I work hospital IT and was listening to a helpdesk call, it was on speaker phone, and over the course of the call it became apparent that the Dr in question didn't understand how software updates worked. It became obvious he thinks we literally make and program all changes to our buggy as fuck EMR. Not that our EMR issues patches and we load or dont load them, that we as a team literally code the changes ourselves. Like as if you as a MD compounded from scratch all the meds you gave to your patients and manufactured the implants you put in them.
What is a good way to inform him of the truth without having him loose face?
Some facts. We are at a small hospital bed wise in a really really remote location but do a lot of surgeries and have a lot of clinics. We didnt install an EMR the physicians had to use u till about 6 years ago and the MDs HATE having to put up with it. Also the MDs documentation tool is extremely unstable right now.
He's a surgeon, he is a local boy who made it big, he is one of ITs biggest critics and complains about us constantly, is contrary as fuck, and generally an asshole though not the worst I've met by far.
Some ideas General 10min learning session on how software works at the next time the MDs are grouped into a room.
I would email it out but none of the MDs check their emails. Ever.
A seemingly spontaneous casual chat in the hallway where I act dumb and ask how he makes the implants he uses. When he corrects me that they buy them I can use as a metaphor "oh like our Emr patches. We dont make them just install them."
Source: Original link