Source: (German)
Rough translated, shortened content:
55.000 doctors working in over 500 publically owned hospitals, >represented by their union "Marburger Bund", refused an offer >made by the employers negotiators in the ongoing negotiations >about working contracts and conditions ("Tarifverhandlungen").
Employers offered a 5,4 % raise in 2 steps over 2.5 years. Marburger Bund demanded a 5% raise and new negotiations new >conditions after 1 year, additionally they demanded exact >registration of working time and a time limit on call-, overnight >-and weekend-hours.
The Marburger Bund called the offer proposed by the employers >"not acceptable", and "an attempt to take our self-estem".
To force issues, doctors will begin voting whether to go on strike >soon. An emergency service will always be availiable.
Strikes, while common in other sectors, are rare for doctors. It would be the second doctors strike, the first being in 2006.
Almost all doctors up to young attendings in Germany are employed through union-negotiated contracts. The doctors union boasts 118.00 members and is Europe´s biggest, recruiting members already in University through cheap or free insurance for its members, workshops and help in law or empoyment issues.
I'm quite thankful for representation and someone who is willing to deal with empoyers, as i dont feel confident negotiating pay andworking condition as a mere resident. Also transparency regarding pay of my peers feels nice and hopefully prevents any discrimination.
You can view the current pay grades in this table
The groups represent I : resident physicians
II: physicians who finished residency and are "Fachärzte", specialty doctors
III: "Oberärzte", attending physicians
IV: "leitende Oberärzte", chief attendings, second to the chief.
The "Entwicklungsstufen" are raises after a certain amount of time you practiced in the pay group (I-IV)
How are employment conflics handled in your country?
Is there a big difference in pay?
Source: Original link