My "friend" who is an RN is being voluntold to participate in a data migration process for the cutover from Cerner to Epic. The process as described will be a very much manual data entry.
During one of the practice sessions, someone asked why the data entry was manual instead of a program that transferred the data. The response was that there was no such program. When asked regarding the liability exposure entering orders that someone else received (possibly days ago) in Cerner into Epic, the response from higher ups was along the lines of "don't mess up then; you only have to enter orders for 2-3 patients PER hour" x 6 hours for a 645-bed facility. My friend will be using his regular RN login and will have his login/ID attached to the orders of these 12-18 patients that he does not know outside of the data entry and data migration process. Is that even in his scope of practice? I.E. entering orders that someone else received?
But isn't it these situations that systems integration consultants are brought in? To do the data mapping and to develop the required software to perform the actual data migration?
Anyone ever participate in a similar data migration process? Coming from a systems integration background in an earlier career, I can't imagine manual data entry is the safest way to get life/death orders into the new system; it might be the cheapest but prolly not the safest.
xpost from Nursing at
Source: Original link