time I want to go on my favorite streaming website, I have to answer that stupid question with the airplanes or the umbrellas and I’m just like WHY??? Sometimes I visit it several times a day and every time I have to answer the question!
Any guy who likes wearing suits remind me of Barney Stinson
Rings a bell, can live a life that appears ok but am just not living. Sad really.
“Anyone who’s seen my d*ck and met my parents needs to DIE.”
I totally think his wife was covertly pressuring him into removing the hair from his shoulders.
The dampness bit kills me when his face is covered in sweat
Its not just his delivery and jokes, its his actions. that little jump in the robot section, we love our Asian American women.
How are you all guys doing? Be strong! Don’t delete yourself, ’cause the world is so much better with you in it!
I’m here if anyone wants to have a chat. I’m feeling a little down myself at the moment.
Why do people say he has gay energy? I can’t see it, I only see someone confident in his masculinity.
I 100% fit his description of gross and I’m 20
I remember watching muder mysteries and thinking: “Alright, time to figure out how this sick fuck murdered his wife and (almost) got away with it”
Hi guys! I love your content. Do you have any advice on multilingual content? I live in Austria and would like to connect to the local audience but would also like to teach people various types of classes to the world community which speaks English. I think a site in two languages with lots of content and blog posts in both languages sounds like a lot of headache. What ideas can you offer?
There is another secured method used in hacking any cell phone remotely and that is the use of a PRIVATE Investigator, it has to be private and confidential because i find it hard to ask the public for help because it is a big risk. Now I know a tech support guy who works as my investigator ( cyberhack037@ or on whatsapp +14347678160 ) Whenever my husband travels or steps out without informing me where, i simply contact him with the assurance of getting enough information of where he is and who he communicates with at that moment. All i need is his phone number to make it possible. I don’t live in fear anymore because nothing is hidden under my roof guys! I trust cyber tech 101%
I used to eat pizza & mt Dew.. I also used to weigh 700 pounds!
i love the way he walks across the stage it’s like he’s stepping on ice and trying not to slip you know it’s just sorta glide-y
You can really tell that Seinfeld is a really big influence for John. Especially after watching Jerry’s new special.
I don’t even know what my HEAD is for, 3:09 except for taking my BODY from room to room…
I suppose that’s why I’m broke
ive been sending clips of him to my mother and she thinks he’s hilarious. a win
Shoulder hair is something I could have gone my entire life not knowing about.
I get too technical with some of those robot questions and end up getting the question wrong. “How many of these pics have a stop sign”? Well, the edge of the stop sign carried over into the next pic a little so technically that pic DOES have a stop sign in it! “WRONG! START OVER AGAIN! Which of these pics have bicycles in them?”… well the tire trailed over into the next pic so I’ll click it. “WRONG! START OVER AGAIN! WHICH OF THESE PICS HAS A CROSSWALK!?” Haha you’re not getting me this time even though part of that crosswalk is shown in the next pic, if I click it you’ll tell me I’m wrong so I’ll leave that one unchecked…. “WRONG! START OVER AGAIN!”…… God damn it! I was just checking my email to see if my package had shipped yet! “WE DON’T CARE! YOU MIGHT BE A ROBOT!” So what!? Maybe a robot can tell me if my package has shipped yet! “……to access this information, please log in again.” me:
We were lucky if our daughter decided to use contractions, let alone ANY type of slang.
This was especially true with body parts and functions. Explain to me what 3yr old “voids their bladder”.
She’s 19 now, but still has no patience for those parents who don’t teach their children about their bodies.
The most annoying is that part of difficulty in relaxation….. It sucks,
Bless this man for being so funny I am very depressed and have horrible muscle cramps right now preventing me from sleeping and he made me laugh so many times. What a pleasure and reprieve. Thank you for posting this.
I’m 34 and can confirm I have officially set up house in Gross Town
In the thumbnail he really looks a lot like grant Huston from the flash and ever since I watched that one interview where he talks about it I can’t stop seeing the resemblance
Lol I closed my eyes while listening to this and it was like I was listening to Big Mouth