Table of Contents:
30-MINUTE ALL LEVELS YOGA | Inversion yoga flow | CAT MEFFAN
Video taken from the channel: Cat Meffan
Guruji explains the importance of inversions
Video taken from the channel: robertamaran
Yoga Asana Lab: Inversions (Headstand, Plow and Shoulder stand)
Video taken from the channel: Yogea Yoga
This Sequence Will Help You Practice Inversions Safely
Video taken from the channel: Yoga Journal
How to do a FOREARM STAND step by step
Video taken from the channel: Sara Ticha
Learn To Headstand & Elbow Stand Easily | Beginner Level To Impressive Yoga Variations
Video taken from the channel: Boho Beautiful
Foundations Of Shoulder Stand | Candle Pose | Yoga With Adriene
Video taken from the channel: Yoga With Adriene
Headstand and Shoulderstand Yoga Inversion Sequence Plow Pose: Halasana. After Headstand, come to lie on your back and bring yourself into Plow Pose. Plow and Shoulderstand Shoulderstand: Salamba Sarvangasana.
From Plow, bring yourself into Shoulderstand.WHY THIS SARVANGASANA (SHOULDERSTAND) SEQUENCE WORKS. I’m going to start this article with the same caveat that I included in my Headstand sequence: This practice is not designed to teach you Shoulderstand.Rather, it’s designed to break down the elements that comprise good, skillful sequencing for Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana).Inversions can often feel like a final frontier in yoga.
When you’re a beginner, there’s a good chance you look at the yogis popping up into Handstand effortlessly or holding Headstand perfectly still with admiration and awe. Then, at a certain point, you likely toy with trying inversions yourself, despite how scary they may seem.Often described as the King and the Queen of the Asana, for many students Headstand and Shoulderstand instead end up being the proverbial pain in the neck.
With both poses it’s a combination of openness and strength in the upper body that protect the vunerable neck, and allow one to experience the delights of inversion.The minimum preparation that we have to do before attempting this pose includes: Forward bends to stretch the lower back Twists or lateral bends to warm up neck, shoulders and upper back Some “legs up” pose to introduce the inversion effect Bridge pose to stretch the upper back and neck right before.It combines a sequence of standing poses with sirsasana (headstand), adho mukha vrksasana (handstand) and sarvangasana (shoulderstand).
Each of the inversions are initially presented in a preparatory form, and then developed with options that are closer to the final pose.Thank you, Noah, for speaking this truth to power. There is an ongoing debate in the kids and teen yoga world about whether or not to introduce inversions like headstand and shoulderstand.
On one side, folks argue that kids will “do these types of poses anyway.” They say we should go ahead and teach them the proper alignment.By referring to Sirsasana and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) as the king and queen, or father and mother, of asanas, the ancient yogis were trying to make two points: These are important poses, and they are a pair.In certain systems of hatha yoga, these asanas are considered to be the very foundation upon which a yoga practice should be built, since the benefits one gets from practicing.It’s said that Headstand (Sirsasana) is the king of yoga postures, while Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) is the queen.Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) and Peacock (Pincha Mayurasana) certainly must also live in the royal court.These “inversions,” so named because they invert (or switch) our bodies’ relationship to space and gravity, have numerous health benefits.Downward facing dog with the head supported prepares you for the experience of full-body inversions such as headstand, handstand, and shoulderstand, where the head is below the heart and the legs are up. • From all fours, curl your toes under and lift your.
Headstand and shoulderstand were considered by Mr Iyengar to be the centrepieces of yoga practice. They are often somewhat quaintly referred to as the “king and queen” or “father and mother” of the Asanas and are the ones that, if all else falls away from one’s practice, should be maintained.The sequence of yoga inversions forms a part of the intermediate workouts. They are not for beginners. Especially, the yoga poses such as the headstand, the plow pose and the shoulderstand are for intermediate students of yoga.
Inversions sequence begins with a headstand which is also known as salamba sirsasana. It is very beneficial.There’s no enlightenment in headstand! Some postures we never will do.
And finally, they will all go. Inversions, however, are the most vital part of your vinyasa krama (practice or sequence of appropriate asana designed for you). Inversions are at the midpoint of your vinyasa, the peak of your practice.
You prepare for them and come down.Downward facing dog is the most commonly practiced inversion. The heart is above the head, but the body is supported by hands and feet. Most inversions are practiced at the end of a yoga class, just before relaxation.
Shoulder stand, headstand and hand stand are examples of advanced inversions.You can practice shoulderstand responsibly by keeping both the back of the head and the neck and shoulders on the floor. This will result in a half-shoulderstand. You can also take a relaxing legs-up-the-wall pose, keeping your entire spine on the floor.
Inversions are generally done toward the end of Yoga practice.
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from Original Yoga: Rediscovering Traditional Practices of Hatha Yoga | |
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from Art and Science of Raja Yoga: Fourteen Steps to Higher Awareness, Based on the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda | |
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from Anatomy of Hatha Yoga: A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners | |
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from AARP The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit | |
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from Resources for Teaching Mindfulness: An International Handbook |
wow what did I just do!! can’t believe I just did that…. twice! Thank you for a very well explained class I was genuinely surprised when my toes hit the floor behind my head…. even more so when I was able to straighten both legs:) Namaste
Hey Adriene i am from India and have been following your yoga since past 4 months now. I must say you are amazingly beautiful and i love the way you teach:)
I usually love this pose but today it feels awkward and enclosed so I gave it a go but me thinks I’ll just repeat the prep and get my legs up the wall
I did it I did all of it! The only thing it’s harder to get into a handstand on a blanket that it is with a blanket removed is anyone else having an issue?
