Table of Contents:
Sugar Substitutes: Aspartame vs. SplendaThomas DeLauer
Video taken from the channel: Thomas DeLauer
What the Heck is Sucralose?
Video taken from the channel:
Are Artificial Sweeteners Bad For You?
Video taken from the channel: PictureFit
The Truth About Sucralose and Health
Video taken from the channel: Food Insight
How sucralose affects obese people
Video taken from the channel: MDedge: news and insights for busy physicians
Sucralose on Keto: what is sucralose? is it safe? does sucralose spike blood sugar?
Video taken from the channel: Ginger’s Keto In The UK
Sucralose (Splenda): Healthy or Unhealthy?
Video taken from the channel: Healthline
Excessive amounts of added sugar can have harmful effects on your metabolism and overall health. For this reason, many people turn to artificial sweeteners like sucralose. However, while.
Sucralose—the no-calorie sugar substitute known as Splenda—has been found to cause a variety of harmful biological effects on the body, according to a new research review.Sucralose, known by the brand name Splenda, is an artificial sweetener approved for general use as a sugar substitute. But is Splenda safe?
Sucralose has been widely touted as a safe alternative to sugar. However, mounting evidence suggests that it’s not as benign as we’ve been led to believe. Eating large amounts of sucralose – especially when it’s been heated – can lead to health problems.
Our take is.The quick answer to the common question “is sucralose safe?” is NO. From metabolic syndrome to digestive problems and weight gain — sucralose isn’t doing you any favors. In fact, it’s impacting your health negatively in a number of ways. What are the side effects of sucralose?
Originally Answered: Is Sucralose safe to consume on a regular basis? Yes, as long as you don’t exceed the recommended daily amount (15mg/kg of body weight) and you don’t have any symptoms some people can be overly sensitive to sucralose. Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on sucralose An overview of the safety of sucralose.After 40 years of research and studies, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration has concluded that sucralose is safe to eat. Researchers haven’t found any shortSweetLeaf,Truvia, and Pure Via are other artificial sweeteners that contain stevia extract but use different manufacturing processes. (It is worth noting that “natural” isn’t a defined or.For that reason, we recommend that children avoid aspartame, acesulfame-K, cyclamate, saccharin, and sucralose. Among the safest artificial sweeteners for children is erythritol, although too much could produce nausea.
Limited amounts of the other sugar alcohols are safe.Twenty years of follow-up research have shown sucralose to be safe for humans to consume and there don’t appear to be any problems with short-term or long-term use. Sucralose doesn’t seem to interact with other foods or medications.
“Officially, sucralose is considered safe by the FDA. However, multiple studies show concern for how sucralose may negatively impact gut microbiota, insulin levels and weight,” she says. Recent mouse studies also link Splenda to gut inflammation in mice with Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease), notes Kirkpatrick.
Sweeteners may be safe, but are they healthy? Food manufacturers claim sweeteners help prevent tooth decay, control blood sugar levels and reduce our calorie intake. EFSA has approved the health claims made about xylitol, sorbitol and sucralose, among others, in relation to oral health and controlling blood sugar levels.Sucralose (Splenda). You can use it in hot and cold foods, including in baking and cooking.
Processed foods often contain it.Consuming sucralose may have a detrimental effect on your digestion. Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can wreak major havoc with your digestion, causing diarrhea, gas, and bloating. Splenda may act as a laxative because it alters the.
In fact, Splenda reports that sucralose has been found to be safe for daily use over a person’s lifetime in amounts a hundred times greater than what could ever be expected to be eaten.
List of related literature:
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from Food Chemistry, Third Edition | |
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from Textbook of Family Medicine E-Book | |
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from Sweeteners and Sugar Alternatives in Food Technology | |
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from Pediatric Dentistry | |
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from The Stevia Deception: The Hidden Dangers of Low-Calorie Sweeteners | |
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from Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process E-Book | |
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from Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management | |
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from Linda Page’s Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-healing for Everyone | |
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from Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation | |
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from Linda Page’s Healthy Healing: A Guide To Self-Healing For Everyone |
Body building supplements brought me here. Almost all loaded with sucralose.
People, please stop consuming Splenda, aspartame. All of that stuff is poison. You think I don’t know what I’m talking about? Stop eating it for one week and see how much better you feel.
A lot of protein powders have sucralose. Tastes good but I don’t trust it. Tried a protein powder enhanced by stevia and tasted like crap. Am now using one which uses xylitol and steviol glycosides and is quite nice
Well all I know is it is better for me to make sweet tea instead of sugar because sugar goes straight to my belly
Skinny syrups are delicious that’s what I use in my beverages. But I just found out they’re sweetened with Sucralose ( mostly known as Splenda)
Oh neatly I feel like I’m going to die wen I eat drink sucralose, it feels like a TIA or a heart attack, it’s the most scary feeling in the world! I can’t even chew sugar free gum or eat sugar free pop corn
i got carnivor protein: fat, cholesterol, sugar, fluten and lactose free, but it has sucralose, is it really that bad? what are the effects?
I’m it’s a pisser that even a human autopsy doesn’t bring back those you love.Its dangerously labeled.
Stay away from artificial crap aspartame is bacteria poop it can cause blindness cancer etc.
and a year after he calls it poison, his Green Detox drink has Sucralose in it.
Some people have reactions, other don’t. Just like anything else we eat.
Everything has side effect even milk.. Tomatoes… What will you drop….
The stevia I buy from Saudi Arabia has sucralose as one of the ingredients
This the information I was looking for… Thanks a ton…. Subscibed! I would love to know your view on liquid splenda… Is it concentrated or diluted with any agent?
I used regular sugar cane sugar before to put in my coffee..i changed to Splenda just cutting out sugar like that completely within 6 months I lost 40 lb
You’re better off having actual sugar or cane sugar in smaller quantities. But having Splenda once in a while won’t kill you. Not my first choice but if you’re the type that dreads plain black coffee then just pour half or the small packet on a 8-10oz cup
So if i train hard eat clean like i’m already doing, Can i daily drink one Diet drink?
What is very sad about this video from Tom is he correctly speaks against these artificial sweeteners but then adds sucralose to his green detox product… I didn’t know this until I read the side panel for other ingredients because it is not listed in the main ingredients panel…. please do explain, why you have sucralose in your product knowing how bad it is???
At a potluck, I ate several cookies. I later learned they were made with Splenda not sugar. That night, I had stomach cramping like never before. I did an internet search on Splenda. I now feel I was poisoned by sucralose, the ingredient in Splenda. I very rarely drink diet drinks or any artificial sweeteners. Never again. Now I read ingredient labels carefully.
