I'm a family doc. Any dermatologists here?
One of my patients claims that she rarely gets sick: no URTIs in the past five years. But since starting Epuris in Sep. 2018, she has seen me monthly and I've diagnosed her with URTIs monthly. Is there any evidence that isotretinoin indirectly causes URTIs? These forum comments allege "yes":
Your body is under a lot of additional stress, which makes your body more prone to sickness. However, respiratory infections are something to take seriously when on Accutane, as they can be a side-effect. You should let your doctor know about this.
Yep, you got it accutane weakens the immune system….For some it persists after the course is over and for some it has gotten better of time after the course is over.
Oh my yes. I had bad colds throughout the course which is pretty unusual for me.
Oh my yes. I had bad colds throughout the course which is pretty unusual for me.
Source: Original link