I need to rant. Today I saw a patient who came in for general weakness and AKI. She was elderly and blind. During the eval she showed numerous signs of an acute CVA or hemorrhage including L sided weakness, poor trunk control leaning toward the left as well as impaired sensation and decreased ability to follow commands (when asked to raise her left hand she would raise her right) However she was able to state where she was, the date and appeared to be AOx4 but most questions were answered with a simple yes and many were not answered at all.
I spoke to both the resident and nurse about getting stat imaging done. Both ignored my suggestion. This was around 9 am. About 3 hours later the patient had a code rapid. She was found to have an acute hemorrhage on the R Basal Ganglia as well as evidence of a frontal lobe bleed, further imaging is pending. She is now intubated.
For those of you who think PT has no place in the hospital, you are the reason there are less respect and authority given to the profession. This is by no means the only time I've brought something up to a physician, nurse etc and it's led to further findings and most likely saving a patient's life. PT is not only necessary in the hospital setting it is paramount.
EDIT- this is by no means an attack on nurses or residents etc. More often than not I have good stories to tell about a nurse or physician or PA listening and taking advice. But when a patient nearly dies due to an inability to listen, it definitely makes me frustrated.
EDIT 2- It also doesn't excuse myself. I should have been more firm to begin with/ elevated the situation which may have changed the entire scenario.
Source: Original link