Sucralose kills the good bacteria in your gut, theres no easy way out just eat normal sugar but less of it
you lost me at Aspartame is good for you. obviously you are just worried about less people buying protein shakes
So is better to use. 5 spoons of sugar rarher than 1 package of splenda???
Splenda sucrolose destroys good gut bacteria… SUCROLOSE = X
NOT GOOD… Trash it.
so basically another waste of a video, full of maybes and speculation and not answering the question it set out to answer. well done Muppet
Is Robinsons no sugar diluting juice OK to dring? It is sweetened with sucralose but also acesulfame k.
What are your thoughts on maldextrinadded into Starbucks sugar free syrups? I know it has a high glycemic index but if used in such small amounts I wander if it can even cause a spike?
Dammit, no more “zero calorie” Rockstars for me. I thought I found the one damn thing I could drink.
All the conspiracy theorists who think they know what research is disliked this video.
Spark energy drink has sucralose in it and it gave me a bad stomach ache! It is not good for you!
DO NOT TRUST “DOCTOR” MERCOLA. Dr. Mercola is an industrial sell-out and has had legal troubles before, and even a run-in with the Feds. He is also an anti-vaxxer, which is a DEFINITE red flag. Whether or not aspartame is dangerous, there are no peer-reviewed scientific studies that have concluded such things about it yet. Although there can be allergic reactions in some people, consuming a lot of sugar is more dangerous than consuming a lot of aspartame. If you’re really worried, you can use monk fruit syrup or stevia extract instead, which are natural sweeteners. Avoid refined sugar like a plague. In the grand scheme of things, sugar has done much more harm on a wider scale than any sweetener has.
Splenda≠pure liquid sucralose. Please provide research or explain why pure sucralose as found in almost all zero calorie energy drinks is a negative while fasting/eating ketogenically. Thank you.
It’s in my protein drink and my stomach hurts after I drink it an hour ish after a workout, could it be sucralose?
Too much water kills you, please tell us the quantities used in these studies.
Can you talk about Xylitol for diabetics is it good or bad thank you for all your work
Please give research paper links to verify. As I read the opposite, they’re harmless in unless taken in large quantities, but what isn’t?
So when is the video for good health effects coming out? Lol
This stuff is poison. I worked in a Splenda plant years ago. The guys mixing it had to wear hazmat suits and I kept a respiratory infection the entire time I worked there. I don’t think something that is healthy requires a masks and suits to process for human consumption. DON’T eat it!
By the way, Splenda or ANY artificial sugars consumed will retain fat in your body. Right?
I am someone who suffers from severe diarrhea after consuming sucralose & Splenda.
The pink sweet and low sacchrin one is the most popular best tasting one. What chu talkin bout?
It is really pretty simple. Avoid ALL artificial sweeteners. Reduce sugar consumption by using some stevia or monk fruit extract, which are natural sweeteners, in place of some or all of the sugar. Also, some sugar alcohols, such as erythritol, are ok if consumed in SMALL amounts.
A major problem with most of the powdered form of sucralose, such as Splenda is that that crap is nearly all(almost 100 percent) maltodextrin. Maltodextrin is basically a very short chain of glucose molecules and breaks apart instantly, thus maltodextrin has a glycemic index of 115, actually greater than pure glucose(dextrose) at 100. Maltodextrin is used in Splenda as a carrier and it is basically highly fluffed up sugar. The Splenda company lies with its food facts by using the stupid FDA allowance that anything less than 0.5 gms can be ROUNDED DOWN to Zero. They make their serving size stupidly low, and get under this 0.5 grams, calling the grams of sugar 0. I hate that. I use Sucralose as drops, of just pure sucralose solution, no maltodextrin and have never found that budges my blood glucose, although the stuff I put it in might. I wonder how many of the studies that show it affecting Blood glucose have use the versions with maltodextrin? Bottom line, avoid Splenda and it knock-offs that have maltodextrin. I make my own drops from pure powdered sucralose I got online. 4 ounces is the equivalent of 250 lbs of sugar. I then make drops from that with about 2 tsp in 8oz distilled water, so that 1-2 drops equals about 1 tsp sugar.
Every since I was diagnosed with diabetes this has been my favorite sweetener. I have tried several of the others including the popular Stevia garbage, even a small amount of that crap tastes like chemical. I can tell you from years of experience with sucrolose that it doesn’t taste anything like sugar & there is no way it is sweeter than sugar. Sugar is way better, but since I can’t eat or drink a lot of sugar I have to settle for what taste good to me.
Umm…wrong, I’m actually spending way less than before and getting the same, if not better, results. When they mix it all together, add 13 things you don’t need, and slap on a fancy label that makes it look like they’re professional scientists, it gives them the excuse to jack up the prices. But if you want to buy into their marketing scheme and blow your money, that’s your prerogative I guess. Have fun?
theres just gotta be a way to satiate sugar cravings without poisoning yourself DEAR GOD HELP MEEEEEEEE
we know sugar is unhealthy and kills people (through diabetes). Is this better, is the question…
It would be well heard by everyone who are good or no good in English., if you slow down a little. Thx.
350 degrees Fahrenheit is 176 degrees Celsius (and not 120 degrees Celsius as mentioned in this clip).
I cannot consume this crap it causes horrible stomach cramps.
You are exaggerating these products by sooooo freaking much. I don’t know if you are doing it on purpose, or you haven’t actually studied the data more thoroughly.
It is unknown whether or not sucralose has any effect on your gut health. The study was done in rats. There is no research on humans.
Sucralose does cause insulin spikes…in people who do not regularly consume Sucralose. Healthy individuals who regularly consume Sucralose do not show insulin rises or increases in blood sugar.
The ingredients in Aspartame is found in…everything. Everything you eat contains the amino acid profile of aspartame. I mean come on.
My question is what is worse? Like I switched from Gatorade and Powerade (sugar) to the zero versions and propel (aspertame and sucralose) I like the idea of sports drinks like Powerade and propel because of the vitamins in them…but what is worse…the processed sugar…or aspertame and sucralose?