What is the difference between Shirshasan and handstand (doing shirshasan on stretched hands, or simply standing upside down on hands)? How long they should be done at one go? Finally should person with high blood pressure should do Sarvangasan, shirsasan or handstand? Because some say people with blood pressure should not do and some say everyone should do it? Even gurus of yoga say different things, hence asked?
While doing this my whole body just landed on my left arm
I’ve been doing my shoulder stands wrong this whole time! I can actually feel this where as before I was just going through the movement of shoulder stand.:) Thank you so much Adrienne!!
Hey Catt! I really enjoy doing yoga with you every single day! I just have a little request. Just a moment with music after the routine. I love when at the end of it we lie down and get ready for a moment of meditation. The this is that I need to move in order to stop the next video or play some metitation music. I feel like I interrupt the beautiful atmosphere you leave us with.
JGibbs i know you watched this with a box of tissues and a jar of vaseline nearby
Be a real man and fall on your face. Also do this near a fireplace. Motivates you not to fail uwu
Great tutorial! Where are you from? I can’t place your accent.
For the forearm stand it also really helps if you put a strap around your elbows, so the strap is just snug enough that it keeps your elbows from bowing out. It really helped me feel more stable and supported as I kick up. =)
You have a new subscriber sister ️ been doing this pose without knowing it’s a yoga pose
Thank you so much for your video!I have no backfelxibility and the only video’s I could find on the internet were people explaining to fall into a bridge wich I can’t. So I’m so happy you showed it like this to people who are not flexible! Thank you so much!
I was going to start this comment with “i can’t believe i just did that” but you know what? I CAN! Amazing how yoga practice is making me more aware and confident of my body and my feelings. I’m stronger in every sense! My year started out with the HOME journey and i’ve been practicing at least twice a week since. So you know what: i CAN believe i just did that and can’t wait for the next practice! THANK YOU ADRIENE.
That first step after bridge (lift legs) was hard!!! I have to work on my core strengh!! THANK YOU ADRIANE! I made this pose in ballet classes as a kid…but never got explained the real process to getting into it! Your Step by step was amazing! GRACIAS!
Hey you are teaching in an amazing way. But even though I am trying to put pressure on forearms, I can feel pressure on my head. And it’s not comfortable. Can you suggest the solution?
Just feeling soooooo well after this video, thank you Adriene <3
Day 296 I’ve been doing this my whole life and only at the beginning of this year I knew it’s a yoga pose.Enjoyed this practice so much
That was fun, I love these yoga videos that shows you how to start doing some maybe difficult yet interesting poses.
Second month of yoga with you fist 30 Days of Yoga Challenge and now I made it to the last video of Foundations of Yoga!:) Still need to train most of these poses but at least now I don´t need to worry about what to expect during the other practices and know some variations.:) So next is the playlist of Yoga Breathing and Yoga for Begginers, maybe the one for Back Pain and Weight Lose too and then the rest of the 30 Days of Yoga Challenges.:) So at least now I have a plan for the rest of this year I guess:D Luv you! <3 You made me to take care of my body more and try to take care of my mind as well!:)
THE ONLY VIDEO THAT HAS ALLOWED ME TO BE ABLE TO DO AN ELBOW STAND!!! YAYYY!! Thank you so so so much!! I’ve been trying for months and now I can finally do it!
How can I make the fall hurt less lol? Everytime I lose balance I turn over and hit the floor really hard
I love these videos, where we’re encouraged to slow down and really focus on all the different elements, which parts are grounding, which parts are lifting, navel to spine, chin to chest, brighten your fingers. I feel like I can slow down and be present and get the reminders/instructions to be in poses mindfully and safely.
I’ve ‘sort of’ been following Explore Oct 2019– and probs wouldn’t haven’t have clicked on this video had it not been a part of this months selection! A stretching experience, I’m glad I gave it a go!
I had trouble getting my legs up using my core shall I work on core strength more??
But once they were up loved the ‘freedom’ of discovering how my body could move and playand reallyplay time! YES!
THANKS Adriene:)
PS. I did find my lower back painful after coming down out of this pose. How might I protect this part of myself in future!?
I love this class! Has really helped me practice headstand (although I go against the wall just to get more okay with it as a beginner) and I just think it’s a lovely flow… I love ALL the dolphins! Thank you!!:)
I was gonna sit and watch this and see if I wanted to try but as soon as you started I got on my mat, then found one of your flows and did that. Thank you your guidance has given me confidence to conquer a forearm stand. HAPPY VIBES from Liverpool, UK
When he starts using words like lunar and solar, u know he is making it up
Omg i was only watching this before, now i know how to headstand, not that so good yet but getting there, i posted it in my youtube so i will see my progress
I did a shoulder stand!
My boobs try to suffocate me in plow pose though. Otherwise it felt good.
