Table of Contents:
Sucirandhrasana Hip Stretch
Video taken from the channel: Nyk Danu
VERY HELPFUL needle/straight leg scorpion tutorial + needle progression
Video taken from the channel: Alivia D’Andrea
How to do a Needle / Straight Leg Scorpion
Video taken from the channel: Anna McNulty
Yoga for Beginners Intro Series: Part 4: Eye of the Needle Pose
Video taken from the channel: YogaVa
Thread the Needle Pose
Video taken from the channel: Bronwyn Ison
Moksha’s Posture Tip of the Month Thread the Needle
Video taken from the channel: Modo Yoga International
Day 3 Eye of the Needle Pose | 5Day Flexibility Challenge
Video taken from the channel: Yoga Green Book
Step-by-Step Instructions. Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor. Hug your left knee into your chest.
Cross the left ankle over your body and rest it on the right thigh. Let the left knee relax away from your torso. Lift your right foot off the floor and.
Sanskrit Name. Step 1 Begin lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Step 2 Bend your right knee and cross your right ankle over your left thigh, keep your right foot flexed. Step 3 Lift your legs toward your chest and lift up your chest enough to thread your right.
Steps of Sucirandhrasana (Eye of the Needle Pose) 1. To start with, begin the posture by taking the position from that point forward, twist your knees, and keep the bottoms of your feet level on the ground or floor. 2.How to do Sucirandhrasana (The Eye of the Needle Pose): To start this asana get onto the yoga mat and lie down on your back like Savasana (The Corpse Pose). Keep your arms alongside your body in a resting position.
Now, twist your knees, and keep the bottoms of your feet level on the ground or floor.How to perform eye of the needle Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Bring your right ankle to your outer left thigh, just below your knee.Steps of Sucirandhrasana (Eye of the Needle Pose) First, start the pose by taking the position of Savasana (Corpse Pose).
Keep your arms in resting position to your sides. After that, bend your knees, and keep the soles of your feet flat on the ground or floor.Steps Involved: Start with lie on your back, on the yoga mat.
Keep your knees bent. Make sure that the soles of your feet are on the floor. Slowly lift the right foot up and place the ankle onto the left thigh.
Bring the chest up. Insert your right hand between both legs and your left hand around.Lift the right foot up and place the ankle onto the left thigh.
Lift your chest up, pass your right hand between your legs and the left hand around your left leg and interlock your fingers on the left thigh (Variation 2) or left shin bone (Variation 1) Relax your head and shoulder on the ground. You will feel a stretch on your right hips.Keep your breath smooth and even.
With an exhalation, release your leg and place your right foot on the floor. Extend your left leg straight up to the ceiling again, and then bend your knee and place your left foot on the floor. Repeat the pose on the opposite side for the same amount of time.EYE OF THE NEEDLE POSE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Lie on your back and bend both knees.
2.Sucirandhrasana (Eye Of The Needle Pose) is an elegant combination of a gentle hip-opener and an effective hamstring stretch. Also known as the Reverse Pigeon Pose it is commonly used by runners during recovery, to release any strain in the hamstrings and glutes.
Typically Eye Of The Needle Pose is practiced at the end of a yoga sequence to cool down the muscles of the hips, legs, and lower back.The Sucirandhrasana or Eye of the Needle pose is excellent to fortify your back and lengthening your hip flexors. It also improves your range of motion, especially between your hips and inner thighs. To get started lie on your back on a mat. Bring your knees in.
Sucirandhrasana (Eye-of-the-Needle Pose) We wouldn’t normally teach this as the first pose in your practice, but it is such an excellent way to safely open the hips that we wanted to include it. If you regularly incorporate it into your finishing postures (especially if you have difficulty with Half Lotus), you’ll notice a dramatic change in.Wall Eye Of The Needle Pose uses props to make the pose accessible and easier for students who may not have the needed strength, flexibility or balance to do the same pose without props.
Anatomy Wall Eye Of The Needle Pose benefits the following muscles and hence can be included in yoga sequences with the corresponding muscle(s) focu.To enter Eye of the Needle pose, lie on the back with the soles of the feet on the mat and the knees pointing to the sky. Press the lower back into the mat and lower the shoulders so they are relaxed and away from the ears.
The arms are on the mat alongside the body. Lift the right leg and place the right ankle on the left thigh.
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Well… This video is helpful, but I don’t even have splits like you… I can grab my ankle just because I have a flexible shoulder and back. But my hip flexor doesn’t let me pull up my leg… Any advice…?
i can do it but i know i can inprve ive goten better evry year i got my Ist ring kick at 5 then strated straiting it at 7 then got really good at it at 8 and now im 10 and im soo close to getting it really good by the way ima girl called bella
642 wannabes just couldn’t stand perfection! lol could be some so called jealous “friends”.Alivia you do a great job!
I’m so close to getting my needle, I realized the only reason why I couldn’t do it was because my left split wasn’t flexible enough to do a solid split. So after stretching it a bit I’m so close! My back is pretty flexible so it probably helped with the progress. Funny thing is my right split would have been enough but my shoulder and back just don’t work as well so I can’t get into the position, which is why I have to get my left split better.
Thank you so so so much for this tutorial!! I have always been pretty flexible but I could never get my needle! And just after 3 days I got it! This has helped so much! Thank you!