Phenylalanine, Sucralose cause of many side effects, including; Skin Rashes/Flushing, Panic-like Agitation, Dizziness and Numbness, Diarrhea, Swelling, Muscle aches, Headaches, Intestinal cramping, Bladder issues, Stomach pain. Splenda manufacturer’s own short-term studies showed that very high doses of Sucralose shrank thymus glands, enlarged livers, and caused kidney disorders in rodents. Decreased red blood cells (a sign of anemia), Increased male infertility by interfering with sperm production and vitality, as well as brain lesions at higher doses, Spontaneous abortions in nearly half the rabbit population given Sucralose, compared to zero aborted pregnancies in the control group. Sucralose ‘Should Carry a Big Red Warning Label’ as It Kills Your Beneficial Gut Bacteria and Accumulates in Your Fat Tissue. One thing is certain, artificial sweetener are known to be hazardous.Aspartame; Used widely in packaged products — especially those labeled as “diet” foods. According to the American Cancer Society, aspartame is approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar. Highly toxic. There’s a link between aspartame and a multitude of ailments, including: cancer, seizures, headaches, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dizziness, weight gain, birth defects, lupus, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis. Phenylalanine or Aspartame almost the same side effects; Attention!!! for pregnant women, avoid taking any product with phenylalanine (birth defects )Due to the seriousness of this disorder, babies are generally screened for PKU soon after birth. Can cause brain damage and intellectual disability, as well as problems with the transport of other amino acids to the brain. * Which this guy already have, sense he telling you all this b*****
Summary: The most interesting finding (could use a citation) says that sucralose may facilitate entry of more glucose into cells sampled from obese individuals. Next step is to see whether glucose actually enters the cells. Lifewater-type beverages that use sucralose probably won’t do any good for obese individuals trying to lose weight, according to this research.
Splenda is 95% Maltodextrin, the HIGHEST on the glycemic index for sugar! What a gimmik! Pure 100% sucralose powder has no effet on blood glucose whatsoever.
Awful information. Ever since taking mass gainers I was getting crazy heart palpitations, I also got them when I drank energy drinks. What did it is when I taken pre workout (full of the stuff) it didn’t stop the entire day.
Removed these from my diet, voila! No more palpitations. Hope this helps somebody
You can lose weight while using sucralose. I lost over 60 lbs but wish I’d left off the Splenda! it’s high on the g index and kills lower intestinal bacteria… PLEASE don’t use it! (hidden “sugar”)
Splenda has 1g of carbs in a packet. For comparison, a banana has 27g of carbs…………………………………
You’re cute but the up and down tones of your voice and the fact that you are a UKer and I am a USer, I missed some of your message. But, I think you said that sucralose is safe?
I get the most horrendous headaches when I use Spenda. I ultimately had to stop using it. Long term use (as I’ve read) contributes to Alzheimer’s and Parkison’s disease. It’s also been said to contribute to symptoms of Dementia.
Gotta be careful folks!!!
Thank you so much for the clarification. I love suctalose and I am happy to know that it is safe and Good to use because it is by far the best tasting sugar substitute in my opinion. Thank you!!
Once in a while a Diet Coke won’t hurt, just don’t drink ti everyday as it leads to a tendency to eat more actual sweet stuff, which increases body fat.
Sucralose liquid sold at retail is typically at 25% concentration by weight (there are several pending patents that confirm this). This means 25 grams pure powder sucralose to 75 grams water. When making large amounts preservatives need to be added to control mold and bacteria. The powder can be stored indefinitely without preservatives the liquid cannot. This concentration results in about one drop equals one teaspoon sugar sweetness. Making your own cost more then 50% less then then buying. I do this.
I’m curious how sucralose is processed in the body. does it just promote an insulin Spike and then is excreted or does it get broken Down and stored like sugar?
Thank you. I am unable to use stevia because no matter the brand or formulation, the aftertaste is unbearable. I have been using liquid sucralose for the last r years.
Your videos are always so great and informative I always link them in my videos when using sugar substitutes for my subs to bust any myths they have.
i like Nunatural Vanilla Stevia, and I like Sweet Leaf okay. In baking I use Arrythritol.
What the hell do I do with this protein powder now.. I need my poop bugs to make me seratonin
why dont u explain the effect of sucralose. There is no valuable information in your video. When you dont want to inform people about cause and effects, dont say its positive. Except stevia the artificial stuff is mostly shit.
Sucralose is great but not for baking as above 90C it releases nasty chemicals
Very poor presenter: his speech is too fast and some of the words are not clear.
Very informative, thank you Dr. Sen. Does Stevia have the same results? I’m starting the Keto program soon.
The key to this is that we have to learn to control our own sugar intake natural sugar intake
After the 34th time listening
I know I understand the shits get in yo cells which cause the glucose to rot the cells makes it all Dirty and then you still get fat -Bc it makes your cells retain fat THEE END
Just use the sweetener god gave us and NOTHING science gave us.
so is it bad or not im literally just hearing words and watching his mouth move but idk what he is saying lol
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What about the amount that is found in protein powders?
Hence we tend to consume protein powder over a longer period
Thanks for the info! My coffee’s gonna be ABSOLUTELY BLACK when I do intermittent fasting from now on!
I’ve always heard it causes cancer so stay away from diet soda pop ect. So it should be fine in soda since it’s not heated?? Or is there a heating process to making the soda? Hmm? I try to stay away from sugar but everywhere I look and buy zero sugar products I find Splenda in it.. I hope there’s more research into this stuff since sugar is bad and so is this stuff. But what is worse is the real question. Right?
The problem is that I’m trying to get away from sweet stuff, and with sucralose it keeps me going with this sugar addiction. Or at least the taste of it.
I certainly would return the green detox product because of the sucralose ingredient.
safe for everyone except an individual who has a specific allergy called Phenylketoneuria. LOOK AT A BOTTLE OF DIET SODA.
Thanks but the reason sucralose has no calories is because humans do not metabolize or digest sucralose. If we could then it would list it’s calorie content… According to an FDA article
response to comments regarding the use of maltodextrin as a carrier… just use the pure form of sucralose. you cannot harm yourself consuming sucralose the size of half of a rice at a time…
I find this video very reassuring. I shall continue using sweeteners, after all, anythings got to be better than refined sugar.
There’s other reseach on artificial sweeteners that show emphasis on the behaviors (on human and drosophilia), they link the consumption of artificial sweeteners to eating more, artificial sweetners trick the mind about calorie density of food and make you and the drosophilia eat more.
Do sweeteners, Splenda specifically raise insulin levels? I wanna start Intermittent fasting and I’m hoping just one or two cup of coffee with Splenda will be ok.
sucralose haters argue that the tests “they” do are not relevant and that “they” target things like tooth decay rather than other things thatcould be going wrong. Im skeptical about this sucralose crap. I think its making my digestion effed
great topicthanks for the info. It sucks that many protein powder brands use artificial sweeteners. I’ve been using protein powder sweetened with stevia but due to higher cost I have to switch to a brand which uses sucralose.
It’s still not a natural diet to consume artificial-concentrated sweeteners, which still raises healthy concerns, because you never know maybe scientists haven’t discovered the real problem yet.