Any tips for 12:30? I should probably master that one first:|
So excited and happy to see that instagram post the announcement of 30days of yoga cant wait! Thanks alot!! Loads of love❤️
This pose I struggle with, but moved to a wall to help get into the pose. Once I was in it it felt good. Will have to do this practice again.
Clearly Benji has achieved Nirvana already and he is just there to be an anchor for Adriene on her journey in life. Thanks for the videos, love you and your dog!
Anyone else experience back pain when doing this pose? I’m wondering if I’m doing anything wrong or if my back simply doesn’t like this pose (I do have low back issues from time to time, but they’ve improved drastically with daily yoga practice!) In any case, I certainly could stand to strengthen my back more so that is something I’m already working on and maybe that will help! TIA
I used to be able to do this. Not sure what happened but I find myself not trusting myself to do this. So I guess I’m going to work on building my self trust.
BKS Iyengar’s contribution at Yoga field is phenomenal…,
He came from dare poverty and serious ill health ness….
Considering all those: I always respect him from my deepest heart for his Tapa and perseverance!!!
No one is perfect in this world.., all are relative.
It’s kinda no brainer question but do you need to do it in an empty stomach? I feel my stomach acid going to my brain ✌
Hey Adriene! It’s been a while since Youtube fed me any of your videos, and I kind of fell off of yoga for a while due to stress and life stuff. Kicking myself because like… that’s the best time to lean on Yoga!! haha but anyways, so glad you’re still doing videos and I feel like I’m reconnecting with an old friend. Just wanted to say thanks for what you do and the content you put out there long time fan here:)
Awesome video! Im going to use it to help me master the forearm stand. I’ve been using the wall but with my face facing it and will use the tip to face away from the wall
#ywaexplore day 24: Today I couldn’t even get out of bridge pose. 10 months ago, I wouldn’t have clicked on the video at all. It’s a journey, whether you are running, walking or crawling.
I am also another person who always did this pose before knowing it was yoga. I tried to do it with blankets like in the video, but for me the pose feels better without and I felt more “unsafe” with blankets, like I was on top of a rock or something. ;D I like how you always emphasize all boides are different, here mine clearly is and works a bit different.:)
This was so good for my shoulders and neck I’ve tried stress relief sessions before, but only for 10-15 minutes, and after this session, the tension is “gone” just wonderful Namaste
Marry me ♥ in all seriousness after 1 month of practicing yoga each day an hour a day. I can now do both yoga headstand and Tripod headstand. Thank you.
Something that always bothered mein bridge prep me hand never touch the mat (only my fingerprints). Is that just a different body build, or am I doing something wrong? Thank you
Thank you so much for this tutorial I’ve watched a few films on how to train and get into Pincha, but this has been the one that’s worked for me. I’ve been practising everyday for nearly 4 weeks and can now hold it with split legs yay! I have also never used the wall towards me as I think it makes you fearful of falling backwards, which will inevitably happen and it just takes longer to conquer that fear
Thank you so much for the great explanation! You’re soo nice, kind and calm. I really love your video’s, you’re so beautiful <3
Hi Adriene,
Could you keep adding foundational poses?
I enjoy your teaching style and how you make it accessible in stages. You’ve taught me from Mountain and I am honored to be your student. Whenever I visit another instructors class, they compliment me on my form. That’s you
This is amazing!I m practicing yoga often. But recently I’ve got pain in my shoulder and neck (muscle strain)
I wonder if it’s safe to do the shoulder stand again or it will worsen the pain?
Thank you and merry christmas have a blessed holiday for you and your beloved ones ❤
I was able to get to 8:00 then tapped out. Hopefully will be able to update this comment!
Ahhhhhh I felt so strong when I got my knees up like that.:)
This is exactly what I used to do few years ago when I was a kid. During the whole practice I was wondering if I was the only one finding it super easy, I did not even feel tight in the hamstrings. At the end of the video I read the comments. Thanks everyone who commented the same! And thanks Adriene for this great practice. Namaste
very good video, thank you! My shoulders gonna kill me tomorrow but whatever, it’s quarantine anyway 😉
I wonder if you could add some information about breathing: how to breath during transitions. Thank you
I find plow pose so much harder than candle pose, is it just me? I feel like I’m being suffocated and can only stay in it for a second, in case anyone has advice!
Should’ve played “Protect ya neck” by Wu-Tang clan on loop for this video
I can do headstand but not able to do elbow stand….please guide how to proceed
Starting at 11:57, it looks as though you’re about to perform a press mount handstand like in Gymnastics:-) awesome
Awesome!!!! Thanks a lot for this. May I suggest tutorials for basic postures as well? That would really help. ❤️
I came in thinking the dolphin pose would be easy. Oh boy was I wrong. The hardest thing I’ve ever tried to do in yoga. I am still beginner but I know this is me just leveling up
it said he taught J. Krishnamurti
that what said about it in his own world…J. Krishnamurti:
I’ve been doing candle pose for years now in my practice and was just wondering there was something I could do differently to improve and/or make it more comfortable. Turns out, there was:) Thank you Adriene!
