Mine is so specific that even though it happened years ago, I wonder if I can get away with posting it. So I'll kick off with one my best friend told me about, which comes a close second (names changed for confidentiality!).
Young woman comes in to A+E with abdominal pain, accompanied by her boyfriend; as is normal, my friend assumes it could be an ectopic until proven otherwise.
Friend: First thing we need to rule out is an ectopic pregnancy
Patient: What's that?
Friend: It's where a fertilised egg ends up implanting itself somewhere outside the womb
Patient: Well it can't be that, I'm not pregnant
Friend: You're on contraception?
Patient: Yes, I'm on the pill
Friend: And you've been taking it every day?
Patient: Yes
Friend: …
Patient: Well, except when I forget, but that's okay because Kevin takes it for me on those days!
Edit: I’ve had a couple of DMs asking what the story was that I felt I couldn’t tell. Let’s just say it involved a urethra, some very small ball-bearings, and an MRI scanner (the latter of which was mercifully not deployed).
Source: Original link