Hello. Today I went to the hospital because of my friend. He’s in his late 20s. This morning, him and his sister were swimming. Long story short, he drowned and got taken to the hospital. The doctors apparently said he wouldn’t survive but now he might survive. He’s on a ventilator. I saw him a few hours ago but he was unconscious.
Well anywayyy…. lately I’ve been thinking of becoming a doctor. (Still in HS). Ya I know, he’s way older than me but we still are pretty close and we met at church. I just love the idea of becoming a doctor. Like, you get to meet patients, save lives, monitor patients, communicate with people (I want some job that I can be kinda social) and list goes on. I’ve been to hospitals many times. I always like the environment in general and being a doc just seems like a great job that will suite me.
That being said. I can’t think of any other occupations that I can see myself doing. Like I don’t want to sit behind a computer all day or do something really boring. I’ve been doing some research on being a police officer. These are the only two jobs that I could see myself doing atm. A police officer or doctor. Please note I’m in America.
I would prefer to be a doctor but there’s one thing that is kind of turning me away and to become a cop. It’s the SCHOOLING. Ok so you need to have like a 3.8 (ish) gpa in college and do well on the MCAT and study for years and I heard it’s sooo much info. But the fact you have to have a high gpa and do good on all the tests and do well in med school…. idk. I’ve always been a smart student (not like SUPER SUPER smart but I would say I’m above average). Just not sure if I’ll be able to do it :/
So I just need some advice. I know many of you are doctors done with med school and some are in med school and some are premed etc..
Edit: Was or is it really hard to become a doctor and do you suggest others or me to do it?
Source: Original link