Thank you so much for this practice. While I have practiced headstand for several years now, this is the first time I have mastered scissor lift (rather than almost kicking up) your tip about back position was insightful for me! Namaste
Love when you remind us how different our bodies are. I have a super long torso which sometimes make certain poses appear awkward, but I rocked this one! Thank you Adrienne, have a beautiful week!
Glad thst Adriene is tskeing care of her back.Got me a little dazy becouse of bsd food or I got rushed into the posture.I wasent warmed hsd a lot of warnings still this could be combined with some other video.I did candle pose lately so I am oky still a note that you need to warm your body and for people to be a litle
fit for this..I could understand that Adriene was a little reluctant to this.I don’t really hear the warnings:))This is just a friendly observing of some aspects All good intentions,YWA.I love you.Thank you so mich
Great core exercises with the bricks. Very clear instructions.
Yesterday i started and yes i will
cuz i can do it
One day i will
Please support me(like)
Who else does bridge pose everyday to open bra before sleeping?
Thanks for making this video. Unfortunately this still isn’t part of my practice. I can’t seem to get my knees to my chest to even get into the prep for shoulder stand. Even when I’m near a wall. Any suggestions?
Hi! I did this practice yesterday and I’m now having lower back pains, apparently I pushed myself too hard! Anyway, I’m here to say listen to your body guys and take it little by little! Cheers!
This information is very interesting. Is there a book that goes into detail on what he was talking about and the rest of the body, explaing and merging the eastern and western science?
The block was more comfortable for me than the blankets. Once i got my legs over, however not touching the floor over my head, I couldn’t breath. My candle pose was great though.
Why I feel sudden pain in back and waist next morning or during sleeping time, after doing headstand or shoulder stand?? Is it any side-effect or my body weakness??
Thanks so much Adriene! I found that the blankets made it a lot harder for me and I ended up practicing on my mat.
Thank you so much. slowly flow amazing Namaste
Excited as I was able to get closer to forearm headstand. Thank you!
Great… I’ll pratice many times. Btw you look like my twin girls
Loved your video. I really like your top. Can I ask the brand or place I can buy? Thanks:)
This has always been a hard pose for me ever since I started yoga. Tried it today and still not sure if its the right time for me to be doing this. I believe in time it will come…
Co jiného dělat v karanténě…:D <3 Sári, jak často by si doporučila toho trénovat? Znám se... Abych to nepřehnala.:D Skvělé video!!
this is sooo impressive! how calmly you can talk, while you are standing on your head/elbows!! wow! hope to get there one day:D
Oh, my god. I’m not into yoga, but this lady is stunnig, it’s just radiating off her. As if just being close to her would make anyone more beautiful, too. Her partner must be the happiest person on Earth.
“it’s quite difficult” so that’s why she can still talk in a normal way
Day 24, a good opportunity to swap for some favourite Core and Bootysee you tomorrow on the mat ♀️♀️
heyy i like your videos very much!! but i heve a problem, every time i try to do the candle poes i choke on my boobs, what should i do?
That was so great.. maybe one step further class could be shared to go little bit beyond, based on this one?
My elbows are rubbed up anytime I’m doing this!:( However, this video is really good. I love your way of teaching!
You make everything look so effortless it gives me false confidence till I try it out
Where do you buy your yoga gear? Love that top and leggings!
Сара, спасибо из России!
Шикарное объяснения, есть чем заняться на карантине!
Sara, thanks from Russia!
Gorgeous explanations, I will train forearm stand during quarantine!
I was never the a good “up side down person” so this is what I really need.
….I used to be a hardcore yogi, with a vigorous daily practice at an intense studio. I’m currently healing from an organic farming season that did a lot of damage to my back & knees, & also energy levels overall. It has been a huge lesson in HUMILITY for me to really start over with yoga. For months I didn’t even want to practice b/c my body hurt so badly. Finding your channel has helped me so much with being gentle with myself, not expecting myself to do the poses I used to do, or in the way I used to do them, & to simply find what feels good. It is so empowering to be healing myself, and thank you so much Adriene for being a beacon & a guide in this healing process for me.
Hi Adrien, after over 40 days lockdown (uk), having completed your “ 30 Days of…”, I started on Foundations. The Candle Pose is the firstREAL obstacle I’ve come across…phew, NOWHERE NEAR……so guess I need LOTS more time to just get legs back over head.Amazing stuff, THANK YOU Adrien
You’re so nice and supportive with your instructions I feel like I can do it!
personally at a stage where I won’t tolerate adds during yoga and meditation videos. NEXT
Headstand can be extremely easy or extremely difficult to achieve. You will be guided through simple instructions to find balance, and set the arm and head alignment in order to create a stable and yet tension free base.
Hey, Dear Boho Beautiful…. I cannot headstand (arm-elbow-tennis elbow tendinitis), but Here is an Offering photos for the Spirit and of the Body, with some musings of my mind…
Have a beautiful Home Headstand Teaching and Learning, Love and blessings to you all. I LOOVE feeling the love in this section, and YES, IT IS TRUE that you can achieve anything you set your mind to /… if your heart is in there. <3 If that goal agrees with your heart, and comes truly from within: from what gives it joy.
How thick is your mat? I would like to buy a universal mat, but it’s a tough decision. I’d like to prepare to this forearm stand, do some yoga, but also some exercises for my belly ;p Does this make any sense?
