I used to be a tech and a scribe for a number of years before I decided to go to nursing school. During those years, the hospital where I worked developed an academic EM program which initially trained EMS and ultrasound fellows, then got a real live EM residency program, which has put out some great physicians.
Since then, I graduated nursing school, racked up some experience, and have been working as an agency/travel nurse the last year and a half.
I just started a new contract this past Monday, and while I was getting my grand tour, bumped into one of the attendings, who was a brand new intern when we met. Found out that two other graduates from the program, who I also knew from their intern days, were also working at that same hospital.
Today, the four of us all happened to be on the schedule.
To see them in action as attendings, to go to them with my assessments and recommendations, to agree on the courses of treatment… I can't fully put into words how proud I am to see this all happen. We've all come so far over the years, and still have that camaraderie and mutual trust, but we were all there when a guy walked into triage and promptly went into vfib arrest upon his ass cheeks touching the EKG stretcher, at which point no fewer than fifteen people from multiple disciplines and departments literally jumped on him (I still don't know which of my RN colleagues was the one who hopped up and straddled him on the stretcher doing compressions the whole way to the code room; they all have brown ponytails)… But this 79 year old dead guy was fucking talking to the interventional cardiologist when they wheeled him to the Cath Lab…
Not every day is a great day, but holy shit, today really was one to savor.
Source: Original link