Feel free to delete if this is inappropriate for this sub…. I'm having a hard time finding one that it fits into. r/AskDocs only allows discussion of current issues. I'm interested in the how of a past issue.
After childbirth, I experienced urethral stenosis and couldn't urinate on my own for 10 weeks. At that point, I went in for a cystoscopy, and the dilation fixed it right up.
This was 10 years ago, so obviously it's not an issue anymore. The thing that really interests me is that I can't find any information whatsoever about urethral stenosis related to childbirth. Everything I find says it's pretty much a male thing.
I've always wondered what would cause something like that to happen. My best guess would just be trauma? I'm a veterinary technician and have a pretty good grasp of animal medicine and anatomy, but human medicine is a whole different ballgame.
I would be very interested to see if anyone has seen or heard of anything like this before. Even my current OB is having a hard time coming up with a reason as to why it happened outside of urethral tearing/scarring.
Source: Original link