How have I only just found you?! This was really helpful, thankyou so much! I have saved it to my playlist so that I can hopefully teach myself to do this (after I finish teaching myself to do the splits)
Wau máte dar od Boha jste fantastická ️ Jste úžasná jogínka
To be honest I’m trying for quit a lot of time doing forearm stand and handstand and this was the most helpful video I’ve seen (and I’ve tried plenty of videos) so thank you so much and I hope you’re safe and sound
Thank you!!! This is so helpful for learning elbow stands! If you can show us variations for side crow pose that would be great too!:)
Awesome poses and excellent teaching! I learnt perfect headstand in three months of lock down! Now, to the next one!
Why would I follow the lifestyle of someone who looks like shit?
Is there a reason I feel a lot of pressure in my lower back when I do the L Shape on the wall? Does anyone know how to help this or is it a case of just keep practicing? ♀️
I can do a headstand but I’m still far from the elbow stand. I’m not sure if I lack strength or flexibility in the shoulders or even both. Oh well I guess I’ll keep practicing and see what comes! Thanks for the tips!
This video really helps me, on point! I had difficulty to understand how to bring balance on your arms and you explained it so well. I can do headstand after 3 months on and off trial. Yeay!
Wow. It’s a long time since I’ve been this present. Thank you.
I know this is tomorrow’s practice but I tried it today and I am so frustrated with myself like I can get my legs off the ground together so I used the wall and my leg toppled over my shoulders and I fell twice it was nothing to bad it was sort of a roll over situation and I felt so ridiculous and like I had no idea what I was doing maybe tomorrow when I practice it will be better, anyone have tips to help just let me know I would really appreciate it
Question! Am I in the wrong position as I had a massive head rush and felt my weight was more in my head! I’m a beginner with yoga and this is my first time practicing a head stand. I will be just doing the dolphin poses for now but any advice would be helpful!
every time you shine a light on something you blind yourself…!
Hi Cat, thank you for the practice. So happy I came across your YouTube channel as I find it more progressive and challenging than other milder forms of yoga on youtube. Your the perfect teacher. Thank you
everything was going well untill she moved to the wall.. like i couldnt even do that first wall sit. anyone who has lived same?
It’s very important to support the full weight of your body in your neck…. right.
Also, I absolutely loveee your room it looks so minimal and clean and just calming, absolute room goals
I am scared form yesterday trying this and now I’m just in my head about it but I tried it again working on lifting my back and legs off the ground and it was a lot better then trying to just put my leg over my head, I think I might need someone to be present with me when I trying to go that deep into this posture so I don’t like damage my neck and back, I think that I might try again later anyways hope everyone was safe while practice much love Namaste Everyone ❤
Kindly request to mention that this is “SHIRSASAN” one of the part of YOG (meaning union of mind and body).Also kindly give guidance of SUKSHMA ASAN (worm up ).Also Kindly tell GURU from you received knowledge of YOG please.
Awesome practice/clinic…and I love that you talked about and demonstrated modifications for issues, and not just power thru for the camera! Namaste!
Her:good to have a yoga block
Me:grabs 3 books and stacks it
Still me:keeps tumbling down
Her:well I told you to grab the dang yoga block
Very helpful. Thank you. Most important thing I learnt was how to fall. Trying to do arm stand for years.
The second half is really good. Specially the landing techniques. Thank you
all the doctors in the comment session feeling threatened about there incomplete knowledge and hence diagnosis. trying to find faults guruji’s teaching.
Hi! I had no trouble getting into the pose and felt good in it but when my feet touched the ground again I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I had to go back into bridge and then slowly work my way down from there. Do you know what I might have been doing wrong? Or have any tips to avoid this? Thank you so much
I’m quite new to yoga and you have been my only teacher, so doing this the first time with blankets was stressful and hard and I was discouraged but I did it again without blankets and it was easier. Video basically gave me a lesson of the day:to adjust in discomfort but not quit
OMG! I don’t know why but I wasn’t confortabe with the idea of the blanket, and it went so well without it! I feel so light: my low back is light, my shoulders are light, as well as my neck.I don’t feel anymore tension of any kind! It’s unbelievable! As many of the YWA community, I used to do the candle pose when I was a child, but I didn’t do it for so long (maybe 35 years) that I didn’t think il will be so easy and so gooooood. Thank you Adriene for this admirable step by step! You always know how to make us do what seems impossible, so that we also enjoy the road by doing it!! NAMASTE
This is a sad moment for me. I always respected Mr. Iyengar because he trained so many talented teachers, and I have enjoyed some of his books. I have never heard him speak before now, and I am very disappointed. His explanation of the way science divides up the functioning of the human nervous system is not at all in accordance with the way we understand the nervous system in science. He identifies the three areas of the nervous system as the Peripheral Nervous System Autonomous Nervous System, and Central Nervous System. That assertion has very little bearing on reality it’s like saying that the three types of food humans eat are Vegetables, Carbohydrates, and Grapes. It is both incomplete and a distortion.
“Peripheral Nervous System functions from the senses of perception, and that’s why kids today are taking drugs.” No sir. The special senses are closely wired to the central nervous system, not the peripheral. And sure, do headstands they may well keep you off drugs for all anyone knows but when you don’t know what you’re talking about, just leave it and let the practice speak for itself, there is no reason to keep talking just to fill the air with a lot of important sounding nonsense.