Although sugar is a concentrate itself, humans have already been consuming it for a long time, and it has a long safety record compared than all the new market artificial stuff:/
You didn’t answer the question. Does it raise tour blood glucose or not?
Aspartame is like a time-bomb for my brain. I get a migraine every.single.time. =/
All the symptoms you described is also the same symptoms somebody has when their sugar is low. Low blood sugar triggers these same symptoms. It’s good the medical sees these symptoms and automatically it’s linked to something else when it’s really your body craving sugar and not getting it.
Nice video Picturefit! This video is also interesting: They test blood sugar levels before and after taking in sugar vs. artificial sweetner in coke.
Results: [person drinks sugar] 4.6 -> 6.4 [Person drinks art. sweetener] 4.2 -> 4.4. Conclusion: although the samplesize is small, it gives an idea that drinking/eating a diet anything will pay off concerning taking in less clories. However since there are no certainties about the safety of these art. sweeteners, take moderate doses.
Organic game! Organisms eat organisms not chemicals no matter how small or “harmless”
Hi! Could you make a video about metabolism, how it works,what effects cardio like exercises affect it?
Could anyone direct me to if formaldehyde is created from when artificial sugar Acesulfame-K is left for a few days. I have noticed that it smells very strong of some type of paint thinners like acetone of some sort, maybe its methanol, its very apparent in Ribena. I read that in Gulf war the Coke turned to formaldehyde under the tarps in the hot sun. So I am guessing similar might be occurring.
Show less.
It’s a carcinogen similar to DDT yes it does cause cancer long term. And I’m laughing cuz it did cause rumors in rats
I would very careful if I was this guy. He claims to be a “fitness and supplement expert” but clearly knows only what he is told on a promotion label on the back of these poison filled supplements.
He is only scratching the surface. If you are looking for a more in depth understanding on exactly how this shit will kill you, look up Dr. Mercola here on youtube.
Splenda replaced aspartame because everybody caught on to it. Now Sucralose is replacing Splenda because it is getting negative connotations. The same companies that make insecticide are making this cotton candy flavored miracle sugar. There is a reason why diabetes and cancer is up 3000% ONLY here in the US.
I have a question… famous brands like on muscle tech bsn sytic nutrition dymatize…they all are using sucralise…they are giving poison to people…do you think guys?
Could you do a video about “natural” sweeteners like Stevia?
ASPARTAME Watched this video while drinking a Diet Pepsi. Sometimes I drink Diet Coke. Sometimes Coke Zero. Sometimes up to 5x/day. Yup. I’m 45 years old; never been on medication (except for the occasional prescribed antibiotic); never been depressed; have a “normal” BMI. Yes, all anecdotal…I know. But still not too concerned about methanol. If I were, I’d be on a crusade to ban fresh fruits, vegetables, hazelnuts, and whiskey. And I’m not allergic to phenylalanine either (most people are not). My senior thesis was called the “Spectrophotometric Determination of Aspartame in Commercial Substances.” Learned I’d have to drink about 20 diet sodas per day to reach the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of the stuff. So there’s that. Translation = pass me another Diet Whatever, please!
I still like this guy and will still watch his videos, but diet soda/artificial sweeteners is the least of this country’s health concerns.
Is it better to mix whey protein with milk or water? I think that would be a good topic to cover.
A LOT of confirmation bias not just in this video, but in a lot of other “fitness” and “health” videos as well. A lot of these studies that these “health experts” cherry pick from are from rats that are fed truck loads of these artificial sweeteners. Of course a truck load of anything over a short to medium term time span is going to cause problems..
Loved the video as always! I was wondering if you could make a video about coolscupting and the science behind if there is any. My girfriend mentioned this and I laughed saying that pseudoscience but everyone online seems convinced it works. Would love some evidence based video about this subject or your opinion, thanks!
hello there
can u please make the video of difference between sit ups and squats
Lol, when he said dude I knew this guy didnt do his research
Your two videos on artificial sweetners contradict each other, somehow, in the point of losing weight.
What about a video on the differences,advantages and disadvantages of the steem room and sauna
Sort of off topic for this vid but can you please do a video on recovery? More specifically, maybe the effects of magnesium, zinc, or things like that on muscle recovery. Love the videos and research!
What’s your opinion on low intensity fasted cardio such as walking? I’ve heard the body does not start burning muscle until you reach about 80% of your max heart rate.
Weightlifting with high blood pressure! Maybe do that kind of episodes. Love your work
great and informative video as always! can you do a video on hypofunction thyroid and what to do not to do with it? I heard soy is bad for people with it….
You sir are a moron. Aspartame causes brain plaque, dementia, seizures and a host of other carcinogenic health issues. And it doesnt have to be in huge amounts. Stop believing what you see on you tube and read some real journals
Can you make a video about vitamins and Minerals. How important are they for your gains??
why is this video at the top of a “sucralose” search with only 9k views when there are plenty of more accurate video with over 20k views way below it. he didn’t even provide any scientific sources. he’s not a doctor or nutritionist. just shooting non sense and this video outs promoted watt above many other well documented videos.
Sweetenersare a way for me to stick to my healthy nutrition. You have to enjoy what you’re eating to be able to change your lifestyle.
Do they mess with our sense of taste? Craving sweet food could be an issue
Can you please make a video about exercising while hungry or on an empty stomach.
Love this channel, gained so much from this info, but could you break down concurrent training more?
LOL Aspertain I looked at the studies at minimum you have to drink 1600 cans of diet soda a day for years to get any affect from it lol the other crap in the soda would kill you before the Aspertain would you idiot.
You didn’t mention Stevia. Great video by the way. Glad for you to be back.
Does watching other people get killed in brutal ways make ous get testosterone?
Can you please make a video on weather or not I should limit my fruit intake due to sugar?
A video on cardio and how it affects gains / when to do which & which to do depending on what you want to achieve, would be appreciated:) (correct me if this video has already been done)
this juice head does not have a fucking idea about sucralose and now he is saying that fucking ASPARTAME is safe like wtf you are doing man. He is puting everyone in risk just for his fucking money i recomend you guys go for a vegan proteins which is all natural or for a protein which only has stevia. i have had very bad experience with shitty proteins. i wish if the FDA regulated some of the proteins. FUCK THIS JUICE HEAD the person who does no even care about injecting shit in his body why will he care about some shit like ASPARTAME for him juicing is also safe and he has no proof (neither he is stating in the video) that these artificial sweetners are safe.