Hello Alivia. I hope you have time to read this comment and even thought it’s just something little from me. I foun out about your channel when your video “How to do elbow handstand” popped out on my front page. I was to scared to completely fall into the handstand, but I got in the right position few times. Thanks to you, I have learned my scorpion and I’m doing your middle split workout every day. I am still struggling with the needle but you are helping, again! Sorry if this was too long I just wanted to let you know that your channel has got me to my goals.
PS. Sorry if I have some spelling mistakes I am can speak English but I am from another country.
No one:
Youtube: Lets put all the ads while they are in splits!
Me: so many ads!!
heeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!! my splits are so weird the front leg is pointing forward like right / left splits but the other one is like im doing middle splits! D: D:
This helped me so much during quarantine I’ve been trying for ages Thankyou so much!!!!!
Im Boy I just learn how to do a needle in just a Month, Thank You so Much❤❤❤
I want to asked something…I’m 21months baby’s mom while I have been delivered by operation..may I can do this exercise??plzz help me anyone if you know??
I’ve been practicing my needle for two months but I’m still at a scorpion
Hi! I’m Sarah.I did -30 lbs past 7 days.Open\#kWSpo
Alivia: find a spot on the wall
Me: *struggles to choose the spot*
Just thought I should say this I tried this video and 2 others and I got my needle just now I am super happy and shocked (Annae mcnulty body stretches and gabbi fullers )
Can someone explain to me why I can’t do a needle???
I have a really good back legs and choulder flexibility but I can’t do a needle
Her: You need to have patience to do this and you can’t do it in one day
Me: My tryouts are TOMORROW!!
Amazing i got the needle after 1 month 3 hour practise. Everyone who got the needle give a like below
Trying this out!
Day 1:just started so obviously no changes (my back hurts I haven’t stretched my back in weeks!)
Day 2:I’m getting really close to my neddle (btw I had it before just lost it)
Day 3:getting easier
Day 4:today was a bit harder for some reason:(
Alliva I can do it but I don’t get how to get my other hand to get leg and also I can’t balance I try and try but I can’t
OMG!!! Alivia sister are so cool !I want to try n the first day i got it!!
Thank you from Brazill! It was very helpfuly! I loved this video!
Done yesterday, it was actually a little tough for me on one side.
This video helped me so much in getting my needle! Thank you for making it!
I did not get my needle even though I can do the splits side splits and the middle splits
Pls I have a question pls ppl answer me is it normal to feel sore after stretching if u haven’t done it in a long time
How the heck does that ankle become straight cause mine doeess noott:,(
I love this video!!!!!! I am so close to straightening my needle!! My progress is my profile photo from my leg almost straight! I love your videos!! Whenvever I want to master something I always press your vids!!
Please I don’t have flexible legs please give me another advise
I Keep Doing The Needle Contortion But I Keep Getting A Little Closer!!
Anyone else notice the Friday Night Dinner Music in the background?
ok so i have dance tryouts coming up (virtual *ugh*) and i was going to try to get a needle for my extra trick but i’ve come to realize that my back is not nearly flexible enough for that so i moved it down to a scorpion and at first i didnt know how to grab my foot but now i can succesfully get into the position because i watched your videos yayyyy i still have to work on it alot because i always fall out of it really quickly.
Do we have to balance while we do the needle? Cuz I keep falling down
me watching this even though i can’t do the splits like
Omg i did two stretch vids and i learnt my Scorpio but I. Am already a gymnast
I like how your videos make those tricks seem much more possible to do than what I precieved in my mind.
Is really work,i can do it in 2 or 3 minute after saw your video
Thanks for the tips of getting my needle and for my scorpion I did it even tho im not flexible and now I’m working on my neddle
I really want to do a needle I have tried for a while it is hard I will update when I got it
Answer with how long it took you! And if you are a dancer, gymnist…? I want your story, bc it will help mine. Thanks, have a wonderful day beautiful!
Nice, but.I did -20 lbs last two weeks.Visit\#A4ylmqp
shes not that flexible thojust saying
ps. this tutorial didnt help me learn my backsplit/needle just here to watch cause i saw this on my recommendations
um girl wdym 0:41 thats a needle lol and 0:55 is and overextended needle lmao
I can put my leg up in the air and hold it, but I can’t get my other arm to also grab my leg, what should I do?
I can do a chin and the splits but I can’t do the needle is this normal?
how do i message u on insta it doesnt say meesage it just says follow
I tried the needle but my back wasnt flexible enough so it really hurt
I feel like I can do this, but when I’m like naturally standing, my leg goes back further than one of a normal human, and I’m afraid my leg will snap in half. Does anyone have any tips?
For some reason I just can’t. 4:09 is the part where I can’t do. I can’t pull it to a needle like I can’t have both hands are my leg!!!
I didn’t do it but it did help I think if I do these stretches daily I will be able to do it but i was really close to doing the needle but it was really helpful I like how u help people do things with there body’s that they can’t do but they want to learn also ur amazing
My “needle” made me realise how much easier it would me if my arms weren’t so short in comparison to my legs like my legs are so long compared to my body and head
Day 1) my needle looks like a dorito:(
Day 2) may needle got a bit straighter, I was able to grab the middle of my foot! Later that day I practiced more and it got EVEN straighter! I can also grab my ankle!
Day 3) I’m almost straight! I also need to walk my hands a bit further
Day 4) work in progress
Day 5) work in progress
Day 6) work in progress
Day 7, a.k.a last day) work in progress
The thing that you don’t think is a stretch: it’s actually a floor needle