Thank you! ma’am
We love your yoga video
You inspire me to do yoga♀️
Thank you!
Hi! Thanks for the tips! Can I ask you where did you buy this mat?
great instruction and thanks for reminding of headstand form! Nicaragua great place to be during Covid. I researched which countries were open and i believe this was one. peace to you boho
i am 58 years old. i was doning head stand since at age age og 18, but in age of 52 years some nody has told me not to do head stand after the age 50 years. pl. suggest wether i can continue in this age.waiting for your reply.
thanks and regards
Pls someone tell me any tips on doing it without using a wall:)
WOOD me encanto como lo explicas, lo intentaré!!Muchas gracias y me suscribiré a tu canal, gracias
I tried doing it yesterday and I fell plenty of times and now my upper back is sore and it kinda forces me to keep my spine straight.I hadnt practice bridges or anything like that for years and I dont know if I should attempt it today as well I really don’t want my back to be hurting…what should I do?Wait fir the pain to pass or still practice
I can do it but I have trouble keeping balanced. I either lean back too much or lean too forward
I’m here lying on bed watching this. Let me rewind, get off this bed and go try this. I MUST get that forearm stand
I love these tutorials because I feel like you’re here with me
Hello Adriene! This was an interesting practice which I enjoyed! I really want to be able to do the shoulder stand correctly but when going back into plough pose I can’t seem to get my toes to touch the ground behind me. Also when I lift myself up, I struggle to straighten my back. Any advice on how to correct or alter this to make it work? Thank you and have a nice day!:)
thank you for helping us improving our yoga positions in such a comprehensible video!
Wow, perfect. I really like the variations
Great video, thank you!
اوميقااااااات حاولت اسويها بس الدم يتجمع في راسي لدرجة احس عيوني حتنفقع او تخرج من مكانها!!!!
Morning Quarantine Goal ( 1:50):
Context: Somewhat fit young female who is terrified of headstands
Day 1: Wow this is hard! I stopped at 3:30
Day 2: I stopped at 3:41. Gonna try again tomorrow!
Day 3: I did it til 4:12.
Day 4: I skipped it, because I was running late.
Day 5: Did it til 4:12 again!
Day 6: Got lazy. Sorry, I didn’t do it.
Day 7: I did it til 4:12 twice! I’m going to do an arm workout today!
Day 8: Arms are so sore! I did it til 3:43. I did my abs workout!
Day 9: Stopped at 4:10.
Day 10: 4:11
Day 11: 4:11 with extra practice
Day 12: 4:10 with an arm workout
Day 13: 4:12. I’m getting closer to it! I’m not strong enough to hold it yet, but pushing off my bed made it easier. Did abs workout.
Day 14: 4:13. I did a headstand for one second and fell over
Day 15: 4:11
Day: 16: Rest day!
Day 17: Much easier than yesterday! 4:10
Day 18: Getting close! 4:11. I did it and lost balance again. When I did it against a wall, I realized I put too much weight on my head. I think I need to build my arm & abs strength before I keep going
Day 19: Ughhh it’s my period. I’m going to take a rest day,
Day 20: 4:10. Gonna do upper body workout. I did a headstand for a bit again, but I still put too much weight on my head.
Day 21: 4:01.
Day 22: Rest day!
*Day 23: OMG! I can do it with back support! I did an upper body workout!
Day 24: 4:08. I’m so sore from my arm workout, so I’ll try a headstand again it a couple of days.
Day 25: Rest day!
Day 26: Did it against the bed for balance support. Gonna do upper body workout today!
Day 27: Forgot to do it
Day 28: 4:00
Day 29: 4:02
Day 30: 4:10
I’m going to take a long(ish) break from this and come back to it when I feel like it
May be not today, may be one day, or may be never, and that’s okay ☺️✨ Thank you so much Adriene and namaste
my feet do not touch the ground, but at least i can get my legs up with control, yay! Thank you Adriene, I appreciate you and your teaching so much.
I made it through all the videos in the foundations series. Feeling awesome. L.O.V.E
Lovely video, I’m inspired! Thank you for sharing. Where are your top and leggings from?
Just finished a yoga session didn’t go as long as I wanted to was feeling a little down then I was able to just now do this omg I fell backwards but it’s still a win for me!
What song is that around 0:45– 1:23??? Someone please tell me
I recently discovered these videos, and I love them. They’re really making a difference. But I find that I’m completely unable to point my feet out, as my soles immediately cramp up.
Where did you bought your mat? My mat will slip if I do that
Love the man, but bless him, he did spout some bullshit didn’t he?
so like i have no strength in my arms, i can only do like 10 pushups but you know what, i want to try soooo mad so lets hope i dont break anything!
We have his book at home!
We promote your business Mr Iyengar! He looks like my uncle a lill bit!
I think I’m a regular guy, I just have this inborn, natural ability for YOGA! Union with the universe/diwine/nature! I don’t practice asanas really…I only know Surian Namaskar!
My third eye ( seat of intuition) opened a long time ago!
Nothing abnormal about me!
I could do the headstand today.Thank you so much.Sending you lots of love from India.