Welp! No more drink mix flavor for my water bottles! I was enjoying adding lemonade flavor to my water during the day.
no, pls, ppl. my sis died of brain tumors and strokes at 39. is it worth it???
This guys a nerd. Literally a geek nerd. He has no practical experience in training. He sounds like a soy boy. Look for other YouTubers that do real training and dieticians like Dr berg that knows their shit
Witch he probably used too much Pku in his system before he’s announcing this. Video plus 1981 was a different story back then as the years gone by they have been researching about this and the researchers are doctors not this over fearful nut. You gotta understand that 1the sweetness in the markets are safe if they weren’t explain why are they still selling at your grocery store why they not removed why so far no one complains how it effect their health than regular sugar why it suitable for diabetics why it works for them and the list goes on and on.
Years of consumption of Diet Coke, and crystal light (which both contain aspartame) have resulted in my random suffering of ocular and hemiplegic migraines. Artificial sweeteners are terrible for your health. I will never recover from this because of ignorant diet choices of my past.
Artificial sweeteners are far more dangerous than the real stuff.
I subd coz I heard the wakeup show anthem! That’s my childhood song!!
I have a question… famous brands like on muscle tech bsn sytic nutrition dymatize…they all are using sucralise…they are giving poison to people…do you think guys?
Let’s talk about the steroids you take. Share that mad winstrol cycle secret son.
Big fan from Brazil here. Your videos are just amazing. Congratulations.
Could you do one on energy drinks, safe levels of consuption and their potential harmful side effects?
I have a question… famous brands like on muscle tech bsn sytic nutrition dymatize…they all are using sucralise…they are giving poison to people…do you think guys?
hey dumb ass.its a chemical.its a fake sugar,causes all kinds of problems,and leaves a bad aftertaste.sezures,weightgain,stomach problems,cceck it out
You have done research????? Who are “THEY” 2:58?
Obviously you sell supplements so I think you might be a little biased. Maybe the Majority of your products contain Sucralose,,,, that would explain your defense of this artificial chemical that has caused so much trouble for people
This is so stupid sucralose is Splenda it’s the most damage the rest of the crap your talking about is false aspartame is so bad your better to have raw sugar or some raw honey.. it helps the brain YOU! need to do some research of the crappy info your giving people smh!!♀️
Listen handsome, I get migraines when I eat any artificial sweeteners. So that sucrelose cannot be good at all! It constricts the blood vessels and that is what causes migraines. Do consume that stuff handsome. Ok.
it give my wife stroke systems, this stuff can cause tumors, in women.
Bigger muscles= smaller brain, therefore, I will not trust your info…
Apparently it makes you talk louder and go hyper with your outside voice……. holy crap….. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. wtf.
Tim why do protein powders have to be sickly sweet anyway? Time to head back to natural ingedients and only use these artificial products sparingly.
My mom baked some pancakes with one tbs of a substance containing sucralose. She didnt know that it could be harmful nor did I know that it contained baked sucralose till after. Ate around 4 disc sized of those. Will I die?
Not an artificial sweetener, but what about stevia? Its natural, virtually non-caloric (or 100%) and seems to be safe.
Wouldn’t using stevia be a better option than any of the artificial sweeteners or is there an issue with stevia as well?
In the end, I understand that its moderation in everything. Still curious about stevia though in comparison to artificial sweeteners and the health impact.
you trust the FDA a little too much. If you learned about the history of aspartame’s FDA approval, you would not think that these artificial sweeteners are safe for human consumption.
will you make a video on merits and demerits of consuming soya chunks
I’ve lost 12kg in 5months by only replacing sugar in coffee with sucralose
hey dumb ass.its a chemical.its a fake sugar,causes all kinds of problems,and leaves a bad aftertaste.sezures,weightgain,stomach problems,cceck it out.
Where is your evidence that calcium ions entering the cell during neural impulses generates free radicals? Most of your sources in the video are not peer reviewed.
Tom, I like your videos and content but I hope you can address my and (others’) concerns. Like other comments below, I was shocked to see in tiny print that your Science Detox drink contains sucralose. But more importantly, I also find it a contradiction on your part to say the following on website -Thomas Delauer Celebrity Coach & Fitness Author
“If I’m going to use a sweetener, I’m going to use Lakanto because I know where it’s sourced and the benefits of monk fruit are second to none when it comes to sweeteners.”
If you are unaware of this ingredient in your product and care about the hypocrisy your creating, please check with your co-packer or manufacturer of your detox drink and see if they have done something against your knowledge. Please correct the problem!!
I’m watching your videos and taking notes. Exceptionally useful and surprising!
Thank you for doing research into these topics and making your videos they’re jaw-dropping.
What qualifications does he hold that make him and supplement and fitness expert?
its all good lol I actually can digest most things bodybuilders would run away from I can have sucralose and also corn syrup in my cutting diet and yea it gets the cuts in. Not saying its healthy to do but I literally can eat it on a normal day aboute 3tbs of corn syrup and sucralose combined and still be cut I don’t know why but hey it sure beats eating the same bland foods day in and day out.
Isn’t it basically aspartame, toxic waste poison. It has the same affects on the body as alcoholism, damages all the same stuff
Buddy full us with full details about sucralose
I’m still confused weather to use tropical slim sweetener or not
Hi, I’ve been using Xylit, based on xylitol as a diabetic. Care to take a look at that one? It’s rather new
This jerk has no medical degree or any credentials for that matter look up findings of sucralose and lukemia March 14 2016 then tell me it’s not bad lol
I feel that those of us that are on the Keto Diet for health reasons and are planning to use the plan as a life style must find some treats to eat at times. I love this plan because I can test my glucose to see the impact of any food. Thank you Ginger for sharing.
I’m watching this while I’m stuffing my face with regular sugar and I don’t give a shit and seems like I’m even doing the right thing
This guy is just selling you a product. These sweeteners are fine.
Aspartame absorbs into the body, where it breaks down into methanol, aspartic acid, and phenylalanine and all three metabolites naturally occur in the body no matter what dose you ingest. Taken SEPARATELY…however… can cause harm in VERY, VERY high doses.
So you know just ONE BANANNA, yes just one bananna has 10TIMES the amount of methanol than does on can of diet soda!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT? Don’t take my word for it… Reasearch it for yourself!
1 can of diet soda has 180mg of Aspartame
Harmful Ingested amounts for a 200lb person:
METHANOL (10% of Aspartame by Vol) 45.5g or 500 mg of methanol per kg of body weight
That = 237 Gallons of Diet Soda!!!
The general public in these comments are ridiculous. You guys are idiots. Why do you say “you’re wrong”, and present no evidence? I can’t find any scientific studies saying anything negative. Yet all these people claiming the suggestions in this video are wrong with no evidence. Where did you receive this information?
