And it kills many who were 6 months to a year away from death to begin with. It culls the herd, naturally, just like the flu does. With over 97% getting over their infections, it isn't an automatic death sentence. I'm way beyond being fearful of the vaccines, I wasn't supposed to be here anyway, car wreck killed me 16 years ago, and my Doctors flat out told me I shouldn't have survived it. So just give me the vaccine, two shots please, and shut up about it. Two months later test me for the anti body, and give me the proof of vaccination, then no more masks, if I get hassled by a cop for not wearing one after I present my proof of vaccination, he can tell it to judge at his sentencing. We need to miranda the cops, and remind them everything they say or do will used against them, exactly like they do to us. I have Federally sued a County Sheriff before and by God, I'll do it again. That Bar owner in New York was raided last night without a warrant, where is the due process in that?
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