Omg cant believe it!! Finally did it!! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Where is your matt from? It looks so comfortable and secure!
I can’t wait to try this. Thank you for an informative video
literally one of the best tutorials i’ve seen!! also where is your yoga mat from? ❤
4;12 why cant I do this? Seriously Im practising for like two weeks now and I just cant do this
well, the gury does not look very fit, he should learn how to train to stay fit and live a long healthy life. He needs science, scientifically proved techniques, which translates into physiotherapy.
What this man is saying is utter non-sense,and does not reflect the teachings of the hatha yoga pradipika.I allways thought Iyengar had tremendous ego issues,same goes with his daughter.He never appeared to me like a balanced individual,neither healthy nor wise.He is of the suppressed type,many incarnations yet to be lived before liberation.
i still cant do a forearm stand after watching this video once, but ive seen tips and tricks that has made it easier for me. so probably if i keep at this everyday ill be able to do it very soon.
Thank you!!! This exactly what I needed:)
After years following you, i’m stil amazed by how you renew and improve your content. Thank you (and your team ) for your hard work
Adrienne i really appreciate ur videos and follow ur practices a lot but please like in this video too much talking makes me loose concentration, it is ok do not feel bad about ur back issue we understand just go straight to the pose as it is.
If your reading this your not alone….yes I too almost broke my damn neck attempting this
I can’t keep my legs straight when I’m doing “forearm with a wall ” is that normal? What can I do to solve this?
Thank you Sara for this helpful video. I hope you do videos for other poses (like handstands). Even on my first day trying it I managed to stay in the pose like for 2 seconds. I bruised my knee so bad but it definitely worth it hahaha. Quarantine is the best time to work on it!
I was laughing out loud at myself a few times!!! Bahahahha! I think I did it though! Thank you for the great practice once again! #ywaEXPLORE Day 24 (Day 54 of practice) Namaste Adriene
Question, can i do the shoulder stand against a wall so i can hold it longer
What camera and microphone do you use to film this? Really great video and explanation btw:)
Indians are a race of nerds that were allowed to do whatever they wanted (the word nerd for me is one of affection). This is the evolved understanding of what a nerd would prioritise as exercise with a very strong left wing slant.
Most knowledgeable person in Yoga he was. And he developed simple gadgets like rope, belt, pillow, chair for elderly persons who can start all assans without difficulty from day first.
Thank you for the video! I’m trying to do the elbow stand, but it feels like my head will crack and I’m scared XD are you supposed to feel pressure in your head? I’m trying to put all the weight on my forearms though
awesome tutorial! but i feel like my arms r way to short to hold myself up
Instead of talking while doing it.. which is has dangerous implications which are beyond our understanding.. Try adding the audio after…
Beautiful! I have ancylosing spondylitis and surely NOT going to try this but I frequently like to watch people being flexible and healthy <3
I needed this video!! This has made inversion poses more clearer for me
13:50 WTFFF how do you do this, i can’t even hold that for 15 seconds
Great video!!!
I am afraid of falling because I don’t feel that my shoulders are flexible enough yet and I fear that I would break my muscles. I will do this practice frequently and hopefully I will learn how to fall:D
another great video, found it really good for my shoulders with all the dolphin and downward dog poses. I’ve never felt really comfortable with trying headstands but the drills are great. some more tutorials on headstand practice would be awesome too!:)
How much time we should maintain this position and can we lean on a wall?
Hello Adriene! I just come back and do should stand again. I find that I start to fall in love with this amazing posture. This time I made it twice! Thank you for the wonderful demonstration. You are always the best. Namaste.:)
You are so beautiful that while watching you, one can’t pay attention to what you are teaching. I tried quite hard to understand what all you said but couldn’t learn anything.
How sweet the dog is,really i love it,it doesn’t want to interfere in others work and taking a really awesome nap.superb keep it up my sweet dog.
I think I watched your video 10 times and now I was brave enough to fall and I’m really happy about it. Actually it makes fun ♡
Thanks Sara! Great tutorial, will use it to learn forearm handstand during quarantine time! Best regards and stay safe!
Please wear suitable clothing men in speedos is not a pretty sight.
Thank you!! Falling is the key! Have to learn it! For some reason afraid of falling over my back! Almost there
Please put on some lose clothings at least mr yogi… white westerners are not comfortable with their own bodies and would call this sexual exploitation because of their adam and eve bullshit from the christian churches which makes them hate their own naked/half-naked images… especially the feminists will try to destroy you..
I thought I would never be able to do this but now after practising for a month, I can do it! Feels great
Wow you have perfect body flexibility and strength you don’t need to do any thing Oh I hope to reach your level ❤️❤️❤️ good luck
because what else is there to do at 11:30pm on quarantine right?
what a horrible body. And practices Yoga his whole life. Besides when he speaks one can see that he is not a very inteligent man. His explanations are poor.
Hi! I’ve been working on this headstand for a little while now and can’t seem to get it right, I feel like there is too much weight on my head. Should I stick with arm strengthening exercises first? Yesterday I practiced for awhile and now today I have a headache and my neck is sore:/ oops! And I couldn’t quite get my legs up without my husband helping me. I am extremely tall for a woman, maybe that has something to do with why it’s hard for me? I appreciate the help!!! Love your videos! I’ve been doing your yoga videos daily for 4 weeks now and am feeling amazing!!!