Hei Tim Muriello you a ignorant man,you dont understand the bad side efects of Sucralose and Aspartam. You convinced no one whit this video!
One thing you don’t say here that is a little dishonest is sucralose was shown to have this effect on (Rats) in high dosage. For it to have the same effect on the human gut we would need to use it in amounts that no one could possibly find appetizing. In short unless you are eating this stuff by the spoonful it is most likely not killing off 50% of your gut bacteria. And is probably having almost no effect on your health. Now Dr’s could always find something down the road that is harmful with sucralose but that is true with everything you take into your body.
For those who don’t experience side effect from this poison u are lucky
My beef is that I don’t want added sugars or sweeteners in the first place, but they’re in EVERYTHING.
I was using a creatine powder with sucralose in it and it caused me to have inflammation in my abdomen. It gave me the appearance of a beer belly. I spent years thinking this had something to do with the food I was eating. I was on a completely clean diet. I switched from powdered creatine to a pill form that obviously doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners and the inflammation and protruding belly went away. I see a lot of other people at the gym who look like they are experiencing the same thing.
The thing with these artificial sweetener they gave lab rats equivalent of a whole five gallon bucket if people ate them they pretty much intended to make the rats have problems with them. and the body naturally produces Formaldehyde anyway. You should really do your research.
so you’re spending more on individual amino’s separately and you’re spending more because you’re obviously not a big corporation owner who is allowed to get bulk price discounts. buying separate products is okay if you need extra of one or two things added to a premade formula but not if you’re making it by scratch cuz you’re doing the “it works on paper” method instead of the “clinically tested in a human body” scientific process. have fun.
Thanks I’ve been drinking Ice drinks or soda and it has sucralose in it.
spikes insulin release? I’ve just had a cup with 12 tablets in and it didn’t spike mine!
This guy knows not what he speaks of. Totally lost me once he said ASPARTAME! is safe… really guy? aspartame?.. good luck on your stroke recovery. Enjoy your yummy poison aspartame.
Use Stevia. 300times more sweeter than sugar and not bad for you.
Researchers have studied whether methanol levels in the blood rise significantly when humans consume aspartame. In one study, subjects were given 34 mg-aspartame/kg body weight. Blood levels did not rise detectably [Filer Jr. and Stegink, 1989]. Another experiment showed that blood methanol levels did not rise even when subjects consumed 200 mg-aspartame/kg body weight [Stegink and Filer Jr., 1984]. In long term studies, researchers found that when humans consume aspartame, the resulting formate production is balanced by excretion, so that blood levels of formate do not change [Leon and others, 1989]. Another indication that humans can safely consume products sweetened with aspartame is that these products contain less methanol than some natural food substances. For example, fruit juices contain an average of 140 mg-methanol/L, but an aspartame-sweetened diet soft drink contains only 56 mg-methanol/L [Kretchmer and Hollenbeck, 1991]. According to this data, the methanol in aspartame poses no risk to humans.
Effects of Aspartic Acid. [Stegink and Filer Jr., 1984]. [Kretchmer and Hollenbeck, 1991]. Under normal conditions, aspartic acid does not harm humans because it is excluded from the brain by the blood-brain barrier, but at high doses it can cross the barrier and cause damage.
In a study on aspartic acid and glutamate, humans were given approximately 200 mg-aspartame/kg body weight. The combined plasma levels of aspartic acid and glutamate peaked at about 7 mM/100 mL [Stegink and others, 1980]. This level is only one-twentieth of that necessary to cause brain damage in infant mice [Kretchmer and Hollenbeck, 1991]. According to this data, humans who consume aspartame do not have to worry about being harmed by combined levels of aspartic acid and glutamate.
Effects of Phenylalanine. A series of studies looked into this possibility. In one experiment, twelve normal individuals (six men, six women) and eight women heterozygous for PKU were given 34 mg-aspartame/kg body weight in one serving after a period of fasting. The levels of phenylalanine in the blood were only 5 microM/100 mL higher for the PKU-heterozygous subjects. According to this research, this small increase in phenylalanine concentration does not pose a risk to PKU-heterozygous individuals [Kretchmer and Hollenbeck, 1991].
Tim, what is in things like Crystal Light? I drink close to a gallon a day and sometimes I need something that is tastier than plain water
That’s kind of creepy that you noticed all that… really damn creepy in fact… I think we’re done here, yeah..
Since I have gotten home from a long trip a couple months ago I have been drinking a lot of the sugar free drinks that come in the small squeeze bottles. I’m thinking this is really messing up my digestive system. Which led me to looking for videos about sucralose.
Holy shit! How many times do I have to tell you? I get the same or better results for less price. There’s nothing “works on paper” about it if I’m actually doing it and it’s actually working.
wow you’re stuck in the past when powders were chalk mixed with bare minimum ingredients. i’m literally talking about labels that have all ingredients disclosed to the buyer. have fun mixing up ineffective batches of random crap. as mentioned before you’re playing the “works on paper” method thinking that one ingredient works by itself it will be the same or amplified by adding others. don’t know where you’re getting “jack up” prices from cuz i pay $0.30 a scoop someone fed you some steaming BS
Using sweeteners surely changes our preference to what food should taste like. So having this in our diet wouldn’t surely movitave us to eat GI high foods in general thus contributing to weight gain? Reprogramming our taste in this way (or in any way) seems stupid. How food tastes contributes to what we think we should be eating.
Splenda causes a known “laxative effect” so it disturbs our gut process there are a few theories as to why but ultimately we need our gut process working well and our gut flora in good health.
I also wonder what it does to the environment after it passes through our bodies.
I play Overwatch competitive, I’ve developed an immunity to toxins.
umm… I already do. It’s in my pre-workout shake, along with unflavored beta-alanine and unflavored caffeine. I’ve fast-tracked myself on how to buy individual ingredients since my last comment. I’m saving tons of money and cutting a lot of crap I never needed in the first place. Being a conscientious consumer is the shiznit!
you just mentioned sucrose which is table sugar. none of them harm your body if you’re consuming them via food. if you took 11,000 packets in one day, of splenda then yeah you’re gonna have a problem (that was the exact test amount to cause any harm and all that happened was some indigestion)
Ur green detox shake is supposed to be a detox for the body so why put sucralose in the product when it messes up your gut bacteria! This is gonna mess up digestion hence not an effective DETOX! That is just not cool at all bruhhh
this guy is full of bs. or to much steroids or its more likely to be the tumor from the sucralose that has numbed his brain. aspartame is known to release formaldehyde into your body. but this guy stands here telling you its safe. an obvious illuminati puppet trying to dismiss your much granted and justified fear of aspartame and sucralose. Dont listen to muscle bulging steroid popping numb brained egomaniacs about drugs and health issues. PLEASE
Hi Tim, can you do a review on Mutant products? Would be very interesting the way you review it:) Thank you
Just use honey guys, it’s insanely healthy and great at treating ailments!
It’s all the same…Ace-k,sucrose,sucralose,aspartame all the same no difference it’s a chemical your body doesn’t recognize so thats y is zero Cal and it may cause your body harm
Hey My Friend Said: “If You got Muscle Soreness and train with it over and over (While You got it) Then it goes away, Because of the Endorphins”.. Is he talking shit or is he Right???
I have a question… famous brands like on muscle tech bsn sytic nutrition dymatize…they all are using sucralise…they are giving poison to people…do you think guys?
Overeating is the hard part. I drink coke every day with regular sugar but also train hard so it evens out x)
Splenda has a GI of 11. I don’t think it’s spikes it up that much
Don’t think I’m a hater because I’m not! I liked ur videos and even bought green detox off ur website, but was appalled at the fact that it contains sucralose
This other YouTube lady said there are over 100 studies showing Sucralose is safe ♂️
Yes but Monk fruit and others are so dang expensive. Its like they jack up price on healthy foods when they should make it more affordable.
I am hypersensitive to sodium saccharine and aspartame and although I’m retired now, I’ve discovered the full magnitude of my sensitivity only a few months ago. If I drink a few ounces of it in a diet drink, as opposed to getting only a tiny amount in toothpaste, for example, my reaction is within minutes, no build-up necessary. My throat closes up. I can breathe but swallowing is more difficult. Aspartame, which I’ve tried only once, makes me severely depressed and feel very weird for several hours after ingestion, but then it was gone by the next day. And by “try”, I mean I drank about 2 ounces of a drink I accidentally got with it in it. It was a Light Minute Made Lemonade.
The amount of saccharine in a new brand of Kid’s Crest toothpaste I was using was causing my throat to swell, like I had something a little uncomfortable in my throat. I didn’t notice it until I switched to another brand, and the feeling in my throat went away. I went back to the Crest and it came back, so I did it to verify it was doing that. So for me, it’s like some people with a peanut allergy no amount is safe. I think if I drank 12 ounces of a diet drink I’d probably need to be hospitalized.
Since I’ve been skinny for most of my life, with no effort to diet except to eat healthy foods which would allow me to feel optimal, and getting regular exercise, I never tried these diet products out of a desire to lose weight. As a kid, I remember just sampling diet drinks out of curiosity, thinking it would be better for my teeth, but I couldn’t actually drink a Fresca or Diet Coke because they tasted not just bitter, but rotten, truly vile. Any sweetness is overwhelmed by a putrid taste. Saccharine is the worst tasting, and aspartame is awful too, but better than saccharine, as you mentioned. I understood then that some people must think they don’t taste that bad.
One summer when I was in my 40s, it was particularly hot and I was running longer distances, and thought I would try Gatorade for the electrolytes. I didn’t notice on the label that it was artificially sweetened until I got it home. I couldn’t believe a company would sell something like that to the public. I tried a few ounces of it, thought it tasted awful, undrinkable, and it made me sick.
I agree with everything you said, particularly about what is unknown. We have not used these things for long enough to know the epigenetic effects and possible damage they do. And as far as weight control goes, more evidence is surfacing that diet drinks could be part of the obesity epidemic, not a solution.
Any person suffering from severe depression of unknown origin who drinks diet drinks or uses aspartame should try going off them for a few weeks.
You should make a videos about samrs and their use in competitive sports
Mans trying to tell me Splenda’s going to kill me while he’s probably on Tren, Clen, and Gear.
I have a suspicion that the FDAs role in “safeguarding” the public health, is to weed out the obvious poisons (unless their companies pay extra), and give a pass to the così-così ones.
If the USG can keep folks juuuust sick enough that they can still work like cattle to pay taxes, yet still get tax money from sales of Rxs and medical procedures/staff (jobs, businesses, hospitals, etc), AND the money/perks from lobbyists while keeping the average American on privately funded health insurance (which usually have stockholders), why…. that’d be ideal for the rich (who pay very little in taxes!)
Nah, I’m sure the FDA has your health concerns at heart
The question isn’t is Splenda (or whatever) safe, the question should be…is it HEALTHY. Is it actively promoting health, with benefits? If no, avoid it.
Look up surcalose. It’s bleached sugar.
Of course sucralose doesn’t cause weight reduction! Not eating sugar causes weight reduction. Sucralose causes a reduction of sugar intake, by replacing it.
Stevia and monk fruit are the sweeteners of the future. You’ll have to dig for them though, because sugar products/byproducts make too much money for corporations to give up on. Would you like some Mountain Dew with your Snickers bar?
Hi, can you make a video on Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins Antioxidants? pleeeeeease!:D
Sometimes I think I should go back to regular sugar plain regular sugar
You are full of shit. there no body of research to suggest that any of the bullshit you’ve said is true. This guy is a fraud.
You loose all credibility if you still have a microwave in your kitchen!
Doesn’t all whey protein have 1 or the other? Mine has stevia which isnt artificial
The more you talk more about splenda, the more i take it more
You should discuss sugar alcohols like Erythritol and their use (and lack there of) in protein bars
I drink Splenda in coffee every single day (3 cups, 4 packs per cup). It doesn’t do anything to make me gain weight. I’ve been doing it for 20 years. I don’t use Splenda in anything else and I never use cane sugar. All my blood work is normal and I’m 59.
Should people who are obese and have insulin resistance not diabetes use Splenda and Splenda products? I use it to sweeten my oatmeal everyday and I eat sugar free fudge pops and use water flavor enhancers like MiO in my water everyday which all have Sucrolose as an ingredient. Any advice?
I have just found little black specks in the when putting sucralose in water,they felt like seeds?
11 weeks ago i completely changed my diet, i’ve been eating correctly now for 11 weeks and i’ve lost 17.5kg. Since i started i’ve been drinking 2 cans of a sugarfree sportsdrink every day that contains water, vitamins, caffeine and Sucralose, now after 11 weeks i notice a significant change in my weightloss speed, almost nothing is happening anymore even if im following my diet perfectly, i don’t want to quit the energydrinks, because if i don’t drink them i become very moody, and i hate everything, but i don’t want to quit my diet either, do you think the continous intake of sucralose can have anything to do with my weightloss speed slowing down?