Wow! How to assimilate genuine science into new age bullshit. What a con artist!
I think I sympathize with you tucking your shirt into your pants more than any person should.
Headown I been practicing for year and now I just stop last week because it effects ear nevers and tinnitus evoking. Any suggestion??
I have to try this, but I already know that I’m too weak and unflexibel:(
Please don’t do head stands unless your body is free from toxins. The toxins are fat soluble and settle in your brain causing tumours.
BKS is good within his Limits, His Ego and Arrogance shrouds his Vidya though. There are so many of phrases like: I did, I taught, I was the first one, I found it in his speech. He is a very Angry man too, if you have encountered with him. Last but not the least,, why should a YOGI at this age of 90 be clad with so much of GOLD head to toe. So materialistic Achievement in Body is so futile… A doctor does it better.
Day 3 doing this video and I can still barely hold the L shape at 14:34! This is hard but I’m for it
What an old fool! He can’t know anything about how the brain works. But people seem to feel good after one or two minutes of headstand. Isn’t that enough?
All pseudo science around yoga, alternative medicine, etc… takes away the credibility of the disciplines. The yoga system is developed under a long time, purely empirical, but people at those days needed to have some theory behind the whole thing, therefore all those strange theories about energies etc…
Yoga helps since it makes us develop a healthy relation between body and mind. That’s all we need to know.
And if we wan’t to go further we can always study zen. Zen is the ultimate yoga. Just sit on a pillow and face yourself!
Hi, the funny thing is, that in Czechia, children are doing this pose in elementary school. This is my first pose i did with no problem lol:DDD
What strange behavior??
What arrogance, it makes me uncomfortable when I hear him speak, he seems to have a revenge to take against his body he wants to tame by an effort without depth.
What strange idea to say that Sarvangasana and Sirsasana are the same postures?
Certainly if like him we just stop at a physical and nervous vision of what we are then all inverted postures are worth it and this is very surprising for a person who has spent his life doing Yoga…
Sarvangasana and Sirsasana do not work at all in the same way on subtle bodies!
This shows us that if we do not connect to something divine we can make all our lives very beautiful postures, very photogenic and have a body that works more or less well, but really spend completely beside the essential.
Satyananda said that yogis are healthy monkeys…
Yoga is connecting with universality and the Divine, the body is only the temple where this connection, this puja must take place and yoga does not concern it!
Started this today and will continue practicing daily until I’m able to do it 100%
I’ll come back and update then!
Well his students who are demonstrating the poses, are actually very patient. Holding a pose for such a long time, really requires advanced practice and experience with yoga.
its carp…! Crap is better…! it worse than MacDonald…!
Hi. I love your videos. They’re helping me to take better care of myself. I was wondering if there is a sequence you can do for people who have maybe injured their shoulder. I have to pick and choose moves in some of these videos so I don’t dislocate my shoulder again. It’s making building my core and balance back up difficult
The great man does some naming of the parts here and compares Patanjali with western anatomy. Once again he provides zero evidence for any benefit from doing inversions.
Wowwow really amazing,think am need more more time and days to practice more from you.thks
I thought at the end… wow I feel so much taller. Then I realised I was sat on 2 blankets:D Thank you, have great weekend everybody. Metta x
Thank you, Cat! This was amazing. I audibly gasped when I was able to get up into a headstand. I didn’t think I would ever be able to! Thank you.
Göz kamaştırıcı güzellikleri ve samimi tavırlarıyla dostluğunuzu kazanmayı bekleyen İzmit escort ile yeni dostluklara yelken açın. Kalbinizi kazanmak için fırsat bekleyen bu bayanlara bir şans verin!
Hey Cat, your flows are amazing and i’ve been watching them for quite a whileI have gotten used to waking up an hour before class to practice and as a circus artist and dancer its made me progress incredibly. Thank you for everything! I do have a suggestion thoughcould you make a sort of flow for back and shoulder flexibility? Kind of like your splits practice!
Hey hun, I can see that you appear to have a prominent asymmetry in your hip/shoulder or back. It’s causing a lean or sway which may cause back pain in the future if it hasn’t already. Please get it checked out so you can continue moving in the way you love:)
Thank you so much, though I couldn’t finish it because I hurt my elbows durind the practice. It is so hard!
I can’t feel anything in my arms. It all went onto my head. What am I doing wrong?
I think I’m going to have to revisit this another time.:( Nothing felt available beyond bridge.
Hi Adrienne, I got real inspiration from you and started doing Yoga. I learnt many asanas and pranayama as well. Thanks for sharing awesome videos. Keep inspiring us….
How about leg flexibility? When I try to do the last bit off the wall it feels like I need to be able to do a split…
What a useless practitioner of yoga. Look at his belly. And body. He is died of some illness. His yoga could not save him.
Lovely video thank you:) Would you be able to do a video about how to choose a yoga mat please? xx
Anybody knows where to find the second video clip where Guruji is showing Sirsasana variations?
Just what I needed!! I finally managed to do tripod headstand but I’m stuck there. Today, I just did one of your 50-min yoga flows so tomorrow I shall do this!! Thank you so much!