This video was brought to you in part by the makers of SUGAR, I’ve been using Splenda for years without issues, I was a borderline diabetic and after cutting carbs and replacing sugar with Splenda my health improved drastically.. so Fk you!! Keep using that fkng diabetes and obesity causing poison called sugar
If Splenda is so horrible for us why is it in your tiny $60 bottle of “science-based” green detox?
So if sucralose is so bad why do you put it in your GreenDetox powder?
It gave the hubby some horrible itchy rash that thedoctors couldn’t figure out and then I remembered hearing something about splenda causing it in some people. So I told him to stop using it and within a couple of days he was better
I highly disagree with on that sir. Drinking coca cola junk will ruin your weight lost goals. That’s due to the fact that when you drink that crap insulin levels go high and prevents you from losing weight.
sorry dude… sucralose is made in a factory… not natural. We did not evolve for it. It has been proven to destroy the lining of your intestines which prevents absorbing the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. I look around and see so many obese people that drink sucralose drinks thinking they are getting the read deal. Why is it that you look at pictures of people in 1970’s and no obese people? Maybe we were not putting all this artificial garbage in our bodies that we were not designed for. Put diesel in your car and see how it runs.
Thomas ruins everything. But thanks for the good information
i got carnivor protein, it is gluten, sugar, lactose, fat and cholesterol FREE but has sucralose, how bad can that be?
Thank you for highlighting the difference between Splenda and sucralose. I have noticed in the Stevia granulated in Aldi the ingredients start with Maltodextrin!! just like Splenda.
I m from india we get stevia sweetner from brand sugarfree is it fine to take dat and how much i m on high protein diet
So the I looked at the ingredients in the zero sugar zero calorie power aide drinks I been drinking and it has sucralose in it. Should I not be drinking these? After watching the video I will guess I should stay away from them.
For those who are comparing sucralose to aspartame, yes they are sweetness but they aren’t very different.
How much least amount of sleep is necessary for highly active athletes?
Also please tell about diet and tips for developing fast twitch fibre and gains tips..
Break these videos down to three minutes and you’ll have winners all day
Can you please explain the science behind hunger hormones (ghrelin, leptin, and peptide YY)? Its really confusing and I really love your clear explanations on all your videos!
Damn son you are ignorant. I hope no one listens to your dumb ass.
So they don’t make you fat. Well, that’s all I need to know.
my gmail states you commented at 1:35 am you’re pathetic all your workouts and bravado go to waste if you’re not sleeping regularly. you were up earlier in the day to respond and stayed up even longer ruining anything you could have done. so much for your research if you don’t rest the body. hahahaha have fun insomniac. maybe its the crappy caffeine powder you’re buying keeping you up.
this is why i dont respect thomas when it comes to advice. The science is clear, aspartame is not harmful in the amounts we consume.
Hey picture fit I am 16 I have a question about protine powders are they suitable at this age????
Thanks for the informative video. I am confused. Why is sucralose one of the ingredients listed on the Science-Based Green Detox product that you sell? Why wasn’t this sweetened with monk fruit.?
I was very disappointed when I spent my hard earned money on your “Science Based” Green Detox, to find out on the back in (other ingredients) that it had (Sucralose) in it. No wonder why it tasted like “apple pie.” I don’t understand why you would push something like this on the people that follow you. Immediately after I purchased your product, you had a salesman bombard my cell phone, calling me several times to persuade me more products on me. I felt like I was being scammed, and I was in total disbelief. He completely missed everything that I was saying to him on the phone, he only wanted to make a sale. It just completely turned me off, and for a while you really inspired me. I think you’re intelligent, just create a detox that you can proudly stand by, instead of leading with a mouthful of contradictions.
You should do a video about different vitamins and what they are good for
I m totally agreed with Thomas sir I appreciate them about their work
I think it’s important to note that the finished product is not the culmination of the raw materials.. Aspartame is not phenylalanine, aspartic acid or methanol…Although these are reagents in the process, the manufacturers of products like Equal and Nutrasweet have dedicated Quality departments to minimize off-spec product with very very little of these impurities in their finished products
Popular stevia was something my body could not handle at all. Tried 4-5 times and everytime a half of a can of soda with stevia gave horrible diarrhea for about 12 hours.
Very thorough review I am against sucralose but you have given me food for further thought! Thank you!
Thats what it looks like as a powder with other stuff added. The liquid is clear.
I’ve been using sucralose products for the last 2 week’s. I feel like crap and feel like I may be getting high sugar levels because of a few tall tale signs, I also have constipation and diarrhea.
So yea, I think it depends on the person.not working for me though. Had to get rid of my sucralose products.
I lost 20 In like 2 months and I drank Diet Coke often the thing was I was on a strict diet really chicken and lettuce and no carbs and I drank Diet Coke to not add extra calories and get some energy and some sweetness and it worked.
I personally never get any negative effects from diet coke, and I drink it in moderation. I am almost certain it’s ok for your health, it feels like you are citing irrelevant and flawed study’s because of personal bias towards aspartame…
What sucks is all the stevia I find in stores contains dextrose those sneaky bastards!
I appreciate your content and I have invested in your products like the Green Detox and the Purathrive products like the Liposomal Turmeric, B-12, Active B complex, Radiant C and Vit D 3 K 2. I feel like they have made a difference and I can feel it. However I’ve seen some videos you have made, like this one, that pretty much has spoken negative towards sucralose. Having said that, your Green Detox has sucralose in it. I read the ingredients. Your Purathrive products have sucrose. I’m sure that’s why they taste good. I am concerned now because I have invested a good amount of $$ into the products. What is your feed back?
ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS DOES NO CAUSE A SPIKE IN BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS BY THEMSELVES BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE SUGAR IN IT!!! You cannot trick your body into thinking it has sugar. Most studies done regarding artificial sweeteners includes other type of foods that were taken with them, and there are a few reliable studies. However, artificial sweeteners when taken alone, does not increase insulin levels. Therefore, these wont increase your insulin levels during your fasting state since there is literally no readily available glucose for your body. Ketosis will continue.
wrong it’s dextrose and malto get your shit together puppet!
So why would you put sucralose in your green detox product. That’s just not cool bro
Holy shit! Poor mice! Getting our shit forced into them just because we need to feed our sweet tough?!
Yo man just wanted to drop this word off. You have one of the best and informative channels. Just saying
Thank u for this video, I personally stay away from all of these sweeteners (unless it’s a cheat day) I knew they weren’t good for me but I was curious about the reasons behind it.
Why are we not addressing Maltodextrin that’s in many artificial